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Everything posted by mercman

  2. AMEN BRO There is no real solution.It is what it is,and its our own fault for letting it happen. Nite all, sleep well in your cozy warm electrically heated homes.Keep it hot,you are paying to do so anyways.
  3. I don`t know about cheap labor.Canada has one of the highest paid workforces in the world.As far as the British go, the came to our rescue because we were a colony back then.I doubt very much if they would be willing to stick thier necks out for us now. As far as Nukes, did you live through the cold war and the Cuba crisis. I did, and i am scarred to this day by the fear and uncertanty that i lived through. Being shown how to put a gas mask on and how to curlup into a ball to try and hide from the blast and EMP, at 7 years old.No 7 yr old should have to live that. We need to spend money in hybrid technology. bio fuel, wind and sun energy.Hydro based electricity,passive solar energy and other non polluting renewable and sustainable energy sources. THEN WE KICK AND GET OURSELVES INTO A POSITION OF POWER OVER OUR OWN LIVES. but the money hungry goats posteriors running our GOV will never let this happen
  4. Thats a pretty scarey place to be sitting man.How long do you think it would take the Yanks to absorb us as just another state.Push to shove, the survival instinct is the strongest of our primal instincts, and history shows that what they want, they get.its better we share now rather than give it up later.The way i see it anyways.
  5. BB, we talked about this before.On our dollar coin we have a LOON, not a LONN.Hence the name LOONie. We dont want people callin ya a redneck, right Ok....now carry on. The Canadiasn economy is so attached to the US ecomony, that we could slide a curly hair between the 2. If the US economy goes teats up, the Canuck economy will without a doubt sink right behind it.So as long as thats true, i want Billy Bob to be mt best friend.
  6. electricity and oil.2 things that we simply can not live without and the gov knows it.The options for both are numerous but the Gov burries patents for alternate energy solutions beneath tons of paperwork.So much, that inventors and people with real viable solutions go bankrupt before they can realize any of the ideas.Then the Gov purchases the patent for penneys and throws it in the can. The only viable solution is a coup d'etait.Bring the Gov to its knees and start all over with new ideals and new blood.The every day folk like you and i.You dont need a degree in ploitical science to budget and spend money responsibly. Cripes, my wife would make a better finance minister than the one we got.I'd like to see them try and squeeze an extra billion outta her pocket !!! believe me...i've tried !! But, alas, we are sheep aren't we.Anytime someone asks us we are always"NOT BAHHHHHED" I can see us storming the house of commons with the plastic knives and forks weapons they give us to fight with.WHAT A FREAKIN LAFF, EH !!!!! Until we grow the balls necessary to do what we say we are going to do,lets all get shafted up the yingyang until we holler for more.The way i see it anyways. Phew, that felt good.What do you think BB.
  7. Livin the Americain dream eh BB !!! If anyone can do it, i know you can. You got your head on straight. I'd like to be the first to enroll if you ever decide to teach how you do it.
  8. you my friend are a fishing GURU !!! Thanks for sharing and welcome to the board.
  9. electricity is still the cheapest way to go here in Quebec.Mailny because we produce so much hydro electrcity.It went up slightly after the ICE STORM, but that was to may the repairs.But gas !!! thats a ripoff here.Its at 117.9 today. was 127.9 last week. by tolorrow it should be around 113.0, then back up to 118.9. makes no sense at all.I'm gonna tank up on the reserve Billy Bob.I cant take this anymore!!
  10. http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/wildlife/factsheets/fs_cormorants-e.html Bob posted this on page 1 of this thread.Did anyone actually read it.It states that cormorant populations in the great lakes has been declining steadily in recent years. Here is an excerpt. "In recent years, the explosive growth of the cormorant population has definitely slowed. The largest colony on the Great Lakes, at Little Galloo Island in Lake Ontario, showed a 31% decrease in numbers of breeding pairs between 1992 and 1994. In 1994, the cormorant population of Lake Ontario decreased by 6%. This was the first such decline in over 15 years. In 1992, Newcastle Disease Virus killed up to 30% of the young cormorants in several colonies. These population declines and disease outbreaks are signs that other factors are starting to have an impact on the population. Thus it seems unlikely that the cormorant population will continue to grow as it has during the 1980s and early 1990s. According to fisheries biologists, stocks of the smaller prey fish have been decreasing dramatically in recent years. This decrease in the cormorants' food supply is probably already contributing to their decline on Lake Ontario." Its a long read but if you are going to argue for the death of a species, then read a little on it first.
  11. seagulls prey on cormorant eggs and young.Ive noticed a drop in seagull population locally.I wonder if this is happening elsewhere and whether there is a tie here.
  12. impressive selection Jacques.You've become a true professional baiter.One might even say you are a Master.
  13. what about the snakehead too.watched a show last nite that opened my eyes real wide.i'd never heard of them in north america before. where the heck do these cormarants come from anyways.I'm gathering they are an invasive species.
  14. holy holes in a donut Batman !!!!excellent
  15. What a rush.There is a show every week on WFN about Kayak fishing.Now there's a MANLY SPORT When they hook into a monster,you have to ask yourself who is catching who
  16. Here in Quebec, i believe we have a card for hunting that gives you the right to have a hunters licence, but no card yet to buy a fishing licence. I say YET because the Gov here usually studies yours for a few years before deciding to copy its ideas.Costs us 19.25/year to fish here.I fished twice this year in Ontario and it cost me 20 bucks per day each time.It would be nice if owners of Outdoor cards were given a rebate on fishing licences to compensate for the cost.
  17. Great report Those are some nice fishies !!! lb for lb i bet they fight harder than any ole bass thanks for the pics and story.
  18. I like to believe that the reasoning behind this whole permit thing so to try and educate people and keep the asses off the water.But realistically i think its a money grab. Its too easy for idiots to cheat, having the test online.It took me twice to pass it, but thays good because now i know what i didnt before.I have had people offer me money to do the test for them.I said no, but how many others said yes.So now the idiots have cards too.Does that make them boaters or certified idiots
  19. Ya its sad snakeheads,goby,lamprey,killer bees,earwigs,what the h-ll
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