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Everything posted by manitoubass2

  1. The media spin is on both sides, of course nato sides with turkey and russian pilot says they received zero warning lol
  2. Do the math ishfield In turkey airspace for 17 second at an altitude of 6000ft Apperently shot within 1km of turkey, landed 4km into syria Were they flying at stalling speeds? Something doesnt add up And how do you get 10 warnings in 17 seconds if that was the case?
  3. Who said it was off? And a typical warning without comminication is to fly beside said jet is it not?
  4. Woot woot!!!! Congrats!!!! Awesome news???
  5. Watch the flight patterns(not sure how reliable they are?) And listen to what turkey says, "warned 10 times and violated airapace for 17 seconds) That means the russians plane, if you do the math, was travelling at 255kmp/h Russia says it received no warning. And previously turkey has said violation of airspace is not an reason for immediate downing of a plane/jet. ??????
  6. This reminds me of spring walleye fishing the river. No we dont have that traffic... But you get right into fishing then get smashed by huge ice chunks comin with the current lol
  7. Hahahaha
  8. Yes. You should get that looked at?
  9. I would wear that as well? Sharp!!!
  10. Is nickleback still in canada? Im all for bombing them???
  11. You just described the west to a t, thank you?
  12. Saddams trial was eery but these "leaders" spoke alot of truth. Many of their hardships come from the west/nato and UN. Western media demonized them but many on those regions were happy people, and successful.
  13. And how were they horrible? Or more horrible than the west?
  14. Horrible by our standards??? They have different traditions/law and its not up to us to dictate their way of life
  15. You know, at one point I was CONvinced these leaders were so horrible. But once you look into it deeper, youll find its rarely the case. One thing they all have in common is they speak truth and condemn israel and the US Then poof, they are dead or their countries are invaded unjustly
  16. Turkey is in deep cacka. Turns out theyve lied about this incident
  17. Yeah last week, now he says they are a world wide threat lol.
  18. I still dont understand the fluctuations??? Id really think my bills would be much higher than the average????
  19. Thats how it works, when it rains it pours lol. Good for you!!!
  20. Oh choke switch on it was garbage though(plastic) So with the advice i got on OFC i contacted the company and they sent two replacements(not plastic lol)
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