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Everything posted by krawler

  1. What's the name of the lure in the first picture that you caught the salmon on. looks interesting. nice fish, im jealous. heading up to gbay this weekend trolling for bows in shallow. cheers
  2. I fish the same method on GBay but we use inflated nightcrawlers. lengthen the lead as the water warms up. outfishes eggs 3-1. krawler
  3. you have a PM
  4. If you dont mind CC maybe you can share with us a few pointers about fishing muddy water so all of us rookies can actually land a fish or two, especially at this time of year when water levels are up for the next month or so. thanks
  5. I tried the mouth of the humber this evening, no luck but the water was clear, there has only been one rain event, melting and high water level. cant imagine all the fish pushed there way through. i got the roe and even some worms which works well on gbay surf fishing. so ill head out sunday am and see if i can coax a few fish out of the surf, thanks for the responses and pm's. keep em coming though. thanks krawler
  6. There just is never enough time. would love to explore and spend some hours fishing rivermouths but like i said no time. finally sunday will allow me to have a the day to fish some rivermouths. basically i want to cast roe bags and sit and wait for a strike from a hungry bow. i know some rivers that produce but i like surf fishing. please PM me if you have a lead of a place where i may start, reasonable access and a good chance of getting a hit. thanks
  7. Bows are in there now but not in any decent numbers, lots of wood, bring a ton of hooks, re-tie every 10 drifts or so. we catch cats in there in may/june but you have to know where to go and preffered if you have a boat. some pike to be had, also prefer if u have boat and i wouldnt be surprised if some largies were around in summer. difficult accessing the river but in town its best for salmon/trout. hope this helps
  8. Was on the humber this morning, 0/1 6" visibility. supposed to be some precip tomorrow. i suggest another river if u want to catch some fish. but try the humber if u just feel like wetting a line and hoping for the best.
  9. If anyone is at the humber ill be wearing an orange glow fanny pack. krawler
  10. Ill be on the humber at first light. if your intending to hit that river ill be there.
  11. ALways hear about catching lakers shallow after ice out. how shallow would they be, what kind of structure should i be looking for? i fish gbay in summer and the area is loaded with lakers so where would they be ice out? lots of boulders, gravel and sand flats with adjacent drop offs in the area. thanks
  12. Weekends at the cottage open all year on Southern Gbay, bass, pike, salmon and trout. Toronto shoreline for salmon, got a slip in toronto harbor! Week of camping at Missinnaibi PP in July. Should be a productive season! Been a dream since i was a kid to enter in the Toronto Salmon Hunt. Great being a teacher and having the time off to enjoy the outdoors and perfect my fishing skills! krawler
  13. Boat is locked in storage, wont be doing the install for at least another month. just gathering ideas, keep em coming. ill re-post the question when i can take a few pics
  14. Two options, mount to the transom or mount to the wooden swim platform. motor is a 9.9, brand is yet to be determined. Is it possible to attach it to the swim platform or do i have to cut out a section and mount it to the transom? The platform has two braces attaching it to the transom. i would prefer to mount to the swim platform. any tips/ideas/opinions would be great. also if anyone has mounted kickers to swim platforms and can post some pics, it would be appreciated. Thanks Krawler
  15. i have a cottage near penetang, fish the area quite often!
  16. Ive heard good things about that tire but they dont make it in my size 31x10.5x15 i was looking at the MT Baja ATZ's aswell.
  17. Need to tires for the truck looking for an All Terrain tire. would like to hear what you guys are running and your opinions. right now im considering, BFG AT KO, Pro Comp AT, Toyo open country AT size 31x10.5x15 also where did you buy your tires, price is a huge factor in my decision. this year im outfitting the boat with a ton of downrigging equipment so if i can save a few bucks on tires it would really help. thanks
  18. GL Angler or Great Lakes Angler, lots of tips on catching salmon and trout especially if you like trolling!
  19. Easy explanation, thank you! no offense, seeing a lot of these NF's lately. wont look!
  20. useless information! sorry but how is this fishing related?
  21. Missinnaibi Lake!!!!!!!
  22. Would like to target more bass this summer and would really like to fish heavy weeds in severn sound. I understand you need heavy line, a stiff sensitive rod for hauling the fish out of the weeds. Wondering if i could find a rod that i can cast with too for spinnerbaits and topwater. Hope to use this rod for big pike action as well. Dont have a lot of cash but want a decent outfit. Ive also never fished with a baitcaster, only ever used spinning reel. so recommnedations on an afforable reel would be great too. so recommendaion on rod/reel would be great. i know its a long way off but im sick in bed and have nothing else to think about. thanks
  23. I live in a condo overlooking the humber river, south of bloor st and ive seen many deer this past fall. even saw a nice 6 point buck while river fishing the area about a month ago.
  24. Ive never heard of these brand of outboards but searching on ebay i see quite a few of them for and they are traditionally cheaper than name brand outboards like honda or yamaha. i posted the question about the kicker motor, looking for a 4-6 hp kicker, should i consider these when buying? any opinions?
  25. ive asked the same question for my bigger boat which is 22' and the dry weight is 3500 lbs and people advised me to get a 9.9 but this boat is much smaller and lighter, so wouldnt i need a smaller motor, i was thinking 4 hp, is that not enough?
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