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Everything posted by lplp

  1. Good one , I know what it is like to catch that small one,, we were getting skunked on one lake ,in one little area i was getting nibbles and i knew they were small sunfish or something but i was determined to get one,took about a half hour but got one ,and probable about the same size as the one above, but i wasnt skunked and we left that area , my buddy killing himself laughing as we tried a different area.
  2. Make sure you check the compression, if they are all the same ,you should be good, and you can just put ear muffs on the engine to run,, i am sure a water test would be nice ,but i know i wouldnt take someone out for one ,specially if i see them with rods and coolers in hand..
  3. We have a trophy also,, biggest fish for week and this year we added a another, the ohcrap award for things gone wrong ,last year i hit a rock and i got it,this year my buddy got it for bad luck and tangling his lines all the time.. we also add the 5 dollar in for biggest. I like the drink boy one and the belt one,, great ideas for next year.. thanks.
  4. I was going to same thing ,go to right by seven mile island ,and even out about 100' from the piont there, and drift with a worm harness ,got huge ones that way,, also go towards the buoys and the one farther down ,usually the third one down from goreskis but i am sure some are missing ,and drift back and forth over the channel ,.good luck .
  5. My Merc use to use plugs like that,, a hot plug , get them at marina, cheaper at ctc but not available but hot plugs will be at marina, you dont want to hit the piston with the electrode.
  6. Usually I have our groups next years trip booked ,but a bit slow this year ,, we are thinking of going to trout lake this year,group is about 8 this year and a few new guys ,should be good.We are just waiting on one buddy for his vacation time as he works continental shift and depend on week he could use to much of vacation time or if he plans it right he would only use 2 days or something ,,.we are planning on going for walleye opener or close to it .We are going a little closer this year also ,kinda of feel we dont have to go that far anymore as there are so many good lakes around and it is like a crap shoot going somewhere you dont know .. Not really a question here but wondering if anyone or most have booked next years annual fishing trip yet.. Like to hear where also to give other guys good ideas and myself for future ventures.. Myself i might only get out once more this year ,and maybe once more lake erie or lake ontario,one is going to be a camping weekend close by ,, just to get away..
  7. I use to have a trailer on that lake,, lazy acres , i think it is something else now ,, about 10 or so years ago,, very weedy lake and full of leaches ,very shallow and upper is even worse for water,, We went to upper one day and barely got there and there was one guy there with his boat and going in reverse to cut the weeds down with his engine ,, we stayed there one year ,, didnt like t he lake at all ,caught a few pike and walleye ,.Why does he have a net on his dock and when i was there ,i dont remember any fish sancturarys ,, on maps it will show ,so next time throw him a map of lake and see if it is on there,, nice set up though ,he spent a lot of time doing that..
  8. 4.7 litre gas tank for a weed eater,, must be huge.
  9. My guess is sturgeon lake ,, background looks familiar,,, good guess or am i wrong...
  10. We had that problem before also,, we had an older trailer ,so we ended up buying a newer one to get into a park on scugog,, we are not there now as the price got so ridiculous , i thought the streets were paved in gold but they were not. Goreskis is the only park on scugog, but if you go to the marina on othe side of them ,they have some camp sites ,would be a lot cheaper ,, sturgeon lake would be cheaper also and would have more places and better fishing from what i hear ,but i did good on scugog .. some parks close to scugog but you want to be on water,, do a search for parks and you should be able to find one ,, alot of these parks are being bought by bigger places parkridge also ,so watch out for that as the prices will go up fast,, start with google maps and do the business search for parks along the area that you want and see what comes up, good luck ,and remember you dont own the lot if you are just renting ,, so dont over pay for services that you dont need..
  11. We were at port burwell yesterday,, got into water around 9;30 ,looked like it was going to be nice and calm ,but once we got out ,chop was pretty good ,, pretty rough,, but we decided to give it a try,, we only got one walleye at 7.5 lbs ,2 gobies , 2 nice jumbo perch and a pretty big sheephead,all these were caught with 300 + of line out ,we only got out to 50 to 54 fow , not many boats out and it seemed like most were just perch fishing .
  12. Dont buy it ,, you are getting great advice here,, i get emails from him all the time ,i think 5 times a week ,just look at the free vids they send or the odd free ebook ,just teasers but heh ,why pay for it ,everyone knows that the fish are in the water ,,.
