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Everything posted by bullybass

  1. Congratulations!!! Really brings back memories... from the basement of the Oshawa Centre.... with my bright yellow bowling shirt covered in patches!!!
  2. Wow Dan... really great capture of the first deer.... I love the little tongue out for posterity... hahaha
  3. Here is the very first picture from my new camera... thanks everyone!!
  4. I did it... I pulled the trigger and bought the one that I wanted. I got the Canon XSi... now I just gotta wait until it charges and pester the kids with a million pictures... Thanks again for all of the advice. It has been a long process of checking prices and reading reviews and getting advice and I am glad that it is all done. Now I just have to learn how to use it. Bullybass
  5. Add me too! Bullybass
  6. Wow! Thank you so much for the information here. I have taken some courses 10-12 years ago in photography at school utilizing SLR cameras so I am sure most of it will come back to me regarding DOF, white balance etc... so I am thinking that I will likely go with a kit for now and then when I have more money expand and get some nicer glass. I will look into the Fuji and see how that feels as well... thanks for the suggestion Os. I gotta be honest though... I am still really thinking that the Canon is the one for me. I am thinking that I will have to wait for a decent sale... hopefully not too long... and pick one up and learn all over again. Once again Thanks everyone for all the info and advice. I hope to be posting some nice pics on here before too long!! bullybass
  7. Thanks for the input so far. I have been leaning towards the Canon but it is the most expensive of the 3. I am leaning really far though... hahaha. Just gotta convince the wife that the Canon is the better one to get... That is the real tough part!!
  8. Hi all, I love lurking here and checking out the amazing artwork. I am thinking about moving into the dslr market and was wondering if anyone had any advice to give on which one to purchase. My budget is $600-$700 and I would prefer new. I have been thinking about the Canon XSi, the Sony A300 or possibly the Nikon D60. I have two small children that need to be photographed and would love to do some wildlife, sunsets... possibly get into some HDR as I love the look of it. Thanks so much for any input. Bullybass
  9. Oh... ya.. that would be really bad then. Thanks for the explanation because I really didn't know that they could do that. I hope she emails paypal... I want to see the outcome of this. Thanks Baldy.
  10. Apparently my bad... but like I said... it did nothing to my computer and actually linked to paypal... except the last one.
  11. I clicked on all 3 links and the first 2 do indeed go to Paypal and the third one goes to a site ran by Washington Mutual insurance. I don't really think it is a scam. You probably just haven't used your paypal in a long time. But who knows. you will find that real secure websites that require any personal info from you will start with https instead of http... the s stands for secure. I only opened them because I have a mac and am not really worried about viruses. I am not a pro but they don't seem like scam links to me.
  12. This whole thing sucks.... especially cause $200 is 20%/month.... ouch... I say talk to a lawyer and see what they say... probably worth the couple hundred to talk to them. Good Luck with the whole thing!! Have you talked to your salesman about the extra charges??
  13. Wow... I second that... that is a huge perch!!!
  14. I don't know of any discount coupons but I can share a tip about the zoo with you. wear clothes of a light khaki... pants and shirt if you have them or khaki pants or shorts and a hunter green top or coat. this is what the keepers wear and the animals will actually respond to you thinking you are a keeper... I used to play with the siberian tigers alot this way.... jumping out from behind a tree... they would jump up on the fence in turn.... much better experience...
  15. OMG... he is so cute... and he is going to be huge!!!! I hope you have a bimini top on your boat cuz with all that fur he's going to be one hot dog under the sun!!!! gorgeous!!
