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Everything posted by vince.bornais

  1. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. If you're watching the leafs, you've already decided you're not that interested in hockey anyway!!!
  2. I was there on the Friday. The outdoor portion of the show was very small. Hopefully it will only get better. The cottage life was the biggest part of the show, and only interesting if you had a cottage & a lot of cash. I didn't even see the travel part of the show. The woodworking show had a few booths missing, but was the busiest of the shows there. It's the first time for all these shows in one place and the price was reasonable. Hopefully it will get better as time goes by. I'd give it 1-1/2(maybe 2 tops)out of 5.
  3. I'm not trying to mean, but all this discussion. arguing, and disappointment in the leafs(over the last 40 something years) can all be fixed within a year or two. Stop supporting them! Stop buying their merchandise, stop watching their games. Maybe when the money stops coming in the money will go out to get a better team and bring you all back. Just my 2 cents.
  4. I got my tagged fish already, so that's at least 2 tags now at the Rack and Reel!! See you at the tourny next year!!
  5. Omar Marine Sales in Barrie does boat covers(705-733-2681). I paid $700 for the cover on my LUND 1775 ProV SE. I use it for trailering, plus I have a cheaper(less than $200) cover from Princess Auto that I use while my boat is in my driveway. Princess Auto carries 2 different makes of boat covers. They say they are trailerable, but I wouldn't trailer with them. Crappy Tire also carries boat covers, I forget the price(approx $200). If you are going to get a custom cover, make sure you get a good grade of canvas.
  6. Thanks alot guys. I've passed along the info.
  7. A friend asked me about marine grade plywood. I know there was a post before about it, but I can't find it. Does anyone know where you could buy it? Is it a special order? Price? Thanx in advance.
  8. Still not a good case for everyone to have to wear a lifejacket!!! I would not do what this guy was doing, I would not be that close to another boat. I still want to know why the rest of us(meaning the sane ones)have to pay for some idiots behaviour. Why not go after & fine people like this out on the water. It all comes down to common sense & having a respect for the water, two things this guy didn't use or have!!!!
  9. Ronson lighter fluid(yellow plastic bottle) works wonders. Removes car dealer stickers (or any sticker you need removed), tree sap, etc, etc,.... and is fairly inexpensive to buy.
  10. Stupid laws are for stupid people. Stupid people spawn more stupid people. I say we let them thin themselves out a little. Sorry if that seems a little harsh, but that's my opinion on the matter. Hit the nail right on the head!!!!!
  11. I think you should have to wear a PFD if you are near 6 inches of water anywhere. Rivers, streams, lakes, bathtubs, hot tubs, puddles,.... Why stop at just boating. People die in bathtubs too!!! Maybe the shower too, just in case the drain backs up!?!
  12. No matter what side of the fence you are on here, and as DARA has already stated: "YOU CAN'T REGULATE STUPID"! I know it's sad, but we're going to lose some of them and we're going to have to pay for them including the people who don't boat!
  13. Licensing tests won't do anything. The whole boaters exam is a farce & a tax grab. And as for car licensing, have you seen Canada's Worst Driver?
  14. "A little common sense goes a long ways". A very good saying, too bad alot of people don't have any, or repect for the water and the people that are on it. I have been reading this page for a few years now and decided to recently join. I find it hard not to comment on some of the topics anymore. There have been a number of topics from boat launching to boating etiquette while on the water and it all comes down to common sense & respect, and common curteousy to some extent. Some people just don't have it and it's the rest of us that have to pay for it. I for one firmly believe that failure to adhere to these 3 things should be painful, but why should we all have to suffer for it? People need to know there vehicles, what they can & cannot do, and they need to have a respect for the water.
  15. Terry, in your diagram above, the common leads(black) are split to both batteries. Then add another plugin and remove the green lead. I really appreciate the help here guys. I think I have it figured out now.
  16. There is a plugin at the front of the boat for the bow mount and one at the back for a transom mount. Each plugin has a red, an orange, a black and a black with a blue stripe. The red and orange are my hot leads and the black ones are the commons. There are 4 hot leads and 4 black leads going into my battery box plus some smaller wires for the battery meter. Technically I only need two breakers for the front plugin, since I don't have a trolling motor for the back plugin, but I figured I'd put breakers on all of them. Pictures would probably help if I knew how to put them on here.
