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Everything posted by The JAY

  1. Co-incidentally, I just got home from there. I usually go 3-4 nights a week, in the Caledonia to York area. Got 2 decent walleyes, 2 nice cats, a 1Lb largie and a carp. Plain worm on a #10 hook, or a white jig and body with a worm teaser. I love the Grand, especially since it wet wading time. Haven't had a ton of luck with the Mooneye on the fly-rod this year though... If you're planning on being in the Caledonia area, gimme a shout.
  2. Last time I was there was over 25 years ago, and the only thing I really remember is hitting a HUGE rock in the middle of the lake with the rental. It wasn't marked and nobody warned me about it... My 2 cents.... Oh, and I got my first pike that week...
  3. Great report. I'm heading up for my second trip there in September. Last time the deadheads outside of Ellen Island were 3' above the water level, so fishing was tough. If you stay at Ellen, they have a boat up on Sugar, an amazing C&R lake. I'm hoping to hear from someone here a little closer to the date to find out what was working by way of colours, baits, etc. But if you were willing to share, I'd take notes... LOL Thanks again!
  4. Sharp looking truck. Looks fast and agressive even standing still. I do custom airbrushing, and I wouldn't add anything to that, even if he wanted to. Perfect as is....
  5. Nice! I'm wondering what pound test folks here use for whitetails though?
  6. Not at all, he had it pretty much down, just needed to tighten up his S's and put a nice dry on. The rest he had down pat. Good on 'em. Now wait until a smallie hits his fly, he'll be a confirmed addict.
  7. Hey! Congrats on the moonie! They definitely puch above their weight! I got a few the other night after you left. Same idea, nothing really until almost dark, then WHAM! I'll be back that way again this week sometime, so keep an eye. I'll bring more flies... Maybe time to invest in a smoker too...
  8. That'll put skinny dipping out of the question....
  9. I do all my fishing in the Grand lately... There was a lake around here somewhere......
  10. Nice! I'm a little envious... I have to wait until Septembers trip to Lady Evelyn to try my fly rod for pike. (Only ever caught 2 around here, and they were on nightcrawlers)
  11. Those guys are messed! Makes me want to fish with them.... (I'm a weird guy too, what can I say)
  12. Hey Live2Fish! Glad to hear another poor sucker caught the fly fishing bug. Tired it last year, and I'm a confirmed addict. Having a lot of fun with the mooneye on the Grand, although it was a tough one tonight. Let me know if you're interested in meeting up and trying your luck with a fellow floss tosser.
  13. If you were fishing in the Grand, they were probably Mooneye. They hit fast and spit just as quick....
  14. Yeah, I grew up a bit further south, but BARE is right. You're better off fishing below Queenston.
  15. PM sent...
  16. Nah, I'm not jealous... Not at all.....
  17. I was out at Maitland at the beginning of the week, and you could get to it from the North side of the old rail bridge, but the water was up and silty. I didn't fish, but took a good long look down from the bridge and couldn't spot a single fish anywhere. But, that's no reason not to get out and try...
  18. I can't freakin wait!!!!
  19. Man, there is so much to learn! I've caught these on YouTube before, and learned a lot, but after trying some things out on the Grand in Caledonia (with no luck) I was going to go back and re-watch them. Thanks for putting them all in one place for me to find! Got a trip up to Bayfield planned in 2 weeks, maybe I'll have some better luck there. Thanks again!
  20. Going to try wading around the bridge with the whippy stuff this evening....
  21. I can tell ya that the mooneyes (So much fun with a fly rod!) are in full bloom right now, so there's lots there for pike to eat... I've gotten pike in the hole I usually fish, but haven't seen one yet this year....
  22. Well, I appreciate the bump, it looks like it's for naught. I went up last night, and found one of my streamers on the road, so someone found it and dumped the fly box. Put up a sign with the phone number, but I'm not holding my breath.... Oh well, looks like I got get a new vest this weekend. Cheers!!!!
  23. Well, I went up to the Grand last night to smack some mooneyes with the fly rod (I'm still learning). Seems when I got un-geared at the truck I neglected to put my vest in. Went back this morning and it's gone. My hopes is that someone on here may have spotted it and picked it up. A long shot indeed, but I'm an optimist. Does have my license in the pocket, so I'd really like to locate it. Thanks in advance! Sorry, I was parked at the woodline just East of Sims Lock Road, so it was probably on the gravel there.
  24. Hey Vince, nice report. Fishing is the prize, catching is the bonus, right? Glad you're out there!
  25. Forgot to mention the part where Jim almost vomited when Ray flipped the plane on it's wing to circle and look for debris in the water before landing the first trip in... THAT was funny...
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