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Everything posted by manitoubass2

  1. Lol the "war on drugs" sure did its job brainwashing the masses??? Its marijuana, take a puff and chill out
  2. Cool! A few good tackle ahops there as well!
  3. Sleeping giant in tbay is pretty cool. Ive always used the yellowhead and if ya hit the praries during a lightning storm its absolutely gorgeous! If you go on transcanada from tbay to winnipeg let me know. Maybe we can meet in souix narrows for lunch?( only 20 mins outta your way)
  4. Yeah that turned out to be a bust? Hopefully soon though! Lotsa snow in the forecast so im looking forward to the sled rides too?
  5. Not a good wnough pic for the MNR??? Thats crazy!!!
  6. Im talking about illegal sales. Marijuana is cheap in comparison to other "recreational drugs". There is little money to be made unless you literally moving tonnes
  7. Awesome! Our cats and dogs have a cool relationship! Our 3 cats have unique personalities and are really fun!
  8. Lol there isnt alot of money in this plant. I could press fake oxycontin pills and make more in two weeks than someone selling large amounts of weed for years
  9. Awe I feel like an jerk. I totally forgot to send the reels I have? Sorry
  10. Yip john bacon has it right. Although, im curious why more pot users arent just going to the dr for a script? They are now precribing it for almost disease/illness/ailment. And its cheap and you get really really good marijuana of your choice, plus you can grow a certain amount of plants yourself.
  11. Ummmmm, yeah they do lol. Its a huge business
  12. Wasnt planning on fishing today but if im driving out there might as well gear up lol. Kids are off to school so im on my way in half hour
  13. Super easy to get into lol But im not sure about the ice??? Its a tiny lake so im hoping its froze over. Maybe ill just bite the bullet and go check it out. Be crappy to drive all the way there and find it wide open though lol
  14. Imo big. No pressure and lotsa fish. Doesnt hurt we have a camp and fish house there?
  15. Lil sawbill just gets hammered. But the fish tend to be a tad bigger, but way harder to locate
  16. We usually ice fish lil sawbill but youll find solitude and alot of fish at big. No idea why it suddenly gets abandoned during winter???
  17. We got about 6 inches today. Could def sled out
  18. Anytime man! I dont practice anymore but I still have that passion to study and apply, helping people out is the reward
  19. Hahahaha?
  20. Just pm me if ya need to and i can offer a lifetime of advice(for free)!!!!
  21. Well most of the slow vrs fast metabolism is just pure myth. It has more to do with body types, then diet and activity levels. You have ectomorphs, endomorphs etc and that plays a much bigger role. I could write about 6 thousand lines on the topic. DNP is one of the only compounds, or triidothronine that will actually alter metabolism in a human(and DNP is a derivitive of TNT, yes the explosive, its very very dangerous) Then there is also thyroid function, hormone levels, neurotransmittors, leptin, grehlin etc all involved. Its a very complicated situation but its very easy to lose bodyfat if you have someone on your side that understands all these factors
  22. I could provide some real insight on this(being a nutritional consultant practioner by trade) Kinda funny to hear some of the responses( I know you all mean well however) If there are more specific questions post em up or pm me if you so choose. And ie. Metabolism is the rate at which cells die. So if you want to die faster, by all means use real scientific methods to do so
  23. Already have some? They work well
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