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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. nice Ho and a really swollen belly there
  2. I was sorts thinking the same but didnt wanna admit it lol
  3. ya know your always welcome to come
  4. explain it to cookie she is scared for life now...I dont know if she can handle the emotional scaring you be the judge, I think you owe cookie a doggie treat lmao
  5. craig thanks for that one...next time I see you on a river your swimmin lol that was actually painful, funny part is my dog started to howl now that was funny
  6. thanks for all comments....I wish ti was the weekend already
  7. bill nice fish.....always good when ya hook into a few
  8. Thats how many hours I fished in the last 3 days Strike 1 Strike 2 Strike 3 You’re Out Of Here A Phrase more commonly used for Baseball, and that’s what inspired the cluster of fishing I encountered this weekend. With the world series ending and seeing a true Indian Summer, I figured no better time than the present to get a few days of fishing in. The problem with that is that with mid Fall the options are enormous both for species and locations. I figured a trifecta was really in order. Friday early a friend and I decided to take a cooler than normal day to go fish for some early fall brown trout, the action was far from the fast and furious but none the less it was an ok day by fall brown standards. Sadly my camera was at home so there are no current pictures but it was a nice day out and now armed with some fresh eggs its time for some extended fall fishing the prize Saturday came and figuring I would stay local, come home early and do some yard work with a bbq and kick back with some suds I didn’t venture far. If one knows what and where these fish are usually you can tie into a few, some were spectacular fall tanks and really hammer home why I love fall steelhead so much Sometimes I ll take time to compose a picture and really make sure it reflects the moment and the fish also, sometimes it’s a point click and off I go day, I think this weekend was a bit of both One of the many nice fish from the day I found this colored up male to be the the fittest of the lot and a fish that had some serious stones, he's one for the books this year for sure This fish had a really pretty chrome hue to her almost stright silver, another memorable fish for the day Finally the last two fish were noteworthy because of the way in which they fought. North shore Steelhead from some of the rivers in the fall have nothing on thier mind once hooked other then to turn and book as hard and as fast as they can these two were true examples of this, anyone knowing my girth will attest Im a sloth and wont chase fish, these two had me book 1/4 mile down river, in the end they were well worth the cause I enjoyed the beers afterwards on the deck watching my lamb chops cook, smiling about the day on the water and knew what was in store for the next day Packed the boat and knowing that Erie would fish prime I asked a friend if he wanted to fish a tournament there, he was not into it so I said heck with it lets just fun fish....In retrospect it might not have been a bad Idea to have entered the bag was worth it. Erie is like no place on planet Earth for monster smallies in November, where 3 pounders are clones under that is a dink and 4's are common with the chance at a 6 in every drift cast or jig. I came home and looked at the pics and realized man I need to give my buddy a lesson in composition, but siffice to say Im exhaused from the day I would have loved a few group shots but having lost my fizzing needle I wasnt prepared to have even a single one of these majestic toads float up so they were snapped and put back a great point for anyone bass fishing is to spin the fish for what ever the reason they always torpedo down deep and in these fishes case its the best for them. The people that ran this event are some of the best bass conservationalists around and are always going to do whats best for the fish.... It really was one of those sweet fish days weather water and beyond that started with this that turned into this figuring we needed to move around a bit and after serious time spend on some highly detailed paper maps then checking them on the lake it was off to find these It was pretty fast and furious but with no real wind it was a spot on a spot sort of day with fish spitting smelt so much that it turned into a gull bonanza too, everything eats way too much erie including me lol I had way to many mortedella sandwiches today, I dont know why I typed it but I did.... Anyhow after a small lul in the action we moved and found these final fish Finally it ended on this note....it made the drive back to the ramp that much nicer Thats it I fished for a total of close to 24 hours over the last 72, Im tired I stink I need several showers but god I love fall fishing.... Seems I have a touch of the flu and need a few days to recoperate, maybe I ll fish the next couple of days the fresh air does wonders enjoy
  9. no not reallys its a simple point and shoot canon camera
  10. hopefully this doesnt turn into a fish for food or fish for sport sort of thread. As far a Im concerned as long as harvest is in a sustainable window I see nothing wrong with the harvest of a fish for dinner. Its a healthy ( water dependant ) meal. The problem that arrises is there are very few credible fish population estimates and as such its hard to figure out whats sustainable or not. I wonder if catch and release deer or turkey hunting will ever come up, bottom line at the least as an angler become educated with your quarry figure out if your adding to a supressed fish population and that being the case go to loblaws if not enjoy your meal
  11. Cpt Bruce thanks for the kudo. Sadly I choose the path of stability and consitant food for my family and didnt choose to work for the OMNR. Those that work as field tech's biologists etc in the OMNR are doing it for the love because its most certainly not the money.