  16. gotta be yum buzzfrog... just discovered that one... good big grub hooked weedless...black with red flake... x-rap in clown.... spinnerbait in white/chartreuse... love bass.... my best ever smallmouth was on a weird brown and white spinnerbait in the french... over 5lbs.... hit almost before it hit the water on a mile long cast.. it was awesome!!! numerous jumps etc.... he got off just before I got him in the boat... the funny thing was that the next day I did exactly the same thing in the exact same place but brought him in this time... unreal... had to be the same fish.... at least that is what I tell myself... hahaha
  17. Great report!!!! I love the little competitions that always seem to flare up whenever people get together to go fishing. It never fails... I caught the first fish... or the most species.... or the biggest... or the most.... never fails... all great fun... your daughter is so cute... surprised she broke away from the kitten to fish!!! hahaha
  18. fish mainly the Kawartha's but once or twice a year go to a no motor boat lake to bring in a hundred or so between the two of us.... spoils you a bit... but the 6 hours of driving really blows... and the paddling around... but man the fish have so much fight there... the two pounders fight like 4-5 pounders... and some yummy walleyes!!!
  19. Wow!!! that pic says it all.... great fish and even greater smile!!!
  20. Way to go!!! Breathtakingly beautiful out there!!!
  21. Nice report... that's a healthy looking fish... now I think the karma for getting that... uh... out of him... will show up tomorrow on Pigeon with a bunch of monsters!!! good luck!
  22. Thanks for the great replies!!! It was bass heaven... I bet Thursday would kill though!!! Thanks for the comments about my daughter... it is awesome to see how their faces light up when they catch anything... now the boy(2 yrs old)... that's another story... just not ready to be out there yet.... a bit of a nightmare really ccmt... next time you are out on Scugog... hook a big grub weedless or a rubber frog weedless and coast along 10-15 ft. out from the edge of the pads and cast right on the pads and bring it back along the top and hold on!!!!... the hardest part is to not pull before you feel the fish!!! still mastering that... hahaha I will definitely have to try to just use grubs with her.... try to save the grossness of the worms!!!
  23. So I finally got out... unfortunately it was a Sunday night after a beautiful weekend... don't get me wrong just getting out was amazing. I was giddy like a school girl. I have been dying to try out some rubber frogs across the lilypads for the first time. We hit the water at about 5:30 and went up the river to the lily pad areas.... so excited to see that first hit.... not my boat... so I am usually not the first to get the hits.. back of the boat blues.. but oh well... still great fun... put on the rubber Yum buzzfrog and put it on my baitcaster hoping that I wouldn't get a million bird's nests... wind and all... but the frogs were heavy and I could cast them a mile... woo hoo... my fishing partner was using big grubs but couldn't cast them nearly as far as I could... so for once I was getting some unfished territory first... yee haw!! It proved to work out for me... shortly after hitting the pads.... I got a great surface hit on the frog.... he bulldogged me into the weeds but when I pulled him in I got this beaut!! We got a couple of little one's as well but the action wasn't great... as we assumed... we were sure that it had been hard fished all weekend long but I managed to get this one that was even bigger... we got a couple more 1.5-2 pounders but nothing too great... but still great just getting out... we headed in around 9:00 went into Lindsay for some Timmie's and then home... great night on the water even if the action wasn't all that great... two good fish to show for it and a great time had by all... oh yeah and the important part... I outfished my brother-in-law.... gotta savour that... doesn't happen too often... if at all... woo hoo me!! one final pick from Omemee from last week of my daughter... who now casts on her own and holds her own fish.... gotta get her to put her own worms on now... hahaha... this is what fishing is all about!!!
  24. 1984 Taupe Sunbird... paid like $2500 for it... insurance $3100... still a farce back then... stick shift ... taught myself how to drive it... blew the clutch out 4 years later... in Madoc on the way home to Oshawa... cost me $700 to fix it... was never right after that crook "fixed" it... I liked that car... got me back and forth to visit the future wife in Kingston at school... usually with the needle buried!! yee haw!!!
  25. Weird.... went to Cobourg beach last night with the kids and it was $1.22 at the ultramar... had to fill up... across the street it was $1.32... how could I not fill up?? I can't believe it has come to where I think that $1.22 is cheap!!! what the hell is wrong with me
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