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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Ok so I am driving from here, just outside of Toronto to BC and needed a couple tips on the Brookie fishing North of superior. I will only have my wading gear and will have both conventional and fly gear available. I was thinking the Nipigon River, Cyprus River or Jack Pine River. I am open to any other places as well as I have never been up that way and am nearly clueless as to where I should begin. Any help in finding some trout in the area between Sault Ste Marie and Dryden would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance Bill
  2. Some beauty fish you caught. Looks like a great time and some fantastic scenery, thanks for sharing the experience
  3. awesome thanks CB. 10 days till I leave, time does fly eh.
  4. Congrats on the Ski. Nice looking fish
  5. Got it!
  6. Seems I have almost the same agenda as you, except I want to get in on some of the Nipigon brookies. Spiel, the Bow is definately going to have to be one of my stops, had it in mind already. Another Question though, after winnpeg should I drive on hwy 16 or continue on Hwy1 Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the help, and keep it coming there is alot of water I want to fish but need to narrow it down. I wish I had more than 8 days but it doesn't look too possible at the current time.
  8. No Spiel I wont have one with me but if rentals are available I'd jump at that too.
  9. Ok so come Aug. 21 I will be leaving my home in Burlington and heading out west for school. I will have about 8 days to get from here to Prince George and want to make the best of my trip. I will be heading north and go North of Superior and want to find out where I should go and fish and what I should see. I am 100% open to ideas but it cannot be too far off of the highway. Thanks for any help.
  10. Simply awesome news Dan! Glad you're hard work came through and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!
  11. Nice going up there with the eyes and Ski's Some great shots... I believe I will be hitting LOTW on my cross Canada trip.
  12. Looks like a darn good time for you all on the water. Not too much better than spending time on the water with family and friends. And as for Johnny Bass's suggestion I would bring Gravol, which has done wonders for my brother in the terms of motion sickness.
  13. I snapped a rod before I left to come to greece and the service for me was great. All I had to do was call them in California toll free give them the specs and serial number and they said mail them a 2" piece of the rod with the serial # and 15$ for shipping and all is well. I will tell you how that turns out but give them a ring, hopefully they fix their mistake. Good luck
  14. I snapped a rod before I left to come to greece and the service for me was great. All I had to do was call them in California toll free give them the specs and serial number and they said mail them a 2" piece of the rod with the serial # and 15$ for shipping and all is well. I will tell you how that turns out but give them a ring, hopefully they fix their mistake. Good luck
  15. Nice smallies Mike... They are pretty darn strong living in the rivers all their lives.
  16. Nice going Mike! Hope you have some good days on the water with the new motor
  17. Yup, redfish is a hell of alot of fun. Aswell basically any Pier you find, especially by breakwalls has lots of fish... fish for them with a 1/4-1/2 oz egg sinker abover a swivel with a 1ft heavy (25lb+) leader with some fresh dead shrimp which have been peeled... toss it and leave it anywhere by the pier and you should have some luck... we got upwards of 6 species of fish around 5lb's and up doing that. Lots of fun. Good luck to you!
  18. That is one great song no doubt...
  19. Beaties Art! Glad to see you're starting of the Cat season well.
  20. I'll second that and yup, I didn't forget I owe ya some pliers Gerritt
  21. Nice going Mike, Figured you would be outfished by you're young'un once again. Looks like all of ya had a good time, I enjoyed the pics cause I ain't getting too many walleye's here in Greece
  22. Some beatiful eyes you caught, glad to hear that you had an enjoyable time.
  23. Yup, unless you have a licence to sell it it is 100% illegal to sell any harvested game or fish
  24. Yup, for sure Gerritt... It is UNBC but that's ok... I will be back the 8th of August and will start driving out on the 20th or so
  25. Thanks for the well-wishes to most of you, I will of course have a detailed report upon my return. John, I did end up getting some gear but really appreciate you're generous offer. Thanks Glen, and I will take you're tip into consideration of course. Can't wait to get out for some Salmon upon my return Dan, and Gerritt, Up yours
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