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Everything posted by Afraz

  1. Nice catches, lol you were fishing beside a sweage outlet LMAO !
  2. Whatever itis, it doesn't look too appetizing anymore. LOL
  3. I dunno, 3 of my friend's headed out to dunnville this morning after hearing this report. Not a singleperch was had among them or anyone close to them at Maitland. And the same went for silvers i dunno if they are in or maybe the bite just wasn't on.
  4. Great report, carpin is tonnes of fun once you get the hang of it.
  5. Awesome report ! way to go, great lookin whities.
  6. I heard about the venom in the spines got pricked myself but don't recall getting any excessive pain, and yeah when i said herbivores i meant they eat crap growing on rocks they are like carp of the sea. And alot of folks snag em on the red sea too, when you gut em their insides smell horrible. I was told they were fantastic eating, since they didn't have any scales on them and were easy to find and catch. Rabbit fish + snappers = Lower class sea food Grouper and Parrotfish = Middle class sea food Coral grouper Aka Najil = Upper class sea food Lol this is how one of my arab buddies groups the rabbit fish, lol they are in the same boat as snappers so they can't be that bad.
  7. A whole bunch of these guys in the BOQ and trent river, shoot me a PM and i can give you a perfect location to target them. Mind you i have never had any luck on getting them to bite the lures i throw at them. LOL and i would avoid eating them, i know GAR roe is poisonous so why bother with the flesh, besides they look wayy too cool to be food. Stick to eating carp and suckers LMAO !
  8. Good point, alas the lurkers...well like everyone says not lookin for ur hotspot just wanan know whats in there
  9. Lmao, i thought you were being serious about the goby thing. Took it as an insult, like i am some newbie goin out to fish for gobbies lmao.
  10. OH WOW GOBIES NICE I LOVE GOBIES I NEVER CAUGHT EM BEFORE FANTASTIC --- sarcasm seriously though thanks, but no thanks XD LMAO
  11. Hey fellas i just wanted to know how the fishing in this area was, has anyone ever fished here. If so any success ? what baits, lures, rigs. The species that were caught. Thanks again, i am just googling random places and posting questions lol. How about Marie Curtis is there any good fishign to be had there ? if so what exactly can a guy get into ?
  12. I think that fish is a rabbit fish, we get em in the red sea and the locals call them SIJAAN. Apparently they are great eating and herbivores fish. Most of the guys i see fishing for them use green algae growing n rocks tied to 3 - 4 tiny treble hooks under a calcuta pole using a large fixed float. I just caught one of these fish my entire life (incidental catch) it inhaled a peice of squid i was using to catch snapper.
  13. Oh awesome stuff guys, but how would one land anything. I would imagine the pier's to be really high above the water line. So no silver bass or walleyes LOL
  14. Hey Fellas, Okay this is hard for me to describe but here i go, The QEW goes on top of the split between Lake ontario and the other side which is the bay and houses the industrial area. Under that bridge there is like a i uno, gateway? which allows for boat traffic to go in and out. There seems to be a bunch of piers in that area when i googled it. Has anyone fished this place ? is it shore accesible (i think it is through Beach Blvd) if so what have people caughthere fishing from shore and waht techniques should one use. Place looks like it has alot of potential but i dunno if i would be allowed to fish there or if i'd even catch anything there, the fact that the industrial zone is so close kinda freaks me out. I don't want to land a tumor laden sheephead or something lol. Thanks in advance guys Afraz Oh and the closest landmark that i can think of in that area would be the beachway park.
  15. Oh man thats nasty looking, all the perch i get from the trent have millions of tiny black spots all over them. Nasty looking critters, esp during spring. Its weird though cause i have caught bluegills which are squeaky clean from the same small tribs, and rock bass. But every single perch looks like an infected zombie. I have seen tumorus growths on sheephead in the BOQ but never on a walleye, what is that ? is it cause of pollution ?
  16. I had been fishing maitland on and off too last couple of weeks, nothing. I dunno when the perch are going to move within casting distance from the pier.
  17. Rouge River Marsh, foot of lawrence. Under the bridge
  18. uhh how do u join ?
  19. Monday night the weather was supposed to be horrible, cold and winds reaching 40. But becuase i had the itch and i was being sttuborn even though my friends didn't want to go. And thought that i was stupid for going after cats and carp during what little trout time was left. I went anyway Well one of my buddies came along but the poor guy just caught one channel cat and one brown bullhead. I on the other hand landed 4 Carp, 6 Channel Cats, and one bullhead. I was all dressed up cause it got really cold at night (well it was cold for me) i just had a T shirt on underneath the layers, and the wind wasn't helping. Hence the many jackets The pics aren't all that great but ennnh Sorry i can't post pics apparently they have to be 250 k mine are from a 3.2 Mega Pixel, no idea how to shrink the images so if you must see em they are on OOD.
  20. Wow some of u guys just tried to poison me ahhahahah. No worries, i guess i'll just stick to store bought greens. No bush tucker for me XD
  21. Wow awesome bluegills and great pics of the turtles
  22. Oh man awesome stuff, good to know that the fishery is still going strong.
  23. Big Bay bridge, enough said.
  24. Tonnes of Gar pike at the first lock in Trenton, i tried throing everything their way to entice a bite. but nothing ever worked a buddy of mine suggested i use live frogs maybe you can use frog imitations on a fly and work em slow.
  25. What are fiddleheads used for ? salads ?
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