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Status Updates posted by spincast

  1. had 1 last kick at the can. bye bye lake O till April 2018

    1. misfish


      You really need to look at the positive side Rick. There is fall river trout to chase and ice fishing season will be here soon.

    2. spincast


      True.. retirement is maybe only be a few years away if the economy doesnt tank again, and then I can do like the birds over winter,

    3. misfish


      Well, if thats your plan, then you can store your ATV with me, while your flying with the birds. LOL

  2. Not liking the look of the wind forecast for the weekend - East winds all weekend, yuck

    1. irishfield


      All I care about is the minimal 5 to 10K favouring the channel for Friday Rick!

    2. asdve23rveavwa


      As a wise man (or maybe it was just a Hollywood actor, lol) "You better get a BIGGER boat!"

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Lol,I have a bigger boat and still like the winds 20k or less.

  3. The new online Boat Smart is not.

    1. misfish


      Is not what? Boat Smart? or Online?

    2. spincast


      Smart. Each lesson takes about an hour and then you get 10 questions, most of which will do little or nothing to increase water safety. Imagine if you could get your drivers license on line. Its a joke. Another "looks good, does zilch" political campaign. And as for what the tell you to do on the ramp....!!!

  4. Angling Outfitters 20% off sale made quick work of the winter upgrade list.

    1. misfish


      winter upgrade????


      You taking up ice fishing finally?????




    2. spincast


      leafS win the cup last year? LOL. no sir, only place i like ice is in my drink.


  5. nice bonus today - got a small king while fishing Erie! Lots of fun on the walleye setups!

    1. misfish


      They have kings there Rick? Never knew that. WOW Nice.

    2. spincast


      I think he was seriously lost! Thought he was at Dalhousie, but it was Weller swam like heck and never looked back. Just a small one (7 or 8 lbs)

  6. WOOOO HOOOOO first day out, only had a couple hours, but boated the first fish of the season. A sweet little brown. Back tomorrow for some serious time on the water

    1. zamboniwaterboy
    2. Freshtrax


      Me too, unfortunately I only washed.Lures today.

  7. OK Winter, you've had your fun ...... time to exit, stage left and let the other half play.



      one more weekend of crapolas through a hole and im good.

    2. misfish


      Sorry Rick. I have 3 days of whities to be had. Well 2 now. I got my 2 this morning. ;0)

  8. Enjoy the Boat fishingguy28 - Now, if the marina can just get my new one ready before next weekend!

    1. misfish


      I like fishing in new boats.;0)

      Grats on the sale Rick.

    2. spincast


      Thanks - OFC first. And yup, you are on the invite list for this year for sure! Had about 200 offers after it hit Kijiji. I think its in good hands though. Anthony is a respectful polite and nice (and oh so excited about his first boat) young man.

  9. Triple header on Lake O today :)

    1. Pikeslayer


      Nice Rick. I'm out for mine tomorrow am then 18 holes in the pm. Hopefully no triple bogeys ;)

    2. Tim Mills

      Tim Mills

      Nice Rick. That's encouraging.


  10. The iceman cometh

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      And will not taketh away this time!!!!

    2. irishfield


      HE already did.. blew all the ice off Simcoe and stacked it on the East shore!

  11. Windy day on the west end - but they're starting to come close to shore.

    1. BillM


      Saw lots of boats bouncing around today

    2. Freshtrax


      Graph looked the best in 40-50 fow on Thursday eve . East end.

  12. 3 for 13. Looks like things are beginning to turn

    1. misfish


      Any bigg,ns bud? Great day out on the big O.

    2. spincast


      Nuthin big in the boat - mostly small cohoes like you guys got. Couple big flyers - but they always look huge at the end of the line :). Good day anyway you slice it though

  13. Well, the Jays sure blew that one!

    1. misfish


      Oh well, go to bed and get up in the morning and go fishing. Works for me. HAHAHA

    2. spincast


      hmm, there's a thought. Fishin!

  14. Sunday - Lake O late launch take 2. Hopefully more productive than the first edition.

    1. misfish
    2. spincast


      Lets just say that IF I were to catch 7 next weekend, you could call me Bond, James Bond. Early starts begin next week

  15. Batting percentage was much better today; 8 for 12 in 4.5 hours. Gotta live it when the bite is on. G's got an upgrade for team 2 GL trout comin'

    1. misfish




      Nice outing bud.

    2. Christopheraaron


      YAY! Can't wait to see the beast :)

  16. time for the annual "photo the tackle for insurance purposes day" policy is up for renewal

    1. grizzlybri


      you can put your tackle in your insurance policy?

    2. spincast
  17. cold front for the weekend, :(

    1. misfish


      Let it snow let it snow. ;0))))

    2. spincast


      LOL - do I hear a tornado in your future?

  18. Happy Robbie Burns Day. Celebrate with Haggis and Scotch. Tomorrow is Advil day :)

    1. zamboniwaterboy


      Happy Robbie Burns, no haggis, scotch maybe, enjoy the Advil.


    2. Bondar


      I dunno what your talking about but you had me at scotch!!!! I'm in

  19. Salmon on the smoker, cajun season beer can chicken, stuffed with garlic and red onion in olive oil about to meet Barbie. Just add pale ale :)

    1. misfish


      Are you sure yer fishing Sunday? LOL



    2. jbailey


      that sounds incredible..

  20. Hoping for some West winds in the 10 k range all weekend.



      just give me some sunshine for poop sake!

    2. misfish


      I hope we get a bit of a breeze Rick. Just to keep the bugs at bay.

  21. I need a new fish, a brand new fish, one that gives me a fight, one that dont keep me up all night, .....

  22. Doc, help me please? I'm in agony here! Can you write me a prescription to cure downriggeritits deprivation? 5, 6 days off oughta cure it

    1. misfish


      Ya, but after that, you will need 2-4 weeks off for rigger elbowitits. Works for me.LOL

    2. spincast


      oh, I feel the pain starting now - Doc, how 'bout it?

  23. sammie hunting in the am

    1. Christopheraaron


      Good luck! Be sure to bring back a report :)

    2. BillM



  24. Third annual father-son, end-of-school weekend get away starts tomorrow - not sure who is more excited this year. Its like Christmas in June :)

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Have fun Rick,time goes way to fast!

    2. kickingfrog


      Great Idea. I'll have to remember that for next year.

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