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Everything posted by stubbex1

  1. Heading up on Monday. Anyone know of good spot to buy some minnows?
  2. +1
  3. The pond was dug about 10 feet in the middle. It was holding and maintaining water really well until this spring when my dog ripped the drain tube out of its socket. The pond dropped 3 feet in 2 days. With the dry summer we've had it hasen't dropped anymore, but it hasn't come back up either. Hopefully we have a wet fall (once crops are off) so it comes back up. There is lots of vegetation, and across the road there is a swamp with a drain pipe that runs underneath the road which feeds the pond. Is ten feet too shallow to run without an aeration systom?
  4. hmm decisions... Last year I threw 7 or 8 1lb bass in the pond. I wasn't sure if they had survived at all. I know there are a ton of frogs in the area, and there are always alot of bugs floating on the surface. Last week I took the dog swimming, and I noticed something small jumping out of the water all over the surface. After a closer look they were small (1 1/2 inch) fish going after insects. They were swimming in schools around the shore edges. I'm guessing the bass have spawned and those are the fry? I'm thinking of taking my chances and buying some minnows somewhere and throwing them in there and see what happens. If they get eating, no skin off my back. I don't think the fish are too hungry yet, as there seems to be lots to eat. Thanks everyone for the input so far.
  5. wow those are some impressive snot rockets! nice work
  6. Update on the pond (I should have put this on my original post) I'm on a farm, and had an area where it was too wet to plant any crops. Got a permit/grant with the help of ducks unlimited to dig it up and create a wetlands/pond for waterfowl. It worked out really well, we planted water plants, trees and within three years have a pretty nice corner of our property. A farmer friend of mine has a pond that has largemouth in it has a problem of too many bass and not enough to eat. Nothing over a 1 1/2 pnds. No forage fish. I don't want the same problem he does. Thanks for the info one bluegills and shiners. After reading the wiki maybe shiners is a better route to take. Now to find a supplier for some golden shiners.. Off to google i go!!!
  7. Does anyone know if it is possible to buy live bluegills that aren't sterilized? Is it even legal? I have a two acre pond i'm thinking about stocking to help the bass grow larger. Anyone have some input on this? Or should I be doing something different? Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Thanks for the info guys, I'll see if I have any luck on the rocks. I've never been west of Fernie B.C. and I have heard good things about the coast, so i'm really looking forward to this holiday Anything I should do to my reel besides rinsing it in fresh water after I use it?
  9. I'm Heading to B.C. next week with my wife to visit my Father in Law. Were staying in Abbotsford, and heading to Tofino and staying at the Long Beach Resort for a few nights as well. I know there are lots of charters around there but I'm dropping enough dough as it is, and I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about pier or shore fishing in that area. I'm not interested in stream fishing, i own't have the proper gear, I'm already bringing my golf clubs and snowboard so don't think i'll have room for a lot of extra's. Maybe just a baitcaster with a small tackle box. Any tips would be really appreciated!!! K.S.
  10. Wonderful news Ryan!!! Congratulations. She's a cutie Ken
  11. I first started using Grant Koppers baits on a fly-in to Gogama. One of the guys i went with knows grant quite well, and he had a whole bagfull of the 3 inch golden smelts. Those baits out produced any rapala's we threw out there. The only complaint I had was that the paint was wearing off were the walleye where hitting it. Since then I have used most of the other Live Target baits, and have been VERY impressed. Can't wait to try the frog this summer
  12. Praying for you and your family Ryan! Keep your chin up!
  13. lol its a fishing forum, i had to keep it fishy
  14. I gotta get my rubber boats, its getting pretty think in here
  15. x5 on Paul He'll take you out in all kinds of weather rain, sun, snow, he doesn't care. I had booked just before christmas and he had to cancel twice because the water wasn't clear enough for him. He cares THAT much. I think we went 16 for 30 that day. was worth the cash!!!!
  16. wow how cool is that? beauty fish, and the crappies aren't too bad either
  17. Way to go! Hats off to the guys that helped you out. Nice report
  18. as a "previously enjoyed" car dealer, I have ever only had 1 car that did not pass out of over 1000 vehicles. It needed a new converter. As long as your cats and o2 sensors are working (no engine lights on) you should to be fine. The e-test is a joke.
  19. I have nothing against girls' wrestling, although i don't think I could ever wrestle a girl. It just wouldn't feel right.
  20. lets agree to disagree on this one then, regardless.... those 60's are gonna taste real good if not, i'll enjoy Phaneuf rockin and sockin in the playoffs, cause he's gonna have to play like that to get in them
  21. very nice! Wife drives one...she loves it!
  22. Right, because he's playing like a 6.5 million dollar defenseman should this year's number's Phaneuf - 2 G 13 A -8 Sjostrom - 2 G 3 A -5 Aulie - 0 G 0 A -5 Stajan - 5 G 22 A +7 Hagman - 9 G 15A -1 Babchuk - 5 G 15 A +9 Kostopolous - 4 G 2 A +6 Everyone is talking about how Calgary lost the trade but I don't see it. Sure, Stajan at 3.5 mil looks pretty bad and Hagman has been inconsistent at times, but IMO Phaneuf hasn't been that much better than Babchuk, who is 1/5th the price. We got rid of a $6.5 million overhyped primadonna of a defenseman with a huge ego, who is already been trashed by the Toronto fans 1 year later.
  23. I love leaf fans, always optimistic about how their team is going do the beginning of the season, with the media hype of the "star" players they have acquired over the summer. I have quite a few die-hard leaf fan's for friends, and every September for the last 4 years we make bets if the Leafs are going to make the playoffs or not. Come April I have enough 60oz'rs to last me half a year. GO FLAMES!!!!!
  24. I saw this on another forum, thought it was worth a post here. This guy should get a call from the WWF
  25. Yes, they are good for life. You don't have to take the courses again. However you have to renew your hunting license(outdoors card) and tags every year. Your gun license expires every 4 or 5 years i can't remember which.
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