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Everything posted by d_paluch

  1. thanks to everyone who has put in their insight. I guess it does come down to holding the rod/reels in my hand. And to Cudz, thanks man! Most DEFINITELY will be checking out that reel, and I saw that rod 2 weeks ago and it did feel good, it comes in red or blue I believe.
  2. Thanks man! Going to have to get out there beginning of season n find some good spots, thanks to this site I now have a decent spot to check out that's not too far from home! Love this forum more and more each day
  3. Needless to say, I am pumped! The bass biting cranks or plastics? Sooo excited!
  4. Bought a Duramaxx 32/30 trolling motor today for $101.62 after tax. That is with a raincheque from last sale price ($99.99), $10.00 off, and my 10% employee discount. Finally paid off to work there haha! Just kidding, it's not that bad
  5. Hmm good call on the camping, might just have to book a site for that weekend! Should be a great time! I hear the fishing's quite good, any insight on that?
  6. Hello everyone! Just wondering what your thoughts are on this topic. I m looking for a good all-round rod/reel combo that is suited well for all types of fishing. Crankbaits, jigging, plastics, topwater, you name it. The kicker is I am on a very tight budget, but will not be afraid to spend a decent amount of cash on a combo if it will fill my needs for years to come. I will be fishing creeks/rivers on foot, and smaller lakes in my inflatable. I currently own a $9.99 special from CT that served me well last summer for fishing the creeks in my area, and will more than likely continue to use that in the creeks due to my clumsiness. Mainly bass fishing, but would love to get out pike and walleyes fishing. So to reiterate the question, what is a good, affordable combo that would suit my fishing needs. I have a BPS catalog infront of me and it is overwhelming to say the least. I am willing to try a baitcaster (have never used anything but spinning to date). What are all of your opinions? **and to add to my question, what line should I use, Mono, fluro, braid?
  7. Thanks a ton! I was trying to find it through the banner for the spring fishing event! Stupid me Thanks kickingfrog! aww, too bad no good daily's on the 27th when Mercer's going to be there
  8. Weird, still can't find the daily specials. I click on the spring break thing, then change the city to Toronto, and when I click on daily specials it says 'Daily Speicals! Coming Soon' What am I doing wrong lol
  9. hmm, still realllly can't afford much. But as with life I am sure I can make some exceptions Just gotta think about not needing to upgrade in the future and I should be good. By the way, where do you see the daily specials?
  10. any insight on the front page offer of the baitcasting combo for $79.99. I have always used spincast and want to try baitcast, but don't want to spend much $$. Can't seem to find the product in their catalog either.
  11. I'll try to make it! In my dinghy...
  12. wicked fish! I caught one...but I think it was a white bass..and was only about 4/5 inches long
  13. it's on simcoe....right here: Perchin' for MS more info perchin for ms info
  14. yah it was my first time out to a derby...and really only my 4th time ice fishing. Going back to Simcoe this coming Saturday, will check out the MS derby on simcoe, but don't think I will be joining it. Overheard a few good tips like what FOW the fish were in and a few general spots. Now just need to get some tips on lures for whities/trout. Also have to pray that the weather stays cool enough and that there is no snowfall this week so I can still drive my Mazda3 to a spot on the ice Here's hoping, right?
  15. no one bought the chairs lol....
  16. hehe thanks! I got me a sonar so I will just check around and set up camp where ever I am marking fish. Can't wait and thanks for the tip!
  17. cool! Will be driving out then! I am not going to lie, I am scared of the fact of driving on the ice...but hey if everyone else is doing it can't wait. Going to pick up a few new lures tonight...even though all I end up using is minnows on a jig lol
  18. car on the ice eh....might just have to. Never driven out before. I guess if I hear cracking I should move lol. Thanks for this post, can't wait for tomorrow! What FOW were you fishing roughly? Thanks again!
  19. the 'storm' coming through southern ontario is only supposed to give innisfil and area up to 5cm of snow. When the storm leaves it's supposed to take the wind with it. Yay for a sunny -5*C day with little to no wind!!! Can't wait!
  20. hahahahaha sounded wayyy to dirty to let it not be reposted. I caught a wallet when I was really young. I stopped fishing for the day because I was so terrified that I was going to catch the man who owned it...
  21. i cant wait, me n the girl will be there! our first dirby/tournament....so pumped
  22. I fished out of south shore rentals as well at the end of January. We caught a lot of dinky perch, some fair size, and 2 herring, both worm free. There was 5 of us and we had the 8 man deluxe hut...we had a gas fireplace and TV. Fishing in luxury lol. It was pretty darn comfortable. Sorry to hear you weren't!
  23. ill be there...anyone know of a baitsho nearby that will be open at 7-8ish? if so an address would be great! thanks a lot and happy fishing!
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