  12. First ones in next year June 15, hence the is it June yet tick that box
  13. lol Tony I ll tell you when I get back Is it June Yet!!!!!!!
  14. Ontario currently managed Rainbow Trout with an objective of creating self sustaining fish populations and as such are groosely being mis managed these days. Talking the North Shore of Ontario in particular in that the tributaries flowing into the lake are some of the most fertile streams on the face of the planet, the capacity for them to produce fish at levels no stocking program could ever compete with is a fact Ontario needs to define its objectives beyond SPOF In 1989, the Ministry of Natural Resources, in consultation with the public, designed a new Strategic Plan for Ontario Fisheries (SPOF II) for the 1990s and beyond. This consultative approach to the development of SPOF II allowed for the contribution of many diverse groups. SPOF II identified the ecological, economic, and social values we place on our fisheries, and mapped out a course of action to sustain aquatic ecosystems for the future. "SPOF II was formally adopted as a policy direction in June 1991. The Strategic Plan for Ontario Fisheries consists of four important components: goal for Ontario fisheries objectives to meet the goal guiding principles to form the foundation of fisheries management, and, strategic management actions to resolve important fisheries manag ement issues. Goal for Ontario Fisheries Healthy aquatic ecosystems that provide sustainable benefits, contributing to society's present and future requirements for a high-quality environment, wholesome food, employment and income, recreational activity and cultural heritage." for more info have a read http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...L02_165902.html its actually quite interesting Having what I think is a fairly good cadence on rainbows in the province and in particular the N shore of Ontario. I believe that to mitigate the various opinions, and to work to create unique robust fisheries the following needs to become how steelhead are managed. I firstly believe in ones right to harvest a fish for dinner, thats not to say I agree with a stringer because I dont. that being said we pay for a portion of these stocked fish we dont pay for the natural fish that reproduce without man's intervention and we need to realize that. I believe that all hatchery fish should be at an expolitation ( harvest amount ) thats sustainable with current fish stocking practice, location and mumbers. I believe that streams not deemed suitable for reproduction, due to warm water plumes, poor storm water management, flow volume should be created into put take and delay fisheries where the hatchery fish are grown in lower numbers but higher return rates ( say 14inches as a minimum) raised in pen nets in these rivers allowing them to smolt there clip them for identification ( adipose only ) and then stock them in those rivers in hope they return to them creating in my opinion a US style fishery that is filled with less robust fish but higher catch rates Then we segregate what we think is a wild fish ( have via the GLFC) http://www.glfc.org/ somehow agree on fish identification of hatchery fish and remove the barriers on these fertile streams allowing them access only to waters inhabitated by other naturalized fish ( brown Trout ) Introduce a limit on these same fish that is fully inline with sustainable harvest numbers ( around 15%) according to Dave Swank and finally harmonize the entire lake as one fish community not a US side and canadian side. While we are at it create an additional optional $10 tag thats fish specific so that those that believe in conservation based work can donate to those very clubs and groups that steadfasty support and promote the same fish we all want to catch. Summing it up additional stocking/over stocking or current harvest rates fall short of all the objectives, Ontario needs to figure out what they really want from Rainbows because currently we have only a shadow of what it really could be
  15. I use a canon power shot 8mp i find canon has the best color saturation and in the macro setting provides the neccesary quality to bring it to PS and enhance the colors. Wish I could bring an SLR but I just cant see lugging it into rivers.
