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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. OK…THOSE ARE THE BEST PICS!!!!! Thanks BFW! toooooo cute. and that pic of Tucker in your boat….lol….they could be twins, exactly what my pooch does.
  2. Hi all, Not had the best luck finding crappie on my home lake, even though in spring I know how to catch them by the ton(almost). Well it seems the secret is out so I went for a look. There were quite a few folks around and a couple of 15"era were on the ice. I did not do as well but only had 45 minutes to fish as I lost my minnows en route and had to back track all the way home, never did find them. Managed 2 crappie though, and donated both to a guy who gave me some minnows. Good fun. "I'll be back"……….
  3. That is cool…a few roast potatoes…awesome!
  4. LOL…just read this question to my wife…her reply "the dog"….not sure how to take that…lol. I love Staffies, always wanted one. Its a shame they have a reputation as a 'dangerous dog' in the UK.
  5. LOL….mine still thinks about it, but he knows better (most of the time). Thanks Cram, he gets plenty of exercise, running after the snow machine in winter and swimming all day in the lake at the bottom of our yard, DOG HEAVEN! (and people like it here too) I hear ya Freshtrax, He has gotten better on the ice, and shore fishing, he does not harass other people and will stay close by, in the boat though its HORRIBLE! Again he has gotten better, and perhaps a bigger boat would help (working on that one) but he is prone to wimping….and it drives me nuts!!!!! Will take him lots again this spring, force myself too so he can get more accustomed to it. He did ok last year at Lac seul for the whole day, but could do better. YUP! I swear he could chase that thing ALL DAY! That's awesome Mr.G, my buddy wants to train my dog for duck hunting too, lol….good luck with that! And yours is handsome, Chocs can't help it. He is getting better, but sometimes he is very disobedient, he is not aggressive at all, which helps, only seen him growl with intent once, and that was last summer at camp and it took a whole day of being 'humped' by my friends dog to provoke poor Roloff, guess he got tired of being someone else's b!tch! Lol…poor little Ralphie, Roloff does not hog blankets, but he's heavy and makes it difficult to get comfortable when he's pinning me down and cutting off my circulation by lying on my legs.
  6. Great responses guys and gals! Our furry babies are family for sure, anyone who has lost a pet knows this. Thanks Lew, it's hard when you lose a pet, I lost my cat a couple years back, had Oscar for 20years! He looked like Garfield, acted like Garfield….heck….he was Garfield, except he was way less sarcastic and a real softy. His named changed when Jack was 1 year old, he decided the cat was to be called "Moose", and it stuck…..I also have fond memories of poor departed Moose…. OSCAR AKA "MOOSE" AND JACK……..THEY ARE FAMILY! Thanks Rick, liked your Facebook shots at the river too! Yup, those are safely stored in your very own 'hard drive'! LOL…have you met my dog? YOU JUST DESCRIBED HIM PERFECTLY! Yup, they make good buddies. We got another cat, and like Casey he makes up for the loss of Oscar!
  7. Hi all, me and the pup headed down the ice road for some C&R relaxation. I've said it before and say it again, what an awesome friend he is, never complains, always happy to see you, Never lies to you or plays mind games, won't steal from you, talk behind your back, Not a mean atom in his handsome brown body, all he asks is to sleep at my feet at the end of the bed, Two bowls of kibble a day, big hugs and games of tug 'o' war, some water, Sticks thrown in the lake, and not to be shouted at too loudly when harassing the cats! If this was Facebook it would be one of those "share if you love your dog" posts. VIDEO
  8. I know where the crappie are!

    1. manitoubass2
    2. 206


      Do tell, I'll drive 6-8 hours to get them. lol

    3. limeyangler


      lol…not telling.


