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Everything posted by mercman

  1. mercman


    Gawd i love this place Bush Beans,Long guns, rednecks,steelheaders,pet lovers,ice fishing,crappie catching,perch eating,whitefish smoking,car fixin,lure porn,boat porn,plumming,electrical,turkey watching,yote hating,bait casting,spinnin,pinning,cormorant hating,box building,carpentry advise,lure making,smart arses AND ALL!!!
  2. A warm and Happy Easter to all! Be safe on the roads, and enjoy the familly time.
  3. The wife and i have been following weight watchers for the last month. I have dropped 12lbs, the wife 10. We exercise everynite as soon as we get home.I do weight reps for 20 minutes followed by 5 kms on the recumbant bike. I was surprised to notice that during my routine, my heart rate hovers around 110 bpm, and quickly drops after i stop exercising. i still need to lose another 30-40 lbs, but im in better shape than i thought Congrtas on your achievement. keep up the good work. Paul
  4. mercman


    OH GEEZ......He's back from Vegas....
  5. Amazing ! The cloud tops look exactly like waves on water.Thanks for sharing Paul
  6. Absolutely.He was a mans man, a fishermans heart never stops beating.Never met him, but i felt i knew him for years, and the wife and i cried like babies watching the show where he passed.Even now, watching this show, i feel the pain of emotion. Kinda like something else we all feel in here....eh?
  7. On Discovery chanel, at 9pm. A look back at the life of Capt Phil Harris from Deadliest Catch. He was a special man.
  8. Nice fish Bud !! But your little guy is just great. Cant hide the pride in his eyes for his dad. Thanks for sharing Paul
  9. I dont think anyone got ripped off here.Medical attention is very expensive, whether for a human or an aminal. We seldom see the bills our doctors are sending in to the Gov, but you can bet they are high. My wife and i have been doing IVF, and the cost of that, not including the Meds, is over 18,000.This year it is covered by medicare, but not the first time we tried. With Vet bills, they seem high because we have to pay cash from our pockets, so we see the cost right away.Plus, they recieve no subsidies from the Gov for new equipment or training. Paul
  10. Hey mang.....chu gotta fast car amigo?
  11. My heart goes out to you.We would sell our souls to save our best friends.A few years ago, i had a Lab Retriever.Smartest dog i ever owned. At 3 years old, out of the blue, she started having seizures. She was diagnosed with canine epilepsy.The vet immediately put her on Phenobartitol.Every 13 days, at 1.30Am, she would have a grand mall seizure, lose her vision and control of her bodily functions. I would hold her in my arms, and talk gently to her until she came to.We spent thousands trying to find a cure.The vets had never seen a case like it, where i could predict the day and hour she would sieze. Finally, we had to put her down, not because of the money, but to relieve her suffering and to regain some peace of mind in my familly.Its a terrifying thing to watch a big dog in the holds of a grand mall seizure.The Vets do what they can though, with no funding for research. Her name was Misty
  12. I think i just found a new way to make money
  13. Ok, Now i get it. I cant eat those things. Irrate bowels.
  14. Thats ok buddy, we have the best pickerel fishing and bass fishing in Canada here, and we have Roy
  15. Thats ok LFW, i dont get it either
  16. mercman


    Dawg !!! you dont need spell check, your doing just fine.By the looks of it, you have that keyboard doing just what you want it to do.
  17. mercman


    Now THATS what i'm talkin about Kinda looks like my cousin Willy.Just kidding TJ. A very stealthy frame indeed.
  18. mercman


    I'd pay good money to see that Geoff !!!!
  19. I entered Even though i'm getting a 500 dollar rapala package as part of my new boat package. If there is one thing i have learned in here, its that you never have enough tackle
  20. And ?.....What pray tell are Bush beans, he asked knowingly
  21. mercman


    Thats what happens when you make your living through conversation On the phone with customers and suppliers, at my sales counter,talk all day, and i guess it overflows onto this place.Really sorry folks. I'm truly happy to know all of you, without exception, i am a richer man from the experience. Paul
  22. Happy Birthday Brian !!!Ya dont look a day older than Roy
  23. mercman


    Over the past year, i have experienced something, that i have no explaination for.Something, that when i joined, i had no idea would happen to me. Im not even sure what to call it Let me explain. When i read your posts about fishing and see your photos and video, i am excited for you almost as much as you are. When i read your requests for help about anything at all, i find myself racking my brain, and searching the net for answers and solutions to your questions. When you post jokes and humorous videos, i find myself laughing and sharing the humor with my wife and friends. And when your posts share with me the tragedies that you encounter in your daily lives, i cry. In recent weeks and months, some of you have lost friends and loved ones, and i have cried for you and have prayed for you. I have never met you, and maybe never will, but i feel the pain in your hearts, as if you were members of my own familly.Why is that? Its never happened to me before, so why now, on a fishing forum that i have only been a member of for 10 months. I feel that this forum, has made me a better man.It has stirred within me compassion, and empathy, that is completely new to me and i like it.I like it alot and those around me like what has happened to me too. And you are all responsible for the changes in me, that i carry with me into my daily living. Paul
  24. Great idea Dawg ! I"m going to try it on a small patch i have starting in the far back of my property later this summer. Thanks Paul
  25. Thanks Skeets ....at least YOU remebered i am an appliance parts expert
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