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Everything posted by Black_Blade

  1. what is "mapping"? Is that like what I'd like to do and plot along a weedline ? and setting various spots on a lake etc? Who knows may use it for travelling in vehicle, but thats not its main purpose.
  2. Looking for to get a simple GPS unit snf looking at two from Canadian Tire...eTrex a small yellow unit and there is also a Megellan Explorist 500 LE on sale for $199 (42% off)...the eTrex is $139. Quandry is, should I spend the bit more for the Explorist...or just stick with the eTrex. Was just thinking to plot good spots and maybe to track a weedline to make for easier trolling the second time around. Apparently you can save info to PC and name it...then can reload that info when you are heading back to that lake. Sounds cool to me Any input is as usual greatly appreciated
  3. I put a treble stinger hook on my Storm Wild Eye Swim Shad Spinner bait(had 2 pike jump off on me at the boat), so I will be trolling with that puppy for sure. I have an assortment of other crankbaits and have uploaded a pic of them. I will prolly have all of them on my line at one time or another this weekend, but would love any feedback on what may be the better bet for the Trent in the area around Ferris Prov Park. No trolling expedition would be complete without dragging some trolling spoons as well of course!
  4. Spinnerbaits...I have several of those type that have the R bend in them.....man but they are a PITA....I much prefer the ones with complete twisted eye on them. The R type almost always mess up, so ya end up with a wasted cast. I have put little rubber O rings on the R to prevent this, but just thought I'd rant about them
  5. thanks for the info guys...I don't really have any equipment for muskie...other than my baitcaster has 30 pound PowerPro on it. Maybe I'll grab one of those big Mepps Muskie spinners at CTC and some wire leaders. Have yet to attempt for Walleyes...I got a ton of lures but most are more suitable for bass (alot of soft plastics and spinnerbaits, etc) We will be camping at Ferris Provincial Park, I'll have my 14' Sportspal and motor.
  6. Just wondering what the fishing is like on the Trent River, just south of Campbellford. Wife and I are thinking of heading that way for the weekend...
  7. I kinda figured carp would like that kinda area, but man, the water looks stagnant or something. Gonna be doing our annual setting up our tent trailer there this weekend (to do a pre-check of camping equipment for the holidays), so I will give it a try with all kinds of stuff. Will post any results.
  8. The wife and I took the canoe for a paddle tonight around this bay down by the GM Corporate offices. That is some nasty looking water in that bay!! Didn't bring my rod with me...wife just wanted to paddle around a bit I have seen people fishing the shoreline all the time, I tried it once last season with no luck. I imagine there is carp in there, but has anybody else tried this bay? Caught anything else? If nothing else, its a good place to go and practice up with the baitcaster (still learning )
  9. Welcome Maida, don't forget to hit Pigeon Lake as well....awesome bass action. I want to try to get up there as much as possible this season and try for other species in there as well (musky, walleye, etc) I usually start out at Emily PP, so its a long ride up to the lake with my 3 HP o/b...
  10. The wife and I were there last season and we have planned a 13 day stint at the provincial park there for the first 2 weeks of July. She used to go to that lake with her girlfriend as kids, they rented a little cabin (still standing on the left side of the rest area, but in rough shape nowadays). Had some really good smallmouth action there just out a bit from the park's dock (off the rocky point) with jig/grubs and plastic worms). While cruising down to the west end of the lake, the sonar was reading some fish hugging the bottom (approx 60'), I presume lakers... This year really plan on seeing about some LM action as well. Also gonna go down the road and try out Sharbot Lake while there. We really like that area and were looking at real estate in the area, plan on getting a chunk of land up that way in next few years with maybe potential to build later on, but will be great camping spot till then. The pic on my profile is from Silver Lake last year Also attached one of a early morning before I pushed off the dock.
