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Everything posted by fliptheslop
It is for that exact reason why I asked the question first before I went off on a rant, I like the fact that this site for the most part stays away from the crap and bashing of other peoples choices, and we all come together for fishing no matter what kind of fishing that my be P.S. but sometimes when you have had it up to here its just nice to let the crap fly even if it doesnt hit its intended target
Best to always get it in writing as I have done for spots where I hunt that way your not tresspassing you have permission and the forms from the OFAH are good they also give the land owner some peace of mind that you will respect his property,
Roy did you get my pm
OK thanks T.J. just thought id ask first, only because I like this site and the way it lets folks have there say, unfortunatly not all sites are created equal
I am wondering if I am able to to post about other sites to see if what iam seeing is in fact true or if I am just being sensitive? It will only be the truth as to how I feel some are treated and how some get away with almost anything. thought I would ask first, because as we all know someetimes the truth hurts, and I like the fact that this site has alot of folks on it that speak what they feel not just what is the right thing to say
I was wondering are steelhead eggs as good to use as salmon eggs for roe? Also does anyone have a simple but good way to cure them
no yelling just highliting
If thats what your thinking is, than GSP should never fight again, because he didnt do a very good job defending his title, to get beat by someone who is a so called 10 to 1 underdog, Milan is that a Breed of dog
Its not a gray area at all, YOU CAN NOT TRANSPORT LIVE FISH IN ONT. without a licence to do so, cant take it home cant take it to another lake, cant even take it to lunch unless its DEAD
How can you say Serra is bad for the sport, when the underdog comes along and slaps the champ like that is the best thing for any sport, if you like the outcome or not, thats what makes the game worth watching. I bet your a habs fan
Saw the same thing at Port Hope yesterday more garbage flowing down the river than you cam imagine and than some morons thought it would be a good idea to fill balloons with water and throw them in the river must have been more than 100 float past me, top it off with some great outdoor folk feeding the swan and ducks there, once they have every shithawk for miles around running into our fishing lines, they leave, but low and behold they dont take their garbage with them just throw the empty bags from the bread and their coffee cups beside the car and drive away
there are afew motels along that part of the number7 just passed the park at sharbot and one at silver lake, and than a couple more before perth, but if your lookin for a four star these aint them but people do stay at them
I wish the Habs and Leafs could both make the playoffs that way evryone of you habs and leaf fans could have your hearts brokin when they get crushed in the first round GO FLAMES GO
I dont care who wins just as long as josh koscak gets beat so bad he can never step in the ring again
Everyone asks whats wrong with the fishing industry, well heres my take on it. What is happening in this post is exactly what I have seen on so many other sites, CLUB BASHING CLUB< SERIES BASHING SERIES<, now its ANGLER BASHING ANGLER I love both aspects of what is being said here I love to go fishing with the family with no goal but to get away from every thing, I love to compete against others in tournys, which one is better, well that depends what day it is, when im in my small boat I love to see guys racing around in their big bass boats and wish I was racing against them to the honey hole, when im in my bass boat I see the guys huddled in their small boat, laughing or just sitting there enjoying what their doing flipin crappies in the boat, and I wish I was there. My point here is that if we all love to fish as much as we claim, why does there seem to be so much anger towards another group. I do get envolved with as many of the fishing for kids events as I can, and what I love most is the smiles and the happiness these kids get when they catch a fish, do they care what size my boat is, when they hold up that 4 inch perch they are at that moment the greatest fisherperson that ever lived, thats what fishing is about, so if you what to be in a club be in one if not dont, but I for one still want you tell me the story of your fishing trip
The reason is because the CRT is now classing all of the outdoor shows as infomercials if products are named. The difference to the guys is if its classed as an infomercisl they have to buy the time slot, Real Fishing has sponsers to buy the slots others like Chronzy dont so he must be careful
You seem to read alot so why not read the posts, not one of us said that the climate was not changing, what we are disputing is how much of it is due to mankind,and how much is natural, and of course all of the studies show a climate change, thats not what the debate is, the debate is, are humans the reason for it. And as always the other side are a bunch of morons and money hungery capitolists, The facts are that the earth has gone through these kinds of paterns before, long before the industrial age. NOW GIVE A CHEER IM DONE HERE, BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE WITH CONVICTION, IF YOU WANT TO DO WITHOUT GREAT, IF YOU DONT WANT TO DO WITHOUT GREAT. BOTTOM LINE IS TAKE CARE OF FAMILIES AND MAKE THEM HAPPY.
