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davey buoy

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Status Replies posted by davey buoy

  1. Anice dinner and a couple spirits with my wife for my birthday!!!Things could be worse!!

  2. Safteys are put on machines for a reason. DOH. No fishing for a week or two for this idiot. Nail and tip of index finger gone.

  3. whats the purpose of this site again?

  4. Finaly getting some descent temps for the weekend!!!About time

  5. This weather is going to put the fish on many hooks.

  6. Jack had his 5th Birthday party with his school buddies today…growing up fast!

  7. 400 closed from #9 to Mapleview.Nice 2.5 hour ride home

  8. Tom was sure busy last Sat morning.Hope not so much at opening time tomorrow.Iwas there 10 mins earlier before opening last Sat.I was 24th in line.Good for him doing so well!!!

  9. Tom was sure busy last Sat morning.Hope not so much at opening time tomorrow.Iwas there 10 mins earlier before opening last Sat.I was 24th in line.Good for him doing so well!!!

  10. GOLD CANADA GOLD!! Big matchups against the US tomorrow for the women, and Friday for the men. Lets get the US sweep

  11. GOLD CANADA GOLD!! Big matchups against the US tomorrow for the women, and Friday for the men. Lets get the US sweep

  12. Headed out to long shoal in the am if anyone wants to join.

  13. Anyone have an 18 Volt x 1.5 to 2.0 Ah charger lying around collectiing dust because their drill packed it in? Done fixing my charger, this time transformer gone.... need another. Send me a PM

  14. guess I need a snow blower for the house, just can't take all this white crap

  15. guess I need a snow blower for the house, just can't take all this white crap

  16. Going dark during the super bowl. Big win for Broncos?

  17. Jennifer back home in her own apartment.. to get back to some sort of normality at both ends! Just in time for her and her friends Super Bowl party tomorrow!

  18. Well at least I know why cty rd 6 is closed between the 12th and 13th... Son needs a new car! Some lady was nice enough to stop in the middle of the road and leave her WHITE car there!

  19. Well at least I know why cty rd 6 is closed between the 12th and 13th... Son needs a new car! Some lady was nice enough to stop in the middle of the road and leave her WHITE car there!

  20. Pats upset the Bronco,s and Sanfran takes the Hawks.

  21. Pats upset the Bronco,s and Sanfran takes the Hawks.

  22. Well my youngest and his girlfrind are leaving for Suncor on Sunday.Fort McMurray,here they come!!!.All the best!!

  23. Well my youngest and his girlfrind are leaving for Suncor on Sunday.Fort McMurray,here they come!!!.All the best!!

  24. So now less rain for Sat,but 25km winds.What do you think?Good to go?

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