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Everything posted by PatrickGG

  1. Hey Ric hows it going? good i hope, you mentioned Yo-Zuri Hybrid"12 pound test" i have been searching for it myself and ive been unlucky if you know of any place in toronto that has it let me know i would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Very well said Mark, I know where your coming from i grew up in the heart of Toronto "Christie and Bloor" i lost a few friends to drugs and other ways uncalled for but after having my first child i geared up and chose a better path i have 3 kids now a 12 year old daughter 7 year old daughter and a 5 year old son when we go to our bro-in laws cottage we do alot of fishing my older daughter loves it so does my second daughter as for my son he couldn't care less especially if we rent a boat he just looks foward to sleeping in it rather than fishing and it dont bother me one bit as long as hes chillin he seems to show more intrest if we are fishing on the dock i think hes kinda scared of being in a boat but i am really sure as he gets older he will enjoy it as a past time thing and if things change maybe its for the better if i see any of my kids wanting to pursue a sport fishing career i think i will back them up 100 percent whether it being a pro angler or any other job on the face of this planet.
  3. OH MY GOSH! my eyes are hurting from all the reading.
  4. Hey urbanangler you should take a spin towards LeBarons they got some good deals on last years Med-Hev Quantum pt rods and Med-hev Berkleys Xseries rods, browse around while you are there i seen some other specials on rods.
  5. Dang! I think i have everything i need for this season but i guess it wont hurt to swing in and take a look .
  6. Unless you target a privatized organization do some more searching you will never know what you will come across.
  7. I seen that one to many in my lifetime.
  8. If i had the money to get involved i would be in tourneys the thing is its a big gamble the price for a boat is something that some people don't have than you need lots of gear that adds up to alot of money calculation after calculation supporting a family its just hard to swallow but than again a first place prize would be the first step into paying off those things you need to fish in tourneys and the sponsorship needs to grow, Canada has a large number of fresh water lakes to start big fishing tourneys "across Canada tours" with higher top 10 prizes in the U.S tourneys go all over the country in Canada from what i seen it stays in the province what i am tryin to say is if there was more money involved it would attract more people and the younger ones would see the potential and see it as a career for the love of fishing.
  9. I use Seaguar and Maxima.
  10. Nicely done Nautifish.
  11. Yea theres plentiful carp in the grand and there is some really good hot spots But thats just something you need to explore just like lots of others do so. P.S Don't forget your bug spray in the summertime the bugs can get nasty.
  12. Thats some cool pics i myself fished on my own as a child i used to stray away from the family on our outings and used my dads old rod and reel and flip stones looking for worms to fish with, my dad was into fishing in his younger years but i don't know what happened he just gave up on the sport its kinda sad i pressure him to go sometimes but he don't bother its all good i think i will go all the way even with my kids nothing makes me more happy to watch the excitement on my kids face when they pull in a fish.
  13. "Baitcasters"I often curse PP line when it gets in a mess but its dependable and i never had a fish break off, 2 years using PP line and i don't think i will switch. "Spinning reels"I use Stren Magnathin 16 pound test 0.13 diameter.
  14. I have a Canadian methods 7"foot spinning rod and its been good to me for the past 2 years my only complaint is the constant adjusting of the center if not you will find your self casting out the front peice of your rod, Anybody here can give me some tips so the second place stays in place?
  15. You need a video card with a t.v tuner they cost around 100 bucks or just look for a used one on e-bay you should catch a fairly decent one for 50 bucks. Looks something like this as you see on the top left there is a cable out thats where you run the cable from your t.v to the card.
  16. Long day indeed and nice meeting and fishing with Tbayboy, I got home sat down and was paralyzed from all the walking but overall it was good to see such a healthy pike and all the follows goes to show they are doing good now comes the hardest month and 2 weeks we all sit and wait patiently for opener.
  17. Nicely done fish4me the ice looks thick maybe by the time pike re-opens it will be all gone.
  18. That what I'm talking about, maybe a couple of step ladders would do the trick.
  19. LOL! thats priceless.
  20. Do not Drink and drive or don't try and get away from the Breathalyzer lol.
  21. The steez rod is equally impressive and more expensive than the reel itself it weighs in at 4.0 ounces and is only available in japan and of course you can order one for $500 American "Baitcaster" the spinning rod is available at BPS for $449 American does the term "If i had a million dollars" come to your mind.
  22. I had a similar situation happen to me last year except i landed a nice hen "rainbow trout" and went to pull out my digital camera and the camera slipped out of my hands and fell into the river so don't feel bad it happens to all of us one way or another i am pretty sure the next opportunity will be a bigger fish and you will land it.
  23. I use 8 pound test Ironsilk for fishing smallies and i never had a problem with it but i had the occasional break off but that was my fault i would forget to check my line for abrasions.
  24. LOL! hilarious.
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