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Everything posted by snag

  1. Nice! Congrats!
  2. Hey All!! Well, haven't been out as much as I would like but was happy when I could. I realized that all the years of finding spots and doing the leg work pays off when you only have an hour or two to stop and fish. I dedicate this thread to the combo stashed beside the spare tire with my "go too" lures in a fanny belt. Many of the fish coming up were caught with this combo. Yes, I have $300 rods and reels but, they are not always with me. My baby with a dollarama spinner that is my go too (ain't gonna shed a tear if I lose it cuz it was .50 cent lure) lure. This combo was responsible for the biggest brookie I've caught and Fall pike this season. The irony: The old #20 powerpro line that was $15 about 5yrs ago is worth more than the rod and reel combined. You definitely learn how to work with what you have!! Here are some shots I missed posting awhile back: Enjoying some time with Doug and Anton Purchasing used line from a local hack Met up with Clive (aka: Mepps) for a seedy looking lure purchase from the backs of our cars. I love serendipity. We ran into Bruce from Muskies Canada due to our open marketing. He told us about how they dropped (approx. 3000?) 6-12" muskie at bronte years ago. One month later I saw my first T.O. musky. Unfortunately, it was small, suspending and not interested in me at all I still can't figure out why they aren't around more Here's Mepps and his art: If I may, see them better here: Rockstar lures Clives lures are in my "go too kit" You'll see why below! Here's my biggest brookie. I won't guess the size. I'll leave that to the pros It went for the lure pictured with the rod on top. You’ll see the same spinner in a pike mouth below. No glory shot. Just wanted to get it back to safety. Had some fun catching these in strange places! Again, using $ store lures while scouting unknown territory..... Lots of these this year but not many pics. Nothing outstanding! Here's one on a Rockstar spinner off the inflatable yak Here's a little eye and the FAT one Here are some pike I had some time on/off the last week and a bit so I hit the old haunts for 1/2 hour to 2 hour attempts. The bite has been much better than last year! Note: You won't see glory shots if I felt the fish was getting stressed. I usually attempt some water shots and leave the timer on when I’m performing surgery. 3" Salmo - inhaled 8" bulldawg - inhaled Xrap clown Dollarama spinner with telescopic rod Firetiger hj14 Hungry? Minutes later?! Clives Corner Snotty on green Rockstar This was a stalky, fighting mad pike. I'm guessing because it's messed up tail that the rest of it was just solid muscle 'cuz it fought hard! Look out for those teeth!! Spro (can't find these in Ontario anymore ) Bloody hell. Didn’t realize it at the time Poor shot Random catchesfuzzzzy Biggest (I've landed) this fall BIG firetiger countdown (magnum?) Remember: Be nice Relax DON'T FEED THE GEESE! Seriously, I almost died. pic does no justice to actual size and uhhhhhhh sorry tourney members, no signage on person CIAO' BABIES!! S.
  3. BOO HOO Now go write a blues tune dedicated to pike! Those are nice incidental catches! Leave your rod in the car and drop me a line buddy! Say hi to Carole, xoxoxoxo
  4. Who you callin' ugly I would care for some collard greens, In a "large" dixie cup with extra sauce Thank you
  5. Hey Scruffy! Nice pike thar. Tis a good spot. Did you notice how that big ol weed bed is gone out there and it's all just on the wall. Weird I'll skip on the "hello" kiss next time we meet. Ouch! :blush
  6. Very nice Joey. Think I should try to dig up some old pics too. Thanks
  7. Thanks. My bro needs a good (cheaper) rod Looks like they have a 7' MH I'm guessing that they are 2 piece?
  8. Pre-nups are not premature puppies By Larry King
  9. I'm surprised Terry hasn't given us a photoshop yet? Anyone else?
  10. The Colonel has another reason to keep his recipe a secret!
  11. Man, I just want to run away to there. sweet!
  12. The bite has been on for the last 2 weeks. Stop your engine! Shore fishing has been successful so just park your boat at the weeds 10-20' deep and try casting. Try a slow retrieve. The weeds are dying a bit so you can get into them and tear free easier. Go with some sluggos, weedless spoons if you have to. Jig in any pockets you find. Hope that helps!!!
  13. Congrats! We'll save bugs bunny cliched line for the wedding night and/or honeymoon!
  14. How could those things of beauty come from one so hideous?? Golly Glendas' got game! You should sell those puppies more Dawg! Sweet
  15. I believe that pike ate a blue Jawbreaker
  16. Very sorry for your loss Joey. Every time this happens I wish I could spend more time with my Dad. It's great that you got out with him. He looked so happy. Take care, Grant
  17. What? I didn't call you that!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I see. Your working again!
  18. What? Get back to keeping me in line!!!! That "eye" is an award winner! Good to see that you can practice what you preach (kinda/sorta) Get back to work you Left Hand Monkey Wrench!
  19. Very Cool. I just love seeing these treasures. It's good to back up your digital files once in awhile as they to will fade/fade. Cheers, S.
  20. Man, that could land some serious esox here!! You are an international fishing phenomenon! Thanks man!!!!
  21. Take a 20 min. detour and hit Toronto harbour!!! Pike, salmon, missing persons (jk) Everything in BRAMPTON is getting ready to sleep!! Drop me a pm.
  22. Hey Rich, Good try mate. That's a hard river at times!! Tried for musky at opener and just got eyes and pike!! My wife still bugs me about the time she caught a big ol' pike dangling the lure beside the canoe and I caught NADA! Next year will be different. I grew up with 3 generations of airedales. Great personalities. Curiosity and love galore. Cheers, S.
  23. Seriously, You were hit with too much darkness this summer. Good for the two of you to be alone out and away together.
  24. I need a plane. Pure envy! Cat scratch fever LOL!!
  25. Agreed. Help Photoz. Work together with your input. It's just a click away........ I've been taught respect by 3rd party pro-action
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