  16. It was Halloween the other day and its always been one of my favorite days, maybe because the leaves have changed, maybe because its smack in the middle of fall steelheading, it might even be the fact I love seeing my kids in their costumes all bundled up for trick or treat…………….AHHH who am I kidding its all about the candies afterwards as I dismiss some as inedible (only to be stashed for my own personal treasure trove….) The kids have grown like a weed but they still get extremely excited over the candy feast, even though the streets were devoid of kids we stll went regardless of any H1N1 fears They still look adorable in my eyes Figuring I only had at best a few hours to fish I thought I ll stay local and fish those North Shore steelhead. On the water by 7:30 off by 12:00 for a beer and chicken wings at kelsey’s to rush home to take my youngest to baseball Enjoyed the morning out…I was hoping the winds settle so I can fish Erie Sunday with Mike but Mother natures South west mentality stopped me dead in my tracks so it was a north mission with him instead, great call it was too boot, fished with lots of ppl over the years but Mike is one dude I really enjoy the time with. I found thus far this fall that the majority of my fish came on skein rather than loose eggs and any colored up fish came on chartreuse as opposed to any chrome fish were on pinks bags…go figure. Any how a friend and I managed to hook into a dozen or so for a few hours, I found the fish just bent on destroying me with thier runs and a few with vicious headshakes, always enjoyable when you can get into some really hot fall fish…. Enjoy the pictures This one seemed to have a deformed Gill plate but was none the worse for wear or aggression Nothing I love to take pictures more of then bright dime chromers though, hope i captured how bright thsi fish really was As much as I love a hot bright Chromer I also love a good colored up fish thier rainbow colors can get spectacular in the fall a much nicer hue then in the spring in my opinion, I never really thought about it until someone mentioned it, but this is a truely magazine quality shot in my opinion This one has my pick for favorite so far of the year Enjoy thanks
  17. hay who's that good lookin guy walkin down river, wonder why those guys were frustrated...looks like someone was having a moment
  18. I posted this on my face book and then more was added. God this H1n1 is just out of control. The virology of it is no real difference then a flu other than some genetic anomalies . Its new and hence no immunity to it, but that can be said of any newly mutated strain of any flu. Those years that we have a severe flu outbreak is just a newly mutated strain that we have no immunity towards Upwards of 30,000 to 50,000 people yearly die from influenza or complications thereafter. People die of the flu. This is no consolation to the family of 13-year-old Evan Frustaglio, the Toronto boy who died Monday, apparently after contracting swine flu. But it is true although he had an underlying condition that was impacted by the flu. This was so before this latest pandemic. It will almost certainly continue to be so in the future. But it is no reason to go off the deep end. Keep things in perspective. What is worrisome about this particular strain, sometimes known as Novel Swine-origin Influenza A (H1N1), is its newness. We know, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, that is contains genes from pigs, humans and birds. We know from experience that such a mix gives it the potential to pass back and forth between species and to become particularly virulent. Which is presumably one reason why the public health establishment is so fixated on swine flu. The other reason may that world governments are using this pandemic as a test run to see how they would respond to a real crisis. But what we also know is that, so far, this flu strain has been no more serious than any other. To put it another way: Before the H1N1 scare, the death of a few wouldn't have led newscasts across the nation. Consider the facts. According to the World Health Organization, fewer than 5,000 people have died around the globe from this variant of swine flu. In any normal year, influenza causes between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths worldwide. In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter flu season is now over. In spite of dire predictions, only 185 people died from swine flu in Australia – considerably fewer than the roughly 3,000 who succumb to seasonal influenza in that country each year. And no, it wasn't because the population was immunized. Australia's vaccination campaign against swine flu took off last month. Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama declared swine flu a national emergency after about 1,000 Americans died. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 50,000 Americans die every year from seasonal flu – without any politician paying much attention. What does seem to be true, according to early statistics, is that this particular strain is harder on people in the prime of their lives. Common flu strains tend to hit the very young and very old. In that sense, the real novelty of this novel H1N1 strain may be that it is killing the wrong people. For those youngish and middle-aged people who tend to dominate both politics and the media, this is understandably worrying. What's more unnerving, however, is the level of hype surrounding this flu virus, hype that at times comes dangerously close to hysteria. The public health dictum suggesting that people wash their hands to prevent the virus' spread has transformed itself, in some areas (like the Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa) into a near-ban on shaking hands. Demand for hand sanitizers has exploded, as individuals and institutions search for ways to make physical contact safe. Yet experts are divided over handwashing. A 2007 study done for the Public Health Agency of Canada and chaired by Toronto microbiologist Donald Low concluded that the practice does little to prevent flu transmission, largely because this particular virus is airborne. Polls show that the public is taking a casual attitude toward swine flu. This alarms those beating the H1N1 drum. But given the actual evidence, maybe the public is onto something. That being said I have always been a fan of having one’s own immunity system fight an infection or virus if it’s in check obviously. To answer the question would I get the vaccine. No not until its mutated and is much more virulent, and the death rate starts to reach millions globally. This is no Spanish flu from the turn of the century folks Swine Flu Vaccination -Poison??