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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I caught a 6lb LMB using a hula popper on Loch Garry near Alexandria, way back before they killed the lake by draining too much water into the city reservoir.The lake froze right to the bottom, killing everything in it.
  2. yup, part of the problem, not the solution. No one particularly likes to pay taxes, but its necessary.We just need someone credible to make sure they get used to OUR adavantage, not THEIRS.
  3. Looks like someone got out and walked away
  4. Holy crap !!!!!!!!!!!!What a fish. Congrats
  5. I tried really hard, but here is what i was eluding to the other day. http://webidiotz.com/_blog/Blog/post/PST_GST_What_do_you_need_to_know!/ 'Note that if you, the vendor, do not charge and collect RST, the responsibility falls onto the purchaser: “If taxable goods and services are purchased for own use from an out-of-province vendor or supplier who does not charge and collect RST, the purchaser is required to report and pay the applicable RST on the total fair value” Don't get me wrong here, i had suspected, but wasn't sure about this myself.So, you SHOULD be paying your local sales tax on anything purchased, no mater where it comes from. Whether you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution, is your bussiness. And thats just my opinion of course.
  6. Nice gators !! I love catching pike.They are such MANLY fish.
  7. thats if they dont steal the camera. Went hunting once in my life. My dad left me his guns in his will.Took the course, got equiped in orange.An experienced friend took me to Rawdon just North of Montreal.It was like bloody D-Day !!! There was guys drinkin wine and shooting bottles for fun, 2 were shooting at crows with 30.06's. Scared the crap outa me.Never went back out.
  8. Thats too kewl. Mine closes her eyes when i put the worm on her hook.She still catches more tham me though.She can sense a fish faster then my sonar.It kills me
  9. SO I'M BETTER TO CRUSH HIS LITTLE SKULL ???? So much for the wife coming fishing with me. She hates it when i have to take the hook out, she'll never stand for bonkin them
  10. What i can't figure out is HOW do you enforce such ambiguous regulations??? if it goes to court, how can a judge rule on something that has more than one interpretation I'm so paranoid now i'll have a hard time fishing without lookin over my shoulder It's already so bad i can't watch football.When they go into the huddle, i'm sure they are talking about me.
  11. don't let him get to ya, he's our resident cage shaker.The know it all......i mean All Knowing angler.
  12. nice healthy looking bunch a morcels !!! That'll be a nice meal.
  13. VERY NICE !! Fall is a great season for photography.The lighting gives every thing that contrasted look.Thanks for sharing these. Paul
  14. now i get it..............took me a while to figure it out, but i get ya now....
  15. if i didnt fish, and have some understanding of the rules, sure. but i wouldnt post that on this board, thats for sure
  16. no, i just don't think that MNR officers are mindless dummies who are out to ticket and fine everyone who makes the slightest mistake.They are there to catch the idiots who show no respect for the environment nor the sport.They have been trained to recognize these do no gooders by reading there body language and assesing their answers to questions and taking a fast inventory of the equipment used by the angler.Most have the same training as police officers to a certain extent.I once looked into what is needed to become a CO.They are very well educated in law, and have excellent people skills. Maybe i'm too idealistic, but i like to think that if you show respect to an officer of the law, it goes along way in saving your a..s....s These officers are there to educate and protect the environment.Not harass us for transporting a live fish flopping around in your trunk. can they??? hell ya. Will they??? depends on your attitude.
  17. congrats on the win i'd like to try that someday maybe next year i will try a tourny must be fun Just teasing thats all !!!!
  18. SIGH......as long as they are not swimmin in water, they wouldnt bother you........
  20. canadianluremaking.com got everything you need.
  21. They had a fire ant infestation in the maritimes this summer As the world gets warmer we are gonna see some really nasty changes happening ih the bug world.All we are missing now is killer bees!!!!
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