  13. Going to port burwell again this sat. myself, with a couple of buddys again, going to do the same set up ,going to try a few different lures though, see if i cant get them wet for awhile .... 60 ft. and out 8 miles ,, going to watch the fish finder a little more closely this time and bring another good catch home again,, I am kind of hooked on port burwell for now but still love going up north though, .nice catch too..
  14. I would of been o.k. in that search also, i never catch anything,, come search me anytime..
  15. You should of asked him how much he paid for the water ,and made him an offer ,or tell him that this is my water from yesterday and just trying to bring it back to my place because i own 320 feet of water .
  16. Saw on a fishing show (going fishing) and they cooked up some fish simple.. So i tried it with the walleye i caught on weekend ,Cut into small chunks ,in a boiling water with a teaspoon of salt and sugar add the chunks in and let boil.. just for a few minutes until white. make up some butter and garlic dip and you have poor mans lobster.. It sure did turn out better than i thought and will do again .Give it a try and you will be suprised..
  17. Like this and remeember it .. also when car phones first came out ,you could buy fake antannaes ,i use to have a fake one on my truck ,just to be cool ..
  18. Just be aware, samsung phones have terrible service and updates,,, my son just picked up a koodoo blackberry for 45 a month, unlimited texting ,facebook not sure of minutes but kids dont talk anymore , and wifi which is everywhere now,, they gave it to him free and with no contract and 100 prepaid visa to boot. i use to have samsung galaxy android and loved it b ut had trouble with it ,data charges can add up when you start downloading all the free apps,,so be careful, and after awhile you realize you fell into the trap that you think you need those apps, once you download them ,you use them once and forget about them,, all i need is texting and a few numbers i call all the time ,i pay 30 a month with bell now ,compared to 100 a few months ago, data killed me and now i can live without it,no biggy ,good luck on your search as every phone is the best and will be the best until after you buy it and they come out with the new one. one app i did like from android was tail of tape,, acurate also..
  19. We were pretty well done by then and yes that would of been a good idea, but my buddy bought 4 lbs of perch from the store at marina there,, .
  20. This was the first time ever fishing lake erie ,, and I was impressed with it,, problem is kind of far to go every day,, we are about 1 1/2 hr. away ,, so it wont be a trip we will make all the time .Glad I experienced it and kind of see why it is so busy out there .Probable going to martin river in a couple of weeks ,and next year we are planning trout lake.
  21. We had a later start then planned ,but got there around 8, busy marina there,, we ended up with 7 fish in total , 4 walleye and 3 rainbows.The biggest walleye weighed in at 6lbs .we were about 300 ft. back 60 fow ,and using planar boards and dipsey, the walleye were caught only on black meps , we used a muffin (not sure what he called it ) and that produced the rainbows .all in all a good catch but from what i hear it should of been better .we are basically straight out from burwell and about 8 miles probable, and we were out from the other boats a little farther,.Over the radio alot of guys were having some totals ,in the 7 range of walleyes ,.a great day..
  22. Going to port berwell(not sure if spelled right) on lake erie,, saturday morning, seeing the fishing is fine for some walleyes there and will post here after I get back and show the catch.never been there before or even fished lake erie before ,always went up north .. going in a great boat with all the gadgets ,sit back and let the fish jump in boat.
  23. Good to hear only a flat tire and nobody hurt and such, I had my buddy hook up the boat before our trip 2 years ago, going to meet him at his house ,so he left and i left a few minutes later and went a couple of blocks and got stopped at lights, turned green and i went through, hit a bump and boat fell off the ball ,chains saved it and luckily i wasnt going fast ,tongue hit my bumper in brand new truck,, lesson learned ,, never let someone else hook up boat, always do yourself so you know it is done.. or a flat tire on boat trailer in middle of nowhere and about 2 hours away from anything and dont have a spare,, well that didnt go over well with some..
  24. We were just down the road from there, we stayed at twinj hideaway, I lked the lake and seemed like a good place , we had some luck and the other people there did o.k. go on the far side and troll at supper there along dead heads ,also if you see a beaver dam in one inlet , go in as far as possible and sit in middle ,should get your limit there no probnlem also.
  25. I didnt think i was on the right site until i signed in,, liked the old one,, but will get use to it.. no biggy
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