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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. YA what dog said get a 4 stroke. Brian just go for it that looks like a fine machine with fuel going up 50hp will keep the cost down. I know you are used to going fast with a bass boat but if you don't mind going slower it will save you tons on fuel. I get 32MPH with my Honda on my 16 footer its not fast but gets me to where I want to go. Hope to see you in it next week.Cresliners are good boats GO FOR IT
  2. Mike what kind of commuting do you do alot of highway or bumper to bumper traffic. I can easily achieve 600kms per tank with my Odessey around 65 litres on the highway on cruise 110kph 115kph but in the city the gas mileage sucks. The van is loaded with gear and us 5. My wife travels to downtown Montreal crosses the bridge bumper to bumper traffic 36kms per day round trip 5 days a week costs her $40 per week. its all bumper to bumper. Its a tough decision when you need pulling power and space. Oil companies are changing our way of life.
  3. The Subaru will use just as much gas as the Freestyle.One quarter for one quarter. Subaru's are good cars but friends tell me they suck gas.
  4. Krawler no its not nessary to have throttle control on your kicker yes it would be nice but can easily be controlled without. I use a T-Bar to connect to my main motor although my main motor is a tiller I prefer to steer with the main motor instead of constantly reaching over to steer the kicker.I have had an EZ steer sysytem on my first boat it works well but way over priced $350 not to mention you have to hook it up in back of the 2 motors.I have used the T-Bar system for 5 seasons now its better than EZ steer and costs about $45. Mike
  5. I wish I could catch a small pike like that, nice!!!!!!! How much did it weigh Gary?
  6. Are you dreaming or what I have a 2006 V6 Malibu with a 3.5 litre. 40 miles per gallon I Don't think so.At 100kph on cruise control 33 MPG is achievable. Yes the uplander is a nice van have driven one. I must add my 06 Malibu is very reliable with 103 000kms. What the GM says it can do and what they really can do are never accurate and that is what all the Big brands claim. Alot of Bull marketing. MTP
  7. Excellent report Mike too bad about the prop I have a Quebec fishin licence you know I just need an invite oh and I know how to drive those SSV fishing boats
  8. Excellent report guys always nice to see OFNERS getting together. The weather was perfect nice pics and the food must have been tasty
  9. WTG Marko more inches for the team 27 inches that is a nice sized carp Now you need to find a place to keep your keys safe. All right I think we have 4 fish registered now Keep up the good work.
  10. Mike in your case you are not obligated to go for a minivan having 2 children. I would not buy a 4 cylinder SUV though between the 4 or 6 cylinder there is not much of difference in gas and you need the pulling power of a V6 for all your added gear and to pull the SSV. I have a 2000 Honda Odessey and I must say am very happy with it. like Lew says it handles like a sports car and man it has alot of power. The gas mileage in the city is not great but highway driving can easily get over 30 miles per gallon. Sure I would love to have a truck but with 3 kids and many long trips the answer for now is a minivan.Lets just say it keeps the peace on long trips. three kids sitting on the same bench is chaos This van has lots of room and can pull my 2600lb tent trailer with ease. As Lew also said it does not have alot of ground clearance but that was only an issue once while launching my boat but the ramp was crap overall launching is easy with the added feature of traction control. My usual mechanic wants to know why he does not see me anymore Reliability thats why. Good luck with your choice
  11. Congrats bud so did it help you catch more fish .I gave you a call yesterday your wife said you were ot fishin I think you were out for a joy ride because we don't see any fish pics. How does it troll? My buddy Kenny has the 60 Merc and it trolls nice and slow. You know my kids soccer has not started during the week yet so all I need is an invite. My boat or yours? Enjoy man 24mph is going to be a thing of the past now
  12. Yes I really had a blast with good friend Glenn. The action was non stop with many follows and lost fish I would have to say this was my most enjoyable time targetting PIKE. We had some laughs and I caught my new PB for smallest pike ever also missed another dill pickle. The hot lure of the day was the Pink Rapala X-Rap. Had a great time with you Bud. I look forward to our next outing in your new boat. Here are some pics. Nothing of great size but the action was plentyful. I did lose some nice ones but we all know those do not count
  13. Excellent job
  14. Good one Brian WTG boys nice to see some big salmon fish pics. Emile the boat is looking good buddy you look like a pro
  15. Yes they are expensive but $30 is less than the fines given out on Quinte one night I saw 3 boats get fines for no lights. I have a set for a 12 ft tinny I just sold but I will keep them just in case I rent a boat and I can use them with the canoe.
  16. I thought it was time for Java update nope it happened to me too.
  17. Welcome and thanks for that awesome first report. Watch out for rednecks on this site
  18. HA HA very funny Red Neck Dog was just at my parents and my mom pointed this out I must say you all made me laugh.You are a funny man Glenn. What goes around comes around
  19. Mercs are black that must be a Honda wannabee
  20. How come pick #9 is showing a Silver motor in the background where is the Merc?
  21. Great report and pics GCD its about time you contributed to your team more with all the free time. you have now you have passed my team in inches but Bass opens in 3 weeks here so I will have my turn.
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