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Everything posted by DoubleDigits
This is like a poem.
Would you call 911 - Sort of fishing
DoubleDigits replied to Reelaction's topic in General Discussion
I can't understand the folks who scream for fines for people who go through the ice. Saving a recreational fisherman from drowning or freezing to death sounds like a good use of tax dollars/government resources to me. And no, I don't actually care if the guy is 'stupid', an 'idiot', or 'crazy'. -
Green sunfish/pumpinseed hybrid?
Yeah that poor lawyer jumped to his death in 1993...and the one about the .22/fuse was completely made up by the internet in the mid 90s. Debunked by the newspaper that it was attributed to. Makes you wonder about all the others on the list...
I'm no nutritionist, (my own diet is fairly horrible) and if a certain diet works for you great...but the logic behind the 'paleo' diet, the idea that what our paleolithic ancestors ate (which ones? from what part of the globe?) is somehow what we as a species were intended to eat, is silly on many levels.
I don't think so. i think they are just being forced up the hole by current. The nice one comes up backwards You can see at the beginning, the hole is at the bottom of some sort of culvert. This also explains why the ice is thicker, or higher elevation there than the ice to the right, where the water flows down.
Fishing a Haliburton back lake this weekend...
DoubleDigits replied to castgame's topic in General Discussion
Amazing report! Thanks for sharing. -
This is bogus. No one on this thread, and no prominent voices in the american media are arguing for banning all guns...no one. One side of this debate is advocating banning certain types of weapons (the other is taking and absolutist, hardline stance that argues the red herring of elite liberals taking the first steps in taking away all the guns. Art said above about this is a 'gray issue' that will not require black and white solutions...Well, only side is talking in black and white terms here, and that is the side saying 'Outta my cold dead hands...' Sinclair, you're repeated talk about fully automatic is just another red herring, and a favorite of the NRA types. No one here is talking about fully auto assault weapons. Try to follow along.
Actually, they were assault rifles. As in, assault rifles as defined by US law, in the previous Assault Weapons Ban, and the NY laws. They are defined as semi-auto weapons with 'tactical' combat features such as flash suppressors, detachable mags, etc. These are the types of weapons used in Newton and Aurora. To my knowledge, the media, nor anyone here have confused semi-auto and full auto, or .22 with .30...
I'll ask again: How is a folding stock merely cosmetic? Why talk cosmetics when they are immaterial to the new NY law? No one is talking about banning 'black', or 'camo' weapons. How about the 25 round clip? What about the flash suppressor?
Surely you can understand how modifications like folding stocks, threaded barrels for silencers, banana clips, etc. are more than cosmetic...
Yep, that's how totalitarianism happens folks...first they ban assault weapons, then live bait, then flies.
How to get the PMs attention new rules for all Canadians
DoubleDigits replied to mr blizzard's topic in General Discussion
What a spectacularly foolish question this is, right here... -
First, those weren't the only methods discussed in the thread. Second, bleeding out is more about getting the blood out, and improving the meat...
I'm pretty sure there's room for this conversation on this site. The author's closing words in 'Book of the Black Bass' (1881) are: "Always kill your fish as soon as taken from the water, and ever be satisfied with a moderate creel." Fisherfolk have been having this conversation for hundreds of years. Its ok, we can handle it.
For best quality of meat, a little rigor mortis is necessary, I think. But If you're interested in an efficient means of fish killing, and also keeping flesh quality in mind, I would get the hang of Ikijime. This is the Japanese method of inserting a spike (an iki spike) into the fishes brain, causing it instant brain death, and apparently, blood from the muscles to travel to the gut. When you hit the right spot (between the eye and the false operculum) you will know it, because the the jaw will pop fully open, all the fins will flare, and then the fish will just go limp and be dead as a doornail. A filet knife works in place of the spike.
Awesome fishing if you ask me. Makes me want to chase pike this year.
I don't think anyone really falls for this silly crap. A Conservative, anti-environmental advocacy group screaming bloody murder over a birds nest?? Puleeze...
Nice fishing, nice report! The gators can be a pest, especially if you're fishing topwater.
How about something like this: Agree on a list of species. Not everyone will be necessarily close to all on the list, but limit it to fish that OFC members regularly post from Ontario waters. Obviously, as seasons open, the species become fair game. Award points based on length measurements, with ruler/photos. Award points weekly, same day every week all submissions are to be in by certain time. Keep score from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Points go to biggest fish (longest), second biggest (fewer points obviously), and maybe something for third too. This way, big fish catching prowess is rewarded, but so is multispecies, variety...but most of all consistency through the seasons and overall hardcoreness. I'm assuming this would be an alternate to the main OFC tourney
There is nothing meaner in the sea. Hopefully, some time around late March, I will get to tangle with some big GTs... just get a load of this !
You're young! You can do it! I really think it depends on what type of sleeper you are. I am a light/crappy sleeper, so i think I am always in a bit of a daze, and was able to cope. My girlfriend work 12hr nights for a time, and she had frequent night terrors...which didn't help me sleep to easy either...yikes!
That is a tough shift, I know. Continental I think its called. With regard to night shift I would say first, avoid all energy drinks--redbulls, etc. If you drink coffee, stick to that, drink it as normal. Also, don't go to bed right when you get home. Eat a meal with the kids, make your lunch or whatever, unwind and go to bed when you're ready. The switch can be tough, but you'll get used to it. If its 7-7, just wake up nice and early the day your pm shift starts, be active, and then take pleasure in the fact that you can take a 5 hr nap in the middle of the afternoon and no one can say anything about it! Also, use earplugs. Really helps you sleep through house/traffic noise. Finally, use your off days to recharge, and take advantage of the priceless mid week !!!