  11. Pick yourself up a copy of the "Fishing Mapbook" for the Kawarthas region. Rice Lake will be in there among a ton of other lakes. It gives you an idea of the depths etc and you can see where the sunken railroad is. There are more detailed fishing maps out there, but this book is not a bad starting point to get ya going! Good Luck and post some pics
  12. Allrighty then...found several reviews on Ebay and none of them are good. apparently the motor is made in China...guys have never had them run right and can't get anybody to help them in customer service etc etc...should have known to good to be true a motor for half the price of a known brand...lol. But of course feel free to turn this thread into a Gull Bashing thread
  13. My new tank is a red plastic type for Canadian Tire...was thinking of straining it but since its old gas from last summer will just ditch it. Will swish some fresh stuff around, but darn, where the heck would the sediment come from eh? As for servicing it...I tried last summer, repairing the pull cord mechanism and all, where I live I'm not really set up to do much of that kind of stuff and house with garage is pipe dream material....lol. This year, would much rather just hand it over to a pro and get it back working good, so can concentrate on fishing...sounds reasonable to me
  14. I just seen on Ebay...Gull Outboard motor 2.5 hp be about $500 or so for a new 2007 model. What is the track record of these outboards? Does anybody have one? Just looking at various potential motors for my Sportspal...still scouring the buy and sell online stuff too...lol.
  15. Got an old Viking 9.2 that is being particularly ornery this season, as a matter of fact I'm taking it to shop for to get her running right. Read somewhere that old gas may cause probs with old motors or something. I had in running for a few minutes but started to see small pieces of dirt in the clear gas line just before the fuel filter...don't know how this could have got into the gas for it was a brand new tank last year and I had taken the carb off and cleaned it all and made new gaskets for it. Cleaned the fuel line filter out. Just never got around to getting it going again last season. The starter cord rewinder broke on me last year as well, but thought I had that fixed....not. So me fed up....time to take it in to a real doctor!
  16. I have a half can of mixed gas from last season, can you dispose of this at a garage? Didn't wanna just dump it out on the ground somewhere.
  17. When I got my 12 footer out on the water the first time, I realized that somebody had forgotten to seal the bolts on the plywood. I got a few of those little water tap washers and used a little dap of silicone as well for insurance...been a bone dry boat ever since. Also got some nylon lock nuts to make sure the bolts dont work lose with vibration.
  18. Guess that fella Murphy tagged along on your trip as well eh...but its cool when even he decides its time to get some fishing done! but any day fishing beats anything else!
  19. I would just replace it, if its that bad, with a piece of marine grade plywood. Pretty straight forward really....
  20. I'll manage to get the turns around the shank, but then when you go to pull the standing line to pull the excess loop thru...won't budge even when lube it.
  21. I guess it was due time to torture myself...I decided to try to snell some hooks to make a few worm harnesses. Well....the snell knot has got to be the hardest d**n knot I have come across yet to do! I have looked at that animated knot site, but it really doesn't help....finally just thrown it all down in disgust.
  22. thanks Pikehunter, although he was prepared to pay for the non resident license...the resident is cheaper, so more affordable for them.
  23. Until you get your landed immigrant status, you are not eligible to have employment, unless of course you buy a work visa for about $1500. They can't afford that, so have to wait it out.. I didn't think he would be eligible to get a resident licence, since he is not officially a resident until he gets the landed immigrant status. Not looking for any way around anything and not inserting any subliminal messages either, just curious and you never know....somebody who reads this thread may have been down the same path and could put up some info. As with all posts, I appreciate any help given.
  24. never go fishing without 'em...guess its also called Star Lake too. A portage over from Wolf Lake.
  25. I would like to be able to take my son in law out fishing this season, but thing is-he is from Virginia and is has been up here now for 2 years now...has filed all the paperwork for immigration, but it still has yet to go thru, although he must be close now! He can't 'officially' work, so looks after their 2 kids while my daughter holds down a full time job. Just wondering if anybody might be able to shed any light on whether or not there is a way to have him do a bit of fishing. He said that his dad took him once when he was a kid for about an hour and that was it. An American that has never fished...who has ever heard of such a thing! He said that his dad didn't have the patience, since its nutty down there to go out fishing...the lakes are jam packed with fishermen etc and the fish are way too pressured for the average person. sounds like need to take his dad to some of the nice quiet lakes here in Ontario....
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