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Everything posted by fliptheslop

  1. Fact: 14 Canadaian players on the Sens Fact: 19 Canadian players on the Ducks Fact : As always Ottawaians cant get the numbers right Seems its ok for the Sens fans to be passonate about their team, but not for anyone else to have an opion, ( Never seen that attitude come out of Ottawa before) Fact: its not just Leafs fans who dont want the Sens to win, its every true loyal hockey fan in every province in this great country of ours. So sorry you folks up on the hill can tell us how fast to drive, how much we pay in taxes, and everything else we can do, BUT YOU CANT TELL US WHO TO CHEER FOR IN THE STANLEY CUP. and on aside note, I wonder who,s paying for the tickets all the polititions seem to be getting all of a sudden, GO DUCKS GO GO DUCKS GO GO DUCKS GO
  2. The olympic stadium ring a bell? LOL
  3. Unfortunatly Hockey is going the way of everything else Canadian, just look at the way the games are now being played, the Canadian game is being fazed out, for a softer euro form of ringette, I have been to games all across this country and in the states, and the one thing that is so evident nothing and I mean nothing gets the crowd going like a good old fashion bruhaha, and until they kill our game completly the teams with the highest Canadian content will continue to win the cup. As far as chearing for a team just because they reside in Canada, how can any self respecting fan of any sport all of a sudden put aside the passion ( or Hatred) of a team they cheer against all year or a life time time for that matter and turn around and say I need to cheer for them because they are a Canadian team( Shame on you if you can do that)eg. could a leaf fan really cheer for the habs under any circumstances,not if their a true leaf fan, I grew up out west and am a Flames fan, and boy I tell you what no way in the world could I ever cheer for Edmonton. Oh ya i forgot when Edmonton plays Montreal the only thing I cheer for is that the roof collapses, lol
  4. Sounds good,Good luck this year
  5. I would like to find someone to fish the whole series with.Isent you a pm
  6. I was wondering if anyone was still looking for a partner this coming year, I would like to fish the Bassmania Eastern series and a couple of the wildcards.
  7. The Biggest and best reason is, that it is really easy to hate everything that comes out of OTTAWA, GO DUCKs GO, so funny how people say you should cheer for the Canadian team, well the fact is the Ducks have 19 Canadian boys sluggin away for the Ducks, so the cup will spend alot more time in Canada if the Ducks win.
  8. Ya they tell you pepper spray and to wear bells so they hear you coming! Now with that said they have a way in the west to be able to tell the difference between Black bears and grizzly bears just by their poop, a black bears poop is full of berries and fur, a grizzly bears poop is full of bells and smells like pepper.
  9. I am going to be trying a new weedless setup for tube fishing bass this year,and I know a bass strikes a minnow from the head first,but Iwas wondering if the same holds true for a tube, or does it pick up a tube from the tentical side first, this will determine hook positioning.
  10. BIGFOOT took one bite of that nasty tasting carp and fired it back in the lake
  11. 10 foot range is always good, I have had good luck with a blood knot
  12. Im in, who cares what day of the week it is, everyday fishing is a good day
  13. oh great misfish ya just had to go and mention the BLUE BOATHOUSE now everyone is going to fish there
  14. Skin so soft works great for mosquittos but not sure about blackflies
  15. is there really a chemical out that will work on blackflies I know deet doesnt seem to make a difference at all, I am from out west where we dont have such things so when I get bit my body dont like it much. other myths I have heard are they dont come in the house, wrong get bit in the house aswell, they only last a couple of weeks, wrong I get bit til the snow flies.
  16. I dont really get what the problem here is, seems simple if you dont want people fishing in your spots dont show them where they are, and if anyone recognizes the spot than I would guess it really isnt that much of secret. Dont change the site to make it like a private club. I think its great just the way it is.
  17. Not everyone that is even registered, does alot of posting, so if you make it that you have to have a certain amount of posts, what would that be? My suggestion is if your spot is a secrect dont put a picture of it up, therea still alot of good posts here that I like to read that have no pictures.
  18. They are going to ask you if the hull was facing the waves. I am familiar wit MHB and if you were on the inside docks you probaly drove in meaning that your hull was facing shore, if that the case i doubt you will find a leak, you got swamped, sorry but insurance may be your only recourse.
  19. I am not a big fan of eating fish, but I tell you if you think crappie are tasty try some bluegills and sunfish, tried some last year on a wim and boy they were good, I dont like astrong fishy taste, but both bluegills and sunfish I found very mild
  20. That can be repaired, either welded or brazed most marinas should know of a place, even a good welding shop could point you inthe right direction
  21. This is not as new as you may think its been around for a few years now, and like all electronics ifyou know how to use it nothing is better, I know guys who have had them for a couple of years now and wouldnt be with out them, shows you the bottom of a lake like you have never or could ever with a conventional graph, not for everyone because of cost,but if you tourny fish alot you can bet it puts you at a disavantage to those that do have it
  22. I have to agree with Canuck, unfortunatly just the other day I saw this first hand, I watched a guy fight a six pound steelie for over a 1/2 hour, the fish ran from the port hope marina almost back out to the mouth of the lake, he than drug it back to where he had been fishing, at least 400 yards, than continued to fight it for another 10 minutes, I asked him if he was planning on keeping the fish, he said no I just catch and release, I than said do you ussually fight them for this long and he said allways, I than said maybe you should net the fish, His responce was, I dont need you to tell me how to fish, I said someone needs to teach you because you are not a catch and release angler, you are a catch and waste angler, because in my opinion very few of the fish you put back are going to survive, and yes a fellow and myself counted 7 dead steelies up against the wall in a corner of the river, Im sure all there because no one needs to tell some of these guys how to fish
  23. LOng live the Bass, get rid of the pike, they keep stealing my pointer100s
  24. Hey thats a picture of my new boat, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good down rigger , also I will be doing some crappie fishing on simcoe with it, so bring on the wind
  25. I use the white cloth hockey tape, easy to write on, stays on when it gets wet and very easy to take off when you want, I just put a little picec on the spool where nothing else is writin, works great and never gets in the way
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