- From Angry Australian Pharmacist > "Guys, I'm Emailing you because I'm bloody scared about something.... Read More > > I created my Facebook group for fun, and to use it to market my businesses to > people. > > What I'm doing now totally kills my ability to do that, but I don't care. This > is important. > > I'm a qualified pharmacist. I've been researching the swine flu vaccine that our > government has bought for us (using our money, by the way) and its DANGEROUS. > > Its easily a hundred times more dangerous than the swine flu itself, Imo. > > Something that freaked me out is that several swine flu vaccine manufacturers > have asked governments to give them an exemption from lawsuits, in case the > vaccine caused harm in people. If you made a vaccine that you knew worked, then > why would you need a legal exemption in case it hurt people? Massive warning > sign. They don't believe its safe. > > The swine flu itself has killed about 2/3000 people total. The regular flu kills > 40 000 plus per year ? So why are we freaking out about swine flu, and not > normal flu? Does that make sense? No. > > If the regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year, and the swine flu only killed 2/3 > 000 ? Then why are governments buying it in advance, giving it to us for free, > and giving drug manufacturers immunity to legal cases against them? Does that > make sense? No. > > The swine flu vaccine contains 2 horribly dangerous compounds ? One is called > thimerosol. > > It is made 50% of mercury. It binds to receptors in your brain, and basically > causes brain damage. Is it smart to be injected with thimerosol, and get brain > damage, dropping 10 IQ points and going dumb, in order to avoid getting a flu > that kills 95% less people than regular flu? No. > > The other horrible ingredient is called squalene. Squalene accidentally tricks > your immune system into killing your own cells, which creates autoimmune > diseases like asthma, multiple scelerosis, diabetes, and a bunch of diseases > that we don't have a name for yet (because squalene hasnt been used for that > long, and we have little data on its effects) ? Is is smart to inject yourself > with that stuff, in order to avoid a relatively mild flu, like the swine flu? No. > > If you're a pregnant mother about to take Panvax, ask yourself this ? Why would > you take Panvax, when it contains Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate ? Both of > which exhibit positive risk to unborn children ? So as to avoid what? A mild > flu, that kills 95% fewer people than the regular flu? > > Look, I'm a funny guy. Yeah, I make good Facebook groups. People join them by > the thousands, and laugh. But I'm also a qualified pharmacist. I scored in the > top 0.1% of my state in school. I'm expert at critical analysis of drugs and > their effects on humans. And let me be blunt ? If someone came up to me with a > syringe full of swine flu vaccine, or came near my family with one ? I would > take the needle off them and poke them with it myself ? Followed by several very > hard punches. This stuff is poison. > > Don't take it. Don't let your friends take it. Don't let your family take it. If > some idiot in a lab coat asks you if you want it, ask them about thimerosol, > squalene, and why the company making it wants legal exemption from being sued, > and watch their face go into ?omg I'm being asked serious questions that I don't > have the answer to? Mode. > > Anyway. I hope you're all well. Chat to you on Facebook sometime > > Sincerely, > > George Mamouzellos > Bachelor of Pharmacy > University of South Australia" The above by Mamouzellos is factual as I have a virologist friend and he said almost to a T the same thing The National Post today quoted an "outbreak" at Mt Sinai I though wow hundreds t ocreate that sort of news THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cases come now While I have been accused of being a conspiricy theroist, this is one that I believe is a CNN and beyond created pandamonia
  19. There is soooooooo much speculation on it... SOme say a turbo charged, some say its an electric some say yamaha has brought in its motorcycle technology and created a 10,000 rpm hole shot miracle machine Truth is somewhere in between it all one thing for sure it will be a yamaha and those are reliable engines!!
  20. glad that pic I took turned out sweet, its one he will look back at when he is 20......how did the other one turn out? I will say the younger kid sure can cast though...makes the old man look ........well...........old lol
  21. palomar or improved chinch
  22. Hi there I Sent you a PM with the OMNR contact for the region, we don thave a presence on humber but would like to form a chapter there
  23. There is a discernable difference between the pressure that can be put on a large US trib as opposed to a small river such as some of the east ones, showing a pic of fish at the twin pipes is a big difference then showing them of the catt let’s not split hairs on that because it’s obvious. Trust me while this is a great site, it can’t even come close to the pressure some of the US sites put on it. Any seasoned angler can look up flow data and know if that creek will fish huge any that doesn’t and wants to explore it has to drive up 1 road and see cars parked everywhere, for the most part its US plates I brought up the specifics of bringing an angler to fish with no license for the obvious image it portrays. There is no malice with it. Have a good day this thread is gone beyond its usefulness thanks
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