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Everything posted by manitoubass2

  1. Same thing happens here. Its a major piss off And they do it right at tourney and spawning times.
  2. Yessir!
  3. +5 tommorrow im fishing all friggen day!
  4. Exactly! Im stoked to hit soft water in december(even though all I caught was sturgeon and a crap load a of lil saugers)
  5. I have a bud in fort frances that delivers for dominos and he clears an average of $150 tips a shift on top of his wages. Its actaully a really good job Id say, especially driving in just a town of 8000
  6. I agree. I'm not sure why OFC doesnt do this? It would literally take a few seconds to create(but it would take forever to add all the NF posts of past)
  7. Oh gawd hahaha
  8. I loved them and alice and chains, both on repeat pretty heavy in the early 90s
  9. Latest ive ever put the boat in the water was november 18th Im heading out soon for walleye, its +4 in NW ontario and extended forecast might have me on soft water until christmas Which is kinda awesome and a bummer at the same time lol
  10. Awesome!!! Also shows youdont need 100lb braid to land a HYYUGE fish!
  11. Governance as a whole buddy. Resposible for WAY MORE DEATHS than every possible thing combined
  12. First album is an absolute classic RIP
  13. Better then trusting governance. How many issues has that caused?
  14. Sounds great to me! Im sure I have at least 5 reels to donate. Ill start looking in the morning. Goeff txt me you address bud
  15. You guys are killing me??? I need to block myself from my own thread?
  16. Thats awesome! Ive had the priveledge of shooting some pretty awesome guns and it sure is a good time!
  17. Same here!!!
  18. And planned parenthood???
  19. Its not just your opinion lol, its fact.
  20. Not really true. Although RT is basically just state run crap like we have hear in the west as well. I like the fact hes calling out the west/NATO on their horrible policies in regards to the middle east. I will add IMO all world leaders are megalomaniacs lol. And Im no Putin lover either, hes an oligarch playing similar games as everybody else(just doing it better)
  21. It took about 4 months if I remember correctly to purchase firearms. I also believe our system is much better in comparison
  22. Im not talking from world leaders(because hes making most look silly IMO) im talking about citizens
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