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Everything posted by bullybass

  1. Ya that Woodbridge kid was beaten like a redheaded stepchild!!! ... but it was unreal he didn't give up after those knees to the face!!! real testament to Canadian toughness!!
  2. Here is my boy... Spencer... I would love to take him fishing but he is afraid of the water... funniest thing... quite a hunting dog... lol... won't even go out in the rain... unless he can't hold it anymore... He is a German Short-Haired Pointer who is 6... great dog around my kids... and completely toy focused outside... could be 50 dogs around and he wouldn't care about them... as long as you were throwing something for him... trouble is he is always pointing out my flaws... hahaha what can I say... I love that G@&$amn Dog!!!
  3. so cool!!! Where do I get one??
  4. I'm in... another leafs fan here... team bullpucky!!
  5. We were at Lynde shores conservation area about two weeks back and had three come up to us for food... doesn't sound like it would be too hard... they were about two feet away from my boy.. beautiful copper coloured feathers and cool beards.
  6. hahaha!!!! very vicious... survival of the fittest!!!!
  7. mmmmm booby clouds
  8. Mepps, I tried it and that is hilarious!!! I can't believe the sense of humour that Google actually has!!! awesome
  9. 27th
  10. 16th
  11. Wow that is some powerful stuff. Thanks for posting!
  12. level 8 after like 12 tries.
  13. Me too. Stupid old mac freezes up whenever there are pictures in the thread... Very painful for me Rogers as well.
  14. The wife and I played last night on TV. We actually had a good time playing. Sucked on the memory parts... gettin' old I guess... pulled off a 122... stupid memory questions brought me down... and who knew that baby lavalife needed attention paid to it... oh well fun nonetheless!!!
  15. I agree with Bon Echo... except in June... just absolutely hoarded by mosquitos... like millions. Back lake under the highway with no motor boats is killer. Lake St. Peter is also quite nice. Great fishing beautiful campground. Murphy's Point is also great for camping and fishing.
  16. I wholeheartedly concur that the big 3 are in definite trouble... however blaming things like worker salaries seems a bit ridiculous. The last time I checked it cost on average $300 000+ to purchase a house... $25 000+ to purchase a new car( nowhere near top of the line car ) how do we afford these things if our salaries are not commensurate with today's cost of living??? How many banks are going to say oh I see you work at the local restaurant making minimum wage plus tips... sure you qualify for a $300K mortgage... ya right. If the auto industry decided that the workers were getting too much and cut salaries and pensions what would happen?? Would the prices of their vehicles come down??? Heck no??? Their profits would soar and the upper management would reap the immense rewards that would no doubt come from this. If you look at the GM model... the union and company went to the members and in the face of Oshawa car plant shutting down asked for concessions on their current contract to secure future contracts and the members voted to do what they can to secure their jobs for the future of the company and of course for their future... so it is not all greed and more more more!!!! GM has seen that there are problems... like warranty and have done something about this finally. They now have the best warranty in the industry on all there products. They are in fact listening to the consumer. Now they just need to think about their design department and realize that they need to make an impressive looking car in order for today's consumer to want it. Like say the Camaro.... hopefully it will not be priced way too far out of people's budgets. Just my two cents.... may not be worth one but hey there it is.
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