I think you have great point there, how is it any worse than a lot of lures. I can't even think of how many times i've used a lure with 2 or 3 setts of trebles and hooked the fish in many differnt locations along with the mouth.
I think the rig should be legal in all tournies.
That's what I used to use but the elastics are too stretchy and I find they slid off the hook or break too easily but it's a great idea if you wan to save some money
I use them wacky style with a rubber ring as you would with the 5", as for the hook i use a trokar hook, i don't know the model but they're the smallest they carry, i think, they come in a few different sizes. They work great for big, lazy largies.
Last year i was stopped three times, they wanted my card, registration and safety stuff. It might be because of my age though, my grandad was stopped and they just wanted safety stuff.
Thanks for all of the responces, i placed an order for some if the lipless livetarget crawfish amd will be looking for a crankbait rod and hopefully some great fishing for the fast aproaching bass season.
Thanks for the info, i'll be looking into to those.
Another quick question
What rods should i be using? A crankbait rod? Medium, medium-heavy?
Thanks again
With bass season coming up i was thinking about trying lipless cranks this year, since i haven't really fished them much.
My question is, what should i be looking for? Colour? Size?