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Everything posted by fliptheslop

  1. Doug give me the reason you want my address and I may be more than happy to give it to you
  2. Deem me what ever you like Im getting a bigger truck,a bigger motor for my boat, a faster sled, a more more powerful ATV, burning a camp fire every night when we camp, never buying a CFL bulb, running my airconditioner 24/7 when the weather gets hot, so for those of you who by into the crap the fear mongers are selling you THANK YOU VERY MUCH, save as much power as you can so there is lots for me when I need it to live my life, what a great concept this is, its called LIVING WITHOUT FEAR p.s. have the great David S. show you a picture of the home he lives in and have him make his earnings public
  3. problem is once its said its hard to take back, just ask micheal richards, no hard feeling here but in the furture I would like to be refered to as a redneck, it has a classier ring to it AND I STILL THINK THESE SHOWS SHOULD HAVE LOTS OF DEALS,I KNOW IT COST LOTS FOR BOOTHS BUT WHY NOT TRY AND RECOUP SOME OF THE COSTS, I for one would spend alot more money if I could get a good deal
  4. funny how the HICKS are the ones feeding the urbanites, so they can sit around and grow their COUNTRY WIDE ASSES, and tell us how dumb we are, tell ya what smart city folk,grow a loaf of bread in your 800 square ft townhouse
  5. the problem is you go to these things to find a deal, if no one there is giving deals it doesnt make sence to spend 60 bucks to get through the door when you can spend that 60 some where else to buy what you want, so the only way to get a deal is save the money you would spend getting in and eating, and put it towards what you want to buy. Until the exibitors realiize this the shows are going to get smaller and smaller
  6. anyone ever think thats how you teach a dog to swim, is to put it in the water, wow shes in 4ft of water and its her dog, im sure she wasnt trying to drown it, but as always the so called animal lovers FREEKOUT, and the first thing to do is to call another person an idiot because they got their dog wet, and yes i have a dog and she dont swim to good but she loves the water, so if you see us at a lake and it looks like shes drowning, stay the hell out of the way cus im teaching your how to swim,so Jen feel free to share, I told my dog to look at the pictures and see that there are other dogs like her that dont swim so good, saved me hundreds of dollars on a pet shrink,cus now shes not alone
  7. I would look at something bigger than the 40 lb, for the simple reason most days will have some wind and a 14 to 16 foot tinny catches the wind good so in order to keep the boat in place bigger is better also with the 40 you will find that you need to keep the settings up fairly high to do what you need, and that means dead batteries faster, I know a larger thrust is a little more money but best to buy the one that gives you maybe more power than you need (I think you will need more than 40) because its much easier to turn the power down than it is to row back to shore
  8. The bite on the bog has been fairly good, dont expect to catch many pics bofore about 630 at nite and earlier in the morning than you got there, if your going to keep those kind of hours go during the week, cus at least the banks will be open. lol
  9. THE holoding down of the ctrl seem to work thanks guys
  10. I cant seem to get any of the links when I click on them I just get a pop sound like when someone has something for sale i cant connect to the http to get the pictures what do I need to do Thanks
  11. is there a link to get java
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