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Everything posted by beginner

  1. happy birthday
  2. omg u guys are old..... lolz but I call it the wise guys of fishing!...
  3. You always deliver an awesome report Simon... great pics too...
  4. great report!... Awesome pic... wish I could learn more how to fish those class A fish!... specially walleye.. thnx for sharin!... I need to call in sick this week to fish.... ha ha ha ha
  5. thnx mercman!... I would keep smilin if I everytime I go fishing this biggy will be waitin for me to do some tag of war... lolz
  6. I was very pleased... I would smile if everytime I hook of this fighter fish lolz
  7. this buggers was sell mostly every chinese supermarket!... soon or later metro will sale this buggers too... hope not... ha ha ha ha then best buy, futureshop, canadiantire... joke...
  8. In my opinion I think he probably think nobody would check them, after all his a councilor and they wouldnt be bother by some MNR.. I say good job to the CO for checking them, meaning no bias.. who ever you are, big or small... political or not..
  9. dont like rain lolz it ruin my fishing
  10. yeah.. I was trying to save the warranty lolz If I take out the wrapped I always lost the warranty... It safe for me that way.. and always looks brand new.. not...! thnx.. good luck..
  11. OH yeah he did!... lolz
  12. yeah I was with him.. I dont know how many pounds but he was 21 inches, probably 5lb to 6lbs not sure but he was heavy at thick When you going fishing with me?? Are you going to ur cottage this weekend?? call me.. tc bfisher
  13. thnk you
  14. I was very pleased!.. thnx, he give a good fight!..
  15. nice bass..
  16. is this a best day ever or what??? lolz to me it is!....
  17. ha ha ha... funny as hell!... omg, cant wait to see his next post.. complaining about discount in his boat!... lolz http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tease.gif
  18. nice!... that wally looks like your tossing an airplane...
  19. great report... nice shootin!...
  20. nice fish!... I fish along victoria st.. last yr I did very well... there are some really good size in the grand.. keep posting man.... used photobucket for uploading ur pic... just copy IMG paste it here... works well...
  21. holy smoke that is a monster wallie... awesome.. wish I could catch one of that this yr.. thnx for sharin.. keep postin
  22. I used 6lb test line with 10"ft rod in bass, pike, walleye to salmon.. 6lb test is all I need..
  23. some huge smalle... great catch
  24. welcome aboard.. cant wait to see ur post!...
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