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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Lake Erie western basin for walleyes if you have the boat for it. April the jig bite will be in full swing in the reef complex.
  2. Good deal Pete, that's awesome. You may have to introduce yourself the next time I see ya
  3. Looks good Lew! We switched from a wood insert to natural gas log set and we absolutely love it. No more wood and mess in the house, even has a remote control.
  4. Your kidding yourself if you think they don't track you coming and going...just saying
  5. Guys cut the guy a little slack, he just a regular Joe looking for some adviice and got a little frustrated. I know from first hand experience joining this board over ten years ago it can be a little intimidating at first, but after paying some dues I made some really good friends and made some pretty awesome trips along the way He edited his first post at my suggestion and thought that may help with a little introduction. Mike I was kind of surprised at his last post but you touched on a point that I hadn't mention to him, most of the members here don't know or have never been to the northwest area of Ontario. Bottom line the guy wants to visit Canada and is looking for options. I thought the troll deal was a little over the top...but that's just me Cheers
  6. Chris, TJ hit the nail on the head with the link to Ben Beattie I'm sure if you contact him he'll give ya some top notch options. Good Luck in your search
  7. Well now ...let me get this straight.....Mike was shorted in the weeny department
  8. Glad you cleared that up, actually the license fee is a bit more than we pay state to state here but I think it's worth it. I made three trips to Ontario last season and probably spent more than a casual local fishermen, but then again it's what I enjoying doing and one of the reasons I work
  9. TJ a lot of people from my area use to vist Nip back in the day, they were casual fishermen, with most the only week they fished all year. Nip at times can humble a good fisherman and a novice isn't going to spend the kind of money to go there and not catch fish let alone agree to a one fish limit, just ain't going to happen. Paul I don't understand the "tourist fishing license"' now I'm not complaining but I paid almost $70 last year for my license and will do the same this year, how much more should I pay?
  10. I'm going to bump this back to the top since OP told us a little about himself.
  11. Welcome aboard! You have a pm
  12. Awesome report , I'm sure you and your boys won't forget this trip ever. I like the display of the wishbone C
  13. Geez Pete I had no idea you felt that way about your stature, I kind of thought you were like me, vertically challenged and horizontally endowed Seriously good luck with the weight loss, I hope you just don't lose your sense of humor.
  14. Don't really know why this was relevant to the topic . Our second amendment doesn't have anything to do with it.
  15. Thanks Bunk for taking time to recap a fine year you and your partners had on the water. Quite the variety and toads along the way Congrats to your wife on her accomplishments, that is awesome.
  16. I was at the same camp site not once but twice with diplip and boostnawg that has has to count for something A no I didn't let dip near the BBQ
  17. LOL Mike Right back at ya and hope I get to see ya more than once in 13
  18. Yep Mike just south of you and we got seven inches. I was so looking forward to using my brand new snow blower and wouldn't ya know it ....yep wouldn't start. That's alright I needed the exercise
  19. I'm close to ya Raf, I like a few glasses of Sheridans. It's something I can only get when I come to Ontario, I try not to ever come back unless I stock up before I return home.
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