  17. I need 4 because I have a plugin at the front and one at the back . There are 2 hot leads and 2 commons coming from both plugins.
  18. Costco has the 34D Optimas for $178.
  19. I have a 24V-65 lb Thrust Minn Kota with 40A inline fuses on my boat. I have been unable to find 40A replacement fuses for it. The highest I can find are 35A. The boat came brand new with 40A. I have talked to Rocky up in Orillia and he mentioned 50A breakers is what it should have. My question(s) is what do most people have on their boats(breakers,fuses) and where can one buy these breakers at a good price. I've checked some stores around town and the price is pretty high. I need 4 of them, if I was to go with the 50A's. I am doing this to clean up my battery box on the boat and because at one time, I was going through these 40A fuses
  20. I apologise, maybe "idiot" was a bit harsh. Maybe the term "common sense" or "ignorant" is more appropriate here. These things combined with a busy launch makes things really trying to a lot of people. At the Tiffin launch as well there is no signage that says IN or OUT, although I don't think it would make alot of difference to most people.
  21. Just to add some more comedy to the topic. I saw a jetskier launch his jetski and go park. He came back, fired up his jetski and began to pull out of the launch. As he was doing that, 2 fishermen drove into the launch to end the day. The jetskier rooster-tailed the 2 fishermen as he was driving off. Talk about pissed off!! Another jetski story, a newbie family of 5 people, 2 adult males, a woman & 2 kids. They launched their jetski and it kept sinking when they backed up. You guessed it, the transom straps were still on. Instead of pulling out a bit to see what they were doing, they decided to wade into the launch & with their arms, bicep deep in the water, tried to figure out how the straps were connected. They were going to get wet anyway!?! And one more, although this is more of a tip than a joke. If you have a bunk trailer, you can back it up & wet the bunks, then pull out and leave about a foot of the bunks UNDER WATER. Then simply drive your boat up the bunks. This also takes a bit of practice to get it as close as you can to the winch. Then all you have to do it tie the winch clip on & tighten to the roller & pull out of the launch and put your transom straps on and you're outta there. If you need to see this, watch when a bass tournament is over and they're pulling their boats out. And I would just like to say thank-you to 'lookinforwalleye' for the "perfect" comment. I do try to be. Actually, it's a common courtesy problem. Alot of people are rude, inconsiderate, selfish, self-centered and all about the ME ME ME!! And the rest of us have to be patient. Why do they get to be all those things & we only get to be one thing?????
  22. I've helped them out @ times as well. After awhile it just becomes sad to watch. Sometimes they won't take the help though. And, I believe that if you are new to the whole deal, than you should really try to 'learn' at a time that is less busy, maybe take a day off during the week. A busy,hot summer weekend is not the time to 'learn', when there are line-ups of people trying to get in and out. If more people knew what they were doing, this launch in particular would run alot smoother. You should see it in the fall when it is just fisherman.
  23. I have a 1500 Ram & I just put on Bridgstone Dueler AT Revo 2's for about $1000. I've had them on another vehicle I owned & they are very good in winter, very aggressive tire. Tirerack.com is a good site, but it is American & most of the inputs are from the southern states where snow is not in the weather, at least for what I read anyway.
  24. You should see the idiots @ the Tiffin Boat launch here in Barrie on a weekend. It's hard to believe that there are that many clueless people in the world. I have seen stuff that would make you laugh your arse off and stuff that would make you wonder why some people are still alive.
  25. I have been a long time reader of this site & I decided to finally join. I would just like to add my 2 cents to this topic. One thing I would be leery about teaching kids is hitting someone in the throat. Yes, it will probably stop your attacker, but if you break the trachea, you better have a damn good reason for doing it. That is a last resort move if you feel your life may be taken. After that, anything pretty much goes. There is no such thing as a fair fight. If you look @ most self defense classes, they do not teach you how to fight, they teach you how to defend yourself, whether that's leaving the situation or stopping your attacker (verbally or physically). Each situation is different and to be able to tell the difference comes from experience or from training. Most of it comes from your own awareness of your surroundings. Know your surroundings & trust your instincts.
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