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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Wow I heard about this and I didnt like it. Now that it has hit our community so hard I now know why. As othes have said on here Alex, if there is ANYTHING we can do to help thru these hard times just ask..Were all here for you..
  2. That was insane..That is one crazy dude...wow
  3. http://www.surveyconsole.com/console/TakeSurvey?id=736973
  4. Thats EXACTALLY what im going to do if I get my mitts on some. There is no way I want to go sit somwhere so far away from the action that I have to watch it on a large tv. Ill take my small tv and a 6 pack of beer for that any day. I am however signed up for the lottery, or the notice of the lottery, what ever it is..
  5. I thought this was good for a chuckle.. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tFgA0dMU7fg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Even hunters have hearts... A hunter and his friend were sitting in a tall tower stand near Highway 7 early one cold December morning. Suddenly, a huge buck walked out over the corn they had spread in the low shrubs. The buck was magnificent, a once in a lifetime animal. His rack was huge. The hunter's hand shook as his mind was already counting the Boone and Crockett points. Moving quickly, the hunter carefully aimed the Leopold scope on his ..300 Win Mag at the unsuspecting buck. As he was about to squeeze the trigger on this deer of a lifetime, his friend alerted him to a funeral procession passing slowly down Highway 7. The hunter pulled away from the gunstock, set the rifle down, took off his hat, bowed his head and then closed his eyes in prayer. His friend was stunned, "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen you do. You actually let that trophy deer go to pay respects to a passing funeral procession. You are indeed the kindest man I have ever known, and I feel lucky to call you a friend." The hunter shrugged. "Yeah, well, we were married for 37 years."
  7. Im good for x-large black or beige..
  8. Great game tonight!! Reims was solid stopping 46 shots.Kessel seems to have come out of his slump with a 3 point night! Go Leafs Go.. They are going on tear like no other this year..
  9. Sure thing..Not sure if your serious or not but I was actually wondering if rabbit tails or hydes would interest any fly or lure makers here on the board? I dont tan the hydes but if anyone wants them just let me know...
  10. This is a must see..Talk about a great feel good story! The best part is, it was filmed in Port Credit Ontario! Enjoy!, I know I did <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/y0qZYqdsYAg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. Thanks,Leechman!! Yes you got my name right! Just don't call me late for beer..lol The cleaning isn't as bad as one might think.I have trays under each cage and Rubbermaid bins under the outdoor hutches. All I have to do it pick them up and dump them in the garden or the massive composter I built. I don't breed in the summer months. I like to fish way to much. We have the trailer on the Trent River and are there 2 weekends a month thru the summer, so I usually start to cull off any time now! Come on spring!! anyway thanks to all for the comments! If anyone in my area wants to try a rabbit let me know! Ill beat the prices in the grocery store anytime...
  12. Nice work! Love it. imagine seeing that beastly thing flying thru the air one day...Awesome job!
  13. I too like the choclate ones! Ears first...lol
  14. is that live weight? Keep in mind rabbits cant be sold "processed" unless its goverment stamped.. Seems like a good price! The ones in the grocery store the other day were 37 bux and up!!!!
  15. wow 30 pound rabbits...lol i would imagine they take quite a while to get that size. The nice thing with the rabbits I breed is I kull at 3 months old, they weigh anywhere between 5 to 7 pounds. When deboned on averagie we get aporx 3 pounds of edible rabbit meat, these rabbits develop fast. I myself love roast young rabbit. The wife and daughter wont eat it thou.lol
  16. lol funny..I see your quite a ways away from me or id offer up 1 or 2. treat the sausages just as you would pork. cook them as you see fit. my favourite way to cook them is to defrost them and bbq them slow n low.. another way (my wife's favourite) is to grab a pack from the freezer toss em in a fry pan with some hot water and simmer with a lid over them. When the sausages are defrosted and cooked she slices them on a 45 degree angle and makes home made sausage spaghetti .. its amazing
  17. Thanks bigugli, those are Cali crossed with Flemish giants. my adult doe weighs in at a whopping 12 pounds! I tried New Zealand's but they were to small and weak. We had something spook them in the hutch last spring and 3 of the young broke their necks scrambling to get away..I imagine they hit the wall in the hutch running..So we are now raising the Californian crossed with the Flemish giants. We love the size of the Flemish and the meat quality of the Cali's. manitoubass2 the sausages are amazing! go 70% rabbit and 30% pork throw in a clove of garlic per pound of meat, a tablespoon of fennel per pound of meat a teaspoon of salt n pepper per pound grind it all up, then put into pure pork casings and you have the best sausages ever! For burgers or meatballs use the same 70-30 mix but use regular ground beef. You cant use lean as there is no fat content in the Rabbit meat at all. Mix the rabbit and beef after grinding, use what ever spices you like when you make burgers. Thanks again to all for the positive comments!
  18. Just wanted to share with you all our families other hobby! We raise Rabbits for meat. We make sausages , Hamburg's and meatballs with the meat we hand raise. here is a video I posted on YouTube.. Enjoy! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wIx6qD7rvJg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Wow talk about a tight game lastnight..I just loved what Liles brought to the game..He is our best Dman as far as puck movement is concearned. Id rather see him with the puck in the offensive end but he is just as good in the d-end. Reimer gets the NO-NO stopping 25 shots..Leafs get 3 points in 2 games against the pens..Cant complain about that..Im thinking Reimer is the go to guy for a while again...Win and ur in!
  20. The leafs will come on strong this last half. Billy Waters is also reporting that Nash, Husalias (sp?) to Toronto for Schenn Grabs and Kadri. He also said expect an announcement within the next 48 hours...Take from that what you will, but Nash as a Leaf...Nice! We have Army and Liles set to be back by weeks end. We soooo badly need Liles back. He is a great puck moving Dman and can score! With 21 points by dec 20th (when he got hurt) He was claerly one of the leagues top D-men in scoring. Go Leafs Go!!! Oh were sooo in the playoffs!
  21. Welcome aboard! Also love the idea! Ill take a shirt too! The fishing for Tyler fund raiser is comming up too. Just a thought anyway..Great idea...
  22. i dont even need to listen to him to feel like that.. just mention the loosers name and im ready to puke...Thanks....lol
  23. You wanna see his new Pug puppy? lol http://www.wimp.com/dogowner/
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