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Everything posted by moxie

  1. I drive an 02 Sierra Ext-Cab, same problem. The remedy is quite simple. I just turn the radio up a little louder.
  2. I apologize to any who have already seen this. Thought it was pretty a pretty cool toy. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=tPg1ZMiC9pA
  3. Like this one the best so far.
  4. Upgraded from an 8" SwedeBore to a 6" Finbore. As soon as I find the 8" on sale I'm buying the 8" as well. 14" of ice like butter.
  5. Topic? You changed it in mid-stream!!! HHH, Hooper the HeadHunter.... OK,OK.... Last words from me on this. Killing Fish BAD, Hooping Fish BADDER!!!!!!
  6. I don't know how this thread continues after what Roy quoted (HeadHunter) and then replied to...... Went out for a couple of hours to run some errands and laughed myself silly in the process...... Anything said after that sequence seems rather irrelevant and should be deleted, in mho....smirking as I press ENTER.......... . 45 goin on 14 i guess
  7. ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!! hehehe. Great job, looks great. Thanks !!!
  8. I'll head up to the Spring Fishing and Boat show this year. Its been a few years since I've been to either but seems to me the Sportsman show should have stayed put where it was, in the Fall and my reasoning for this is simple. Why make me choose ? If you spread them out I'd be more inclined to attend them both.
  9. Seems like you had a great outing. Thanks for sharing
  10. Everyone needs their own slice if they have the means to do it. Congrats and enjoy.
  11. hehehe. HOW?!?! I've tried for years and it doesn't seem to work. They just swim away!!!!
  12. 3.51 min into the vid. Some things are just that.
  13. He named Fredo by any chance?
  14. They shouldn't have been out there and once they regain the feeling in their extremities including "la cabeza" they should have to do some community service considering what the community did for them today. I would consider that more than fair punishment .
  15. LMFrigginAO!!!!!!!! Ya Roy!!!!! Wait till its your turn!!!!!.... lol.......
  16. Good on ya for getting out there David. You'll get'm next time.
  17. Worked on a kill floor for a couple of years and I can say that the process didn't always go according to plan but even when it did humane didn't make the grade there either. If it bleeds it will most certainly suffer.
  18. Well said Wayne. I went for a February swim at the tender age of 13 while in the care of an experienced angler and a lot of ice. If it ever happens again I will most certainly fess up but this is bordering on utter insanity given the conditions last season and this season so far.
  19. Let them sit there and watch as they gasp for oxygen, suffocate ever so slowly and die? Ya, sounds about right to me.
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