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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Thanks for embedding that for me Roy !!!
  2. <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WwRrKaq0IyY" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
  3. does it taste like chicken BB
  4. 23 years ago, this May, i was on the brink of death.Swollen and bleeding from places you shouldn't.I had it all, and traded it for oblivion in the bottle.My only freind in the world, Jack Daniels, had begun to kill me. I placed my life, and my future in the hands of total strangers who had walked the same mile as i had.Defeated, and broken, i asked them to help me climb the ladder to happiness and sanity.I have offered the same help to others when asked, ever since. It is the reason i am where i am today. I have and do live one day at a time.It is possible and i am living proof of it. Ron, thank you again for this thread, i gather strength each time i visit it. Paul
  5. tragic for sure .good defensive driving would have avoided this scenario.
  6. 5 inches long giant crayfish ??? Cripes i expected it to be the size of a Pomeranian!!!
  7. Generally, sock size should match shoe size.
  8. the white boots are thier 'sunday got to meeting' boots Got to make a good impression for the cameras. Billy Bob can confirm that for ya.
  9. depends if you are fishing with me Bob. Speaking of depends..................
  10. ya i know, but i'm kind of a sissy
  11. Hunting or not, the guy is a yahoo.But, i kinda sympathize with him a wee bit.Back in the old days, i was having skunk problems.I lived in a suburb not far from here. One nite it came around and stunk up the neighborhood again. I was tanked up pretty good and grabbed my 12 gauge, snuck around the corner, and blew its brains out.Every lite in the neigborhood lit up, i ran back in, and nobody called the cops, but people always looked at me a bit funny afterwards I dont do things like that anymore.
  12. S'UP DAWG ? i dont believe they will actually stop him from wearing camo as a fashion, but if you look like a duck, and qvack like a duck, what do you think you are ???. Its just a way that authorities can control his 'hunting' urges, and keep the city safe.
  13. NOPE.... not photoshopped.if you look carefully, branches and leaves appear in front of the cougar.this appears to be a real photo.
  14. intense !!! hard to say what would have happened, or what happened later on.The buck on the ground looked pretty beat up. The other was so stressed. Could the stress result in thier death later
  15. ya but Troys helper needs to learn to shoot straight. 20 shots and the gator got away....Looked like he left skid marks in his shorts
  16. sigh....if only they stayed in my mouth.....
  17. you have made it this far MM, you will see it gets easier with time.Sounds to me that your strength is greater than you think.Anytime you need a shoulder, someone in here will always know EXACTLY how you feel,i garantee it . Paul
  18. wow terry !!! you make them yourself !!! thats really cool.that one should be added to the list for sure.
  19. this is an excellent explanation of the dif between the 2 types. Thanks
  20. I think they mainly want to control this guys bad habits and lack of responsibility.If you own a hunting knive and hunting clothes, you are probably hunting.They left the terms vague on purpose i bet.
  21. SURE when you click reply, a window opens.you should see them on the rh side of your screen.place the cursor(little flashing thingy next to the words you are typing, and click on one of the emoticons. it should appear next to the word you typed
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