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Everything posted by fliptheslop

  1. I hope the guy didnt wuss out, get up and barefoot ski behind that mother and keep your tip up
  2. Rice Lake is not to hard that time of year to figure out where they are, follow all the other boats,hair jigs are agood bet,worm harness is always good, and the folks at Adventure Bay will be more than helpful to point you in the right direction
  3. Enjoy it while it lasts, but remember Maggie the monkey picked the Pens GO FLAMES GO
  4. My point is to me I see it as a hocky gimmic, I watch UFC and injoy it because to me it wasnt hocky,this just makes me feel they may go the same path as wrestling
  5. Still not sure,Im old and fat, but still think I might fight Dana in my garage with the doors closed, for the right price, now thats entertainment Clampit could ref. it
  6. Take your satilite with you, works anywhere
  7. Dana White, what hes a contender, if its not an advertising ploy than if the earlier post about Tito not showing up is not true and why would white fight unless to draw a crowd, but im sure no way would anyone ever think that such an event would ever be all about ratings.Cant wait for Hulk Hogan to come save the day, or better yet Mini me vs Joe rogan
  8. What is the UFC thinking,are they going to turn this into a joke like the wrestling.Thursday night Tito Ortis vs Dana White, so much for it being a pure sport
  9. bly did my e-mail come
  10. Dave whats the price of that camera,I need one for a gift
  11. Im having trouble gettin it chiped out on my stone tablet fast enough
  12. lower OK I change my answer to anywhere next to a fire ladder
  13. Speakin of poopin in the woods, There was a bear and a rabbit poopin in the woods, the bear looked over at the rabbit and asked,do you hav etrouble with poop stickin to your fur, the rabbit replyed no, so the bear picked up the rabbit and wiped his butt with him
  14. The answer to the next question is MY UNCLE BOB
  15. I caught a fish last year that even the MNR doesnt know what it is, I wish I knew how to post a picture, or if I could email someone the picture and they can post it
  16. umm my answer is 25
  17. How do I win one of these
  18. Is their anyone on this site that is part of this club? If so where can I get more info about it
  19. I hate to burst anyones bubble here but you pay to run your show on WFN, they dont pay you, the CFT had three seperate series, The Super Series, The One Days, and the 115s. It died a premature death before it even had a chance, yes compared to other series it was more expensive, but your return was also much greater,I for one do not buy the theory that theres not enough money to run a series like this in Canada. Its not for everyone, but nothing is.
  20. and dont be fooled some will say oh ya I have won, well of course there will be some ( and I mean very few that win) its good advertising
  21. ever give any thought as to why these sites are in places like gebralta and suchplaces that have no laws,they have you believe that things like you are just bad luck,yes they can happen, but as often as they do give me a break, many sites have players who use robots.
  22. sorry I didnt really answer your question, if you are looking to buy lead Bass Pro Shop sells it, or im sure you can go to any tire shop or Can. Tire and they should give you some old tire wieghts
  23. you have to watch the lead you use as some has a lot of other elements in it and whenyou melt it, it not good lead, but if you cook enough of it you will get the good stuff, sorry its hard to explain but once you start melting it you will see what I mean
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