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Everything posted by DundasSteelheader

  1. Hey thanks guys, glad you enjoyed the pics and videos. It is a nice summer job.. hard work but like I said scenery is great and awesome fishing. I am off the coast of Van Island. Next time I go I will get some footage, I don't currently have any.
  2. Hey everyone, I thought I would put up a little bit of a report from my summer in BC so far. I am working at a fishing lodge and of course have been fishing throughout my time here as well. I have experienced some pretty great fishing and the wildlife and scenery isn't too shabby either. I will let the pics and videos do the talking. Exploring/ Beachcombing some of the nearby islands Went on a staff fishing trip one day out in the Grady White. Salmon fishing was on! Big ugly lingcod Bald Eagle that hangs around the dock some days Bald Eagles are pretty damn big. Here is a link to a video I shot on my go pro of the local bald eagles eating some carcasses we dumped on the rocks: Floating down a river near the lodge fishing for cutthroat along the way Went out fishing for Albacore tuna one day.. pretty wild. My buddy looking for signs of Tuna. The result: Here is a link to another video shot on the GoPro of a huge ocean sunfish we spotted while tuna fishing: And finally a lake that I fish that is full of small cutthroats ready to take a fly. Requires a pretty good hike in and then you have to paddle around in a little skiff that leaks. Hope you enjoyed the pics and videos. DS
  3. Fished South Bay of Lake Nipigon once, all the pike wanted were 1/2oz little cleo's in the gold and red colour combo. I would make sure you have a couple.
  4. What a fantastic fish! Wonder how old a fish like that is. I'd also be interested to know what the likelihood that a fish that old fought for 3 hours would survive after being released. Seems to me like it would be hard to recover from.
  5. I see - but yes redds are where the eggs are. I just avoid walking in the water completely at this time of year except when absolutely necessary. Also I would not over complicate things with a shot line. I would just run your hi vis line to a swivel then your leader from there. If you are concerned about fish seeing your mainline then just make your leader a little longer.
  6. Your combo sounds like it will do fine. I used siglon F once, its not the best but its not terrible either.. I wouldn't go drop 20 bucks on Nanofil right away, maybe after your current line has run its course. As for your leader question, in general I run around 18" of leader unless the water is really dirty (then 12") or really clear (24"). I do wonder why you choose to fish water in the 1-3' depth - I always fish water in the 3-6' range. You may have more luck fishing deeper as fish don't tend to sit in such shallow water for any period of time. They will usually only be there if they're on the move. Avoid walking in any water thats 1-2' deep with either gravel bottom or lots of small stones, as that is where the redds will be.
  7. ....why would anyone ever want to do this?
  8. Good advice from many here, I will add my 2 cents... I bought a Trek 3700 a few years ago. I ride it pretty hard and don't spend a ton of time doing maintenance on it and it has held up well. I think I paid $450 + tx. at my local bike shop which includes free basic tuneups for life. I would recommend it for what you're describing. A few people have mentioned buying used and while you can save significant money by doing this, also be very careful. Sometimes bikes look great when you give them a once over and ride it up and down the street but problems can hide themselves and present later. For example - cracks in the frame that you may miss and can lead to your frame snapping or brake pad wear, chain stretch etc. If you know what your doing this isn't really a problem but for a newbie it can be easily missed. If you do go the used route I would recommend asking the seller to meet you at a bike shop where the staff can look over the bike for problems before you buy. You might have to pay them $20-$30 bucks but if it saves you from buying a faulty bike it is worth it. Lastly, don't be too worried about disk brakes. Everyone wants them because they look cool but in reality unless you're riding you bike a lot in rain or mud they don't perform any better than v-brakes. Good luck, DS
  9. I have been wearing simms freestone waders for the last 2 years - they have held up great with moderate use. No pinhole leaks or seam damage at all. They retail around $250 but with some patience and careful bargain hunting can be found for $150-$200. IMHO it will be hard to find a solid pair of waders for less than $200 - better to wait for a sale or see if you can find some lightly used / new on forums/kijiji etc.
  10. Seems clear enough to me. However I have been asked for ID before by cops checking licences to prove I am under 18. The way these regs are worded makes it seem that only those over 65 need to prove their age with a gov. issued ID. Am I just reading it wrong or do I really need to carry ID with me?
  11. Hahahah thats wicked! Wish I got to do that when I was little! Now you just need to build some ramps/jumps!
  12. Heard that.. Big plus in my books... Is it significant or just a bit longer? Thanks for the tips! also heard that the Hero3+ is lighter. Sounds like the Hero 3 Black or the Silver Hero 3+ are top contenders so far.
  13. I appreciate the response Mike. I am definitely looking at a Hero 3 or 3+, not a 2. Good to hear the looping feature works because that is a huge feature for me. Thanks for the insight.
  14. Hey all, I have seen quite a few reports from members here using go pro cameras, and I want to get one myself. However I am somewhat split on what model to get. I want it to film mostly river fishing, maybe some kayaking and snorkelling. I am not sure how important all the various features on the different models are. I was hoping some of you could chime in on the following.. 1) White, Silver or Black Edition? Which do you have, how do you find the resolution when filming and taking pictures? Are you happy with what you have or do you wish you had the next model up? 2) Go Pro Hero 3 vs. Hero 3+? Are the newer cameras that much better? I have found the older models have much better sales. i.e. $150 off vs $50 off. 3) Does anyone use the looping mode where the video file is erased after a set amount of time? seems very useful for filming fly fishing where you want to capture the rise/take. Does it work well and which model is best? If anyone has any insight I would really appreciate it. Keep in mind I have a tight budget so I will try to go as cheap as possible if I can but I will spend the money on the best model if it is really worth it. Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas!
  15. Here are a few of mine... Hard to show scale but there was roughly 3/4" - 1" of ice on all the trees. Huge damage to all the apple trees, a few completely split in half. All the tops of the trees lining the road are gone.
  16. Wow I had no idea people cared about a firefighter report on the news so much. If it bothers you so much why don't you just flip to another news channel? If anything the report benefits you as now there will be less people on the lake and therefore less fishing pressure? x2 Thanks for the laugh Bill
  17. Alright calm down there with the bold size 24 font I was referring to the old guy who said he would not go on the 1.5" of ice, as Misfish originally said he did not agree with. 5" is fine.
  18. I don't really ice fish much but I can tell you I don't think I would venture out on a lake with 1.5" of ice. You obviously know what is safe and what isn't, but many people who don't ice fish much don't. Better to be safe than sorry imo.
  19. National Park Service later put that elk down. Seems unfair to me.
  20. That is such a wicked fish! Beauty pic
  21. Thanks Dan! Would like to see a pic or two from your speck adventures up north Here's one of my other favourites from up near you, Wolf River a few years ago, what a nice stream that is.
  22. I like this one of my dad with a big fat steelhead. One of the best days of steelheading I've ever experienced.
  23. This.. just be careful not to overheat. Doesn't take a lot of heat to loosen the epoxy enough.
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