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About Wendel

  • Birthday 09/09/1971

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  • Location
    Woodstock, ON
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hockey, Fishing!

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  1. Haven't logged into this board in years... I've been lurking though lol Here is the MegaByte. She doesn't owe me a cent. She has bee very reliable and I wish I could get another just like it!
  2. I do think he's done this before, but I can respect his apology. He is not a meth crazed Nazi that decided to burn a school full of children and cute puppies Hard to say how this is going to work out for him, but I can guarantee that was the last fish he will club, I think he has really learned his lesson.
  3. the 250 new jobs are most like low paying call centre type jobs. The MNR is not the only place to layoff/buyout expensive long term employees and replace them with low cost employees. Look at what some manufacturing corporations have done, the government is no different. It's all about the bottom line, management will always save their own ass first by cutting people under them...
  4. Knock on wood I haven't had anything go missing in a while, but at our trailer park in the spring some punks broke into 44 trailers! The year before our brand new trailer was in the park less then 12 hours before someone tried to break into it... Still cost 1500 to get the door replace, but they never got in... I would love to catch one of these guys, but in reality you would most likely be charged with assault for pounding the crap out of some scumbag... It's happened before and I'm sure it will happen again.
  5. yeah, both times I thought I was going to lose the whole motor to the bottom of the lake, it's really only held on then by the cables!
  6. I love how they got right down to it. Oh, and Skylar still needs to go...
  7. I got a new bow mount last year, Minn Kota Power Drive V2 with ipilot... Love it! However... Two times it has become unlocked will I was travelling at a high rate of speed. The first time it was a little bumpy, but not too bad, I was still going about 25 mph. Second time, lake was calm, I was doing about 32mph when it came unlocked. Both times it broke the lower housing and bent the pin badly. Parts aren't very expensive, and it should only take me about half an hour this time lol What I want to know is anyone else have a problem like this? I want to get something that will hold down the head of my motor to the gunnel, The guy from Aikman's told me to make sure I always adjust the locking collar down, but I don't think that will stop it from becoming unlocked, it will just stop it from hitting the water at 30mph which might stop it from getting broken... I've looked at the Ram Mount trolling motor stabilizer, but I'm looking for other opinions. Thanks!
  8. Probably the best fishing boat ever built. I have a 178TC and love it. Now, I did have some issues because the guy I bought it from put a 4 stroke on it. I had to replace the transom. On the newer polarkrafts they are rated by weight rather then HP
  9. On lake st. clair I just use a tube. I will tie a stand out hook on about 18 inches from the tube. It's been quite deadly on the smallies this year. The ones that can resist the tube, can't resist the powerbait 4 inch minnows!
  10. We are going to the Kipiwa are in Quebec once again. Can't wait to get chewed on by the black flies... And then of course I'll be in fishing heaven on weekends this summer as long as the water is high enough to get my boat out of the channel of the Ruscom River and into Lake St. Clair Going to try and beat my personal best of 50.25 and the boat's best of 52.5!!!
  11. Nice looking Logo Mike. Can't wait to put the sticker on my boat, I'm sure it will cover up a big ding lmao All kidding aside looking forward to getting some of these, maybe even a shirt. Let me know when you have them, not sure I'm going to make it to the oddysey now. My sister in law decided to have my nephew Christened the same day, I get a month notice for that, but knew about the Oddysey a year ago, decisions decisions lol
  12. Looking forward to it, good luck tomorrow morning! And yes, Lew, that is a great place for breakfast... Never had the Chinese from there, but that's good to know as well, we usually order pizza from Chochi's... it's usually pretty good but they close pretty early sometimes.
  13. Be a man and camp I've got a trailer @ rochester place campground. I'll be there this weekend. Not sure what the lake looks like, it's been pretty windy the last week or so.
  14. Hey how soon is ASAP? And how big is it? I put myself through university building fences and decks. I'm quite handy when I want to be lol
  15. I've done all right for pike in long point inner bay. It's probably pretty tough to find them this time of year though as they head deeper. I would also recommend Mitchell's Bay in Lake St. Clair. You may end up with some Musky though. I also second the Moon River....
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