The biggest problem I have with this whole issue, is exactly what so many have touched on, and if I sound bitter with this statement, I am, I will not give up my right to have the things in life that make my happy and comfortable, and he is my reason. CANADA'S IMPACT ON GLOBAL WARMING(even if it is true)IS SO LITTLE THAT IF WE ALL LIVED IN TENTS,AND RODE BIKES WOULD NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENTS AT ALL. And Rick all of the above statements,the temp is rising at temps never seen before,storms are more severe, lake Superior is lowwer than it has ever been,weather is more extreme,and pretty much all the rest,these statements are all just since man started keeping records, lets say 100 years, has this ever happened before, geologists believe it has. The beauty of a debate like this is,( AND CHECK THE POSTS ON HERE)that because we dont believe the theory behind global warming, we dont do our homework, are ignorant,Have our heads up our ..., Well we have history on our side. And none of us are out there are blatently harming the earth. So if, ifs,maybes,possiblities,could happens, and theorys, are what you want to believe, you have that right, but for me, thats not good enough. I will not take the blame for what I can not control, world population,countries polluting,countries not able to feed themselves.
Now theres a good idea, I will run my air conditioner when it gets hot, and cut my farts in half
I was thinking of getting a couple as well. Does anyone know what the best way to figure out what size is needed?
Now you have gone and done it Rick blaming it on the farmers and their cattle, maybe you should check the numbers of wild animals that used to roam North America,ie: Bison, Deer, horses,Moose, the claims in history was that at one time there were millions of such animals, but we as humans have wipe most of them out. So feel free to change history to fit this argument if you wish, but I believe more in what has happened in the past, than what could happen in the future.AND UNLESS YOU WANT TO BLAME THIS ON HUMANITY AS WELL, IM PRETTY SURE BUFFALO FART.
exactly my point from the beginning this post was about global warming, I will not buy into the theory THE SKY IS FALLING, global warming and air pollution are 2 different things, pollutants we can do something about, global warming is going to happen as it has over the billions of years the earth has been here, Canada has gone from tropical rainforest to solid ice more than once. Another fear mongering approach is the hole in the OZONE, tell you what close the hole and were all dead, no where for the crap we put in the air to go, the hole opens and closes as it needs to. So yes I agree whole heartly we need to do something about air pollution,but that was not what this post started as, and as far as global warming I believe there is nothing we can do to stop this natural cycle. Just one more thing to add about it being a natural cycle, answer this question, DID DINO"S LIVE IN THE SNOW AND ICE, not according to history, so what made North America so warm a million years ago, pretty sure it wasnt me!
Again with the only comeback some can muster, no the arnt in spelling, but I guess that makes a person dummy because they dont spell so great, and where is it that I ever said that cutting down trees was a good idea, as always the right believes their way of thinking is the only way. So carry on and insult, and if you really think that Al and David are just trying to educate you than good for you, but this will change nothing for me to carry on with this. Its funny how the so called do gooders that care so much for life will spike a tree in B.C. to save a tree, even at the risk of killing the guy trying to feed his family, I for one will not be drinking the koolaid, but because I dont believe what you believe I must be wrong, and you know what I can live with that. And by they way everyone learns in grade 1 that trees take in carbon and give off OXY. so are you smarter than a fifth grader.
wow how is it that I have a chip on my shoulder just because I dont believe the crap their throwing around, its amazing how all the folks that are buying into their propaganda, are the first ones to resort to threats, and name calling, maybe you should do a little growing and realize that not all people on this earth feel we have to follow like a bunch of sheep and live in fear,I am pretty sure my education, gives me the right to know and believe the way I do, as a matter of fact I have more degrees than the so called GREAT FRIEND OF THE EARTH, and yes mine were earned his are honerary, but go ahead buy into his theorys, and dont forget to send him a little more of your hard earn money, that bus of his burns a lot of gas, and he needs to pay the good folks at home to mow the lawn and tend to his yard when he is out spreading his fear. And heres another fable you can be afraid of as well ( WE ARE GOING TO RUN OUT OF OIL) anyone have any idea where oil comes from, (ANIMAL FATS, AND PLANT MATERIALS) until life no longer exists we have the means to produce oil, ever heard of synthetic oil, same product, different prossess, but go ahead and be afraid. The nail was hit on the head when the world population was brought into the fray, Canadians have one of the slowest growth rates in the world, at the rate it is going WASPS will be long gone before any of the things the fear mongers have you worried about now, but lets all do our part as Canadians and give up the things we love and let the rest of the world carry on. (and before you all jump on your high horses and make my remarks racist check the figures) Also if anyone thinks that we as Canadians did right by getting involved with the Koto deal give this some thought, We Canada produce less than 2% of the green house gases in the world, so what should we do stop everything, this still would make an impact at all, the figures the gov. has set aside are not obtainable, so we will send coutrys like China billions of dollaers so they can build more and bigger coal burning generators and throw more polutents in the air than we could ever dream of doing.(SO AGAIN THE ANSWER IS YOU AS A CANADIAN GIVE UP MORE SO WE CAN FUND OTHER COUNTRIES TO DESTROY THE EARTH) So my first post stands I will not give up the right to live my life in this country to live in FEAR
Doug give me the reason you want my address and I may be more than happy to give it to you