  9. LOL…thats awesome.
  10. Hi all, Got a bunch of baby walleye and some neat looking little sauger, The sun went down……. And then bigger one hit…..23". An hour well spent!
  11. Thanks for the replies guys! That would be awesome here, I could get 2 limits!
  12. Hi all, Got a few last night, thought I'd share this pic I took, was kinda cool.
  13. That is a weight lifted I'm sure.!
  14. Hi all, Took the shack off over a week ago now, but it got cold again and the water on the ice road is ice again. Still a good 3' of clear ice, almost no snow left. Jack and myself headed down to get some fresh air, wet a line and walk the dog after school last night, he even tried skating, the ice is a bit rough though. The bite was on, but everything was really, really small. Catch and release evening, but a lot of fun catching plenty and goofing around. When I get to do stuff like this and watch my boy loving it just as much as I do it just doesn't get any better as far as I'm concerned. Who knows what tomorrow brings, live for today and enjoy the moment…. Life is good. TOOK THE SHACK OFF A WEEK AGO RETURNED TO THE VACANT LOT DID SOME FISHING SKATED ABOUT AND GAVE ROLOFF A RUN HERE IS SOME VIDEO
  15. Ok Rick, that is a rambling response dude. But you make a statement that chimes more with my understanding of addiction in that it is partially defined by the negative consequences of the 'addictive behaviour'. For example, yes, whenever I eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg my brain produces natural endorphins…pleasure chemicals, when I finish my creme egg I'm done and go on about my business. I might come into contact with more creme eggs as I go about my daily business but do not feel the need to indulge further. If I was addicted to Creme Eggs though it would be very different. I would probably eat way more than one in any given session. My weight would balloon and health would suffer, however because of my compulsion to engage in my creme eggs I would be unable to stop and begin to create intricate self denial messages to make me ok with doing stuff that was bad for me. This denial would also manifest itself in my attempts to hide my use as I am now ashamed of my creme egg habit. As I spiral deeper into my Cadbury's driven nightmare my finances also begin to be impacted, I lie to my wife and let my kid eat as many as he likes when he is with me because that makes it ok for me, but its our little secret, honesty in my personal relationships is dead, so then it follows intimacy is too. I am in debt, ashamed, alone and need to feel better, off to Walmart I go to steal 100 creme eggs, I get caught and now I'm facing jail as I am already on bail for hitting my spouse over an argument when she found a whole bunch of Creme Egg wrappers hidden in the live well of my boat……..lol….this is a good story!
  16. Rick old bean….I have to take issue with some of what you are saying, You raise a number of points in your replies that made me go…hmmmmmmm. The idea that "natural" is ok……hmmmmmmmmm. "By definition, you are addicted to food and water"……hmmmmmmmmmm. What definition of addiction are you using? "But thats not your biology telling you you have to eat, thats your mind."…hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……..My mind is biological and not separate from my body….HOLISTIC is a word that springs to mind. And the idea that we as humans were meant to take some of the substances you mention because we have receptors designed for them is not accurate either, yes, morphine and nicotine bind to receptors in our brains, but those receptors were not designed for those chemicals. copied this from a website…... "Morphine, for example, binds to the receptors for endorphin (a natural "morphine" produced by the brain), while nicotine binds to the receptors for acetylcholine." Not trying to be difficult but just found your ideas a bit …well….wrong….lol….know what I mean bruv?
  17. Not tried it, but I would think a sinker with a floating jig could work.
  18. I like this thread, it brings up so many different debates. One thing it made me think about is there has been a lot of talk about drugs testing welfare recipients, just wondering how many in favour of legalizing pot are in favour of drugs testing welfare claimants, I am not in favour of testing people on welfare, i'm not sure where I stand on the legalize pot issue, but would have to say I instinctively lean towards legalization.
  19. No worries I will, misunderstandings are common on the inter web.
  20. Hi all, Headed down the shack after school yet again, absolutely loving that Jack has such a great time there, could not ask for better company at the shack, he is so fun to hang out with. This will be the last time as it is coming off tomorrow, the ice road is deteriorating quickly, tomorrow and the next day its forecast to be +14C. All catch and release but its good to get jack practising using the fish finder and setting the hook. We got a bunch of small ones and Jack got a beauty 19"er as we were just about to shut up shop. It was a 'pyjama day' at school, so thats what Jack is wearing out on the ice, PJ ice fishing, love it. ICE ROAD MELTING REAL FAST NOW WEARING PJs FISHING IS COOL JACK GOT A NICE ONE RIGHT AT THE END VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAC6dLsZT-0/
  21. I am a sensitive soul, I admit….but it is actually one of my better qualities. Why do you feel the need to make personal judgements about me? You keep telling me to relax, not to be sensitive, that I'm lacking in 'fun' when all I did was point out to you that I never said bacon was a healthy option which you alluded to in your reply. Am I missing something here?
  22. That picture made me cry laughing…absolutely AWESOME! Holy man, 10ks on a GT! Thanks for posting.
  23. I aint biting, pun intended.
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