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Everything posted by S.M.05

  1. They are lots of fun though the ice. I would post a few pics but I dont want to hijack Walleye_man's post. That was my first brown. Stocker??? What rounded out tail?
  2. SRT8 thanks for not jumping on the guy, but asking him to check the regs(one of the other sites I post on is that way). The stocked lakes/ponds in our area are open yr round for browns. Hard to go wrong with a good ol Mepps black fury. If their shy tip it with a tiny piece of worm. Sunrise and sunset are peak times. Be stealthy .
  3. Love the fish gore I caught my limit of bows within a few hours last year on first ice and I think the ice up meant buffet time to them. They hit and ate everything they came upon. This one had bugs, a minnow and even a frog that it must have dug out of the mud assuming it was hibernating. Fish gore
  4. What a fantastic trip. I would have gone just for the food!!!!! Who am I kidding the chow was great but the main attraction were the huge Kesagami GATORS, GIGANTIKORS and the GNARLY SNARLIN DARLIN'S Catching walleye on anything you tossed in the water and did I mention the GATORS, GIGANTIKORS and the GNARLY SNARLIN DARLIN'S........... Being mostly a trout guy I went up a big pike rookie hoping to get into just one of Kesagami's 40+ gators, then I just got greedy My belly is still sore from the trip although I'm not sure if its from the double portion chef Bunk meals or from laughing like mad at Grants jokes. I owe Carl a big one for hooking me up with the lure I couldn't seem to grab before heading out on the trip (gonna have to call Mikey and order a half doz.). Bunk cant thank you enough for the invite.
  5. Good luck out there Steve, lets get out soon. As for the bows theyre resting till tomorrow.
  6. Thanks for the all the replies. I will post again Most of the splake lack the halos, but can have extreme reds on the bellies and tails. Just drive into the hills past that stream on the left, than take a right into those big pines and you cant miss the lake.
  7. Awesome trip Solopaddler. Specs are sweet and even sweeter when you bust your azz for em. Headed up that direction later this summer.
  8. I signed up a while ago but havent thrown up a post yet so heres my first. Hope ya like it. As fisherman we all have something in common........... The one that got away Well here is my little one that got away story A few weeks ago I leave the boat at home cause the winds are howling and I decide to walk into this beau-T of a splake lake. A casual day of shore fishn and im feeling lazy so I leave the net in the truck :roll: , well if I dont hook into what looks to be a 8-9lbr in 7 feet of water on the ultralite. For what felt like ten minutes I battle this splake in the shallows through the sticks and branches while it takes off with my drag screaming with the head shakes and rolls. All the while Im cursing at myself about leaving the net behind. Then just as it seems to be giving in pop :shock: the damn hook comes out. I tell my friends about this fish but to them its just another fish story. I had been waiting for the right weather to get back out there. Did a weeknd spec fishn with gramps on a couple lakes and then last weekend was like 30km winds. I couldnt take it anymore so last Mon. I left at 4am to catch that splake. Man its was cold that morning. Puddles were skimmed over with ice and the net was frosty on the hands, but this was good as it would keep the splake shallow. I set up shop and and although it would seem impossible to hook that same fish just 2 weeks later I would try....... ....... ..... .... and succeed? I no its not the 9lbr but with a mouth like that he is definately somebody's fish story All stories should end with a happy ending, but this one ends with punishment as he was given the plank. Ceder plank that is... Spiced Smoked and Served
  9. Awesome trip, thats one big laker through the ice Headed up this week can only hope the fishn half that good to us.
  10. Certainly jealous of all the beautiful streams/rivers some of you have in your backyards. The specs are mostly in lakes around here with a few small creeks in between. Cant complain though. Still gods country lake or river. Since were sneakn in a couple spec pics....... heres one from a creek about 6 feet wide. These are all back lake specs. Fall kyped mouth spec Cant wait to put a few miles on the new fly rod this summer. And Steve I didnt know you hit up the browns last fall? Gonna have to tell me about it this weeknd on the trip.
  11. Congrats on your first whitie Paul, and a nice one at that.
  12. Congrats on the tasty P.B.s Whitespinnerbait, 24/7 weres my whitie pic
  13. Drifter that rod looks sweet. Has to feel great landing a fish on your own work.
  14. Awesome bass though the ice 24/7. Are we gonna see some white fish from you this year?
  15. Nice catch. Love the browns.
  16. Worm Dangler nice catch, I love laker fishn. We have some lakes around here that hold those lakers, we call them silvers. Cram the lakers can really differ in taste depending on lake conditions and food source. Some of the lakes I have caught them from where they feed on fresh water shrimp the meat is pink and sweet. Other lakes the meat is white and greasy ex. lakes with smelt.
  17. Your are right the first Fish is a brown. The second fish or first spec is a spec not a splake.
  18. dave524 All fish in those picks come from back lakes. Thats a bow not a steelhead and the specs are not nipi. specs although someday I will have the chance to catch some of those beauts. BillM The three that follow the laker are 2 female splake and one male splake with a kype. The others are specs, first one was a big spring female and the last one was big kyped male which is out there putn the weight on as we speak. Just have to learn how to catch steelhead now.
  19. Awesome pike. Wonder were all the perch went
  20. Alota nice pics here, especialy the Nipi. spec. This is my first time posting, hope you enjoy. As you can tell Im a Bit of a trout guy. Look forward to posting a report sometime.
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