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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. The best description of the absurdity of some of the arguments Ive ever heard.
  2. Poor Roloff got a bit hot after a 9 mile run behind our ATVs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDBxbMcQQQ0&feature=youtu.be
  3. Thanks for the replies guys! That is pretty funny, we are still here so I think we got stage 5 right….lol. MMMMMM….that sounds delicious! We have a food van here in town that has just started up that makes stone oven sourdough pizzas….OMG…best pizza I have ever had except for Pizza Express pizzas in England.
  4. Hi all, Went out with my neighbour in his small tinny the other day. It took us longer to get there than it did to get a limit and that's just fine…win/win! Get to mess around in the great outdoors and experience awesome fishing. I'm pretty lucky to have such a great neighbour, top bloke! PS….Thanks Joeytier for helping me decide where to go that day, your back lake adventures were the inspiration for this one and the reason we tried a smaller lake.
  6. Wow… a lot of you sound like you live in a war zone!! I have lived in London England, Toronto, Tokyo, Plymouth England, Brighton in England(lived rough on the streets four a year and a half) have never been mugged or burgled or threatened in anyway, I feel no need to have an arsenal at my disposal for 'home defence', Maybe I'm not English or Canadian, must be Irish with a horseshoe up my .……...
  7. The First Law of Politcs: For every politician, there exists an equal and opposite politician. The Second Law of Politics: They’re both wrong.
  8. Apparently she is YOUR queen too then. The Royals have limited power to influence anything other than patriotic and dangerously jingoistic fervour amongst the faithful, maybe if they did have some political clout of their own they would actually be worth the millions of pounds the tax payer pays them.
  9. Didn't you know? The Globalists and monarchy are a race of shapeshifting Aliens that control our governments and minds with chem trails!
  10. whatever happened to protest? All these politicians are self serving asshats. Harper is fear mongering, trickle down neo con Bull, voting for that guy is like electoral Stockholm Syndrome. Trudeau is telling us everything and anything he thinks we want to hear with a nod to the 'middle class' whoever the hell that is these days, last time I looked if you sell your labour in any capacity you are working class, lol....and the bearded one is creepy. For me Theresa May is the only one who seems to at least have some integrity and belief in what she says but I have trust issues with them all...lol. I do find it a little depressing that so many feel that helping others before ourselves is a bad idea, personally I feel good about helping others in need, regardless of geography or how much tax they have or have not paid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ2oXzrnti4
  11. You are an inspiration! Must get into the remote places more often, just need to find someone up for it round here.
  12. Great report. I gotta say we have some talented writers here on OFC! Great read! If you are heading all the way across Canada be sure to drop by, it gets lonely up here in the North….lol! Not sure if you need this or whether it helps but I agree with Galliie, photo bucket works great with large size pics, I did a little video ( I always do) a while back on how to use it.
  13. My pleasure man! I have never encountered a muskie in the area I fish, I know they are plentiful around the Sioux Lookout end of the lake (East) but I'm fishing South Central area.
  14. Thanks man, t is nice to get feedback, very muchly appreciated! LOL…I know, I have to make it up to Roloff on Sunday with a trip to our shore fishing spot and throw him his 'Kong' toy for an hour or so. Thanks HH! It is insane some days, that day was non stop fun….hard to get bored on a day like that.
  15. WOW…..fantastic job Mike…those pike are huge! Thanks for taking the time…great read.
  16. Hi all, Got out to Lac Seul with my buddy Al and his kid Kris, we also had their new puppy Chevy along, very, very sweet Lab/Golden Retriever cross. Roloff had to stay home because of this but i'm sure it won't be long before they are introduced and become friends. Fishing was good and so was Kris's reaction to catching big walleye, he has caught them before but the first fish landed of the day was his biggest by a long way and his reaction to it was special in itself….Lac Seul is a MAGICAL place. Fish were at 17' - 25' FOW, jigs and minnows vertically jigged. Fish would turn on and off like someone flicked a switch so we moved around a bit but our original spot was the most productive all morning.
  17. Keep up the awesome reports Mike….whoever it is is just insanely jealous…like me…..I just wish you all the best!
  18. So sorry for your loss Wayne, speechless and teary eyed……what an amazing girl that kid of yours.
  19. Great day on the lake, perfect in fact by the looks of the pictures!
  20. The top 10 funniest jokes of the Fringe "I just deleted all the German names off my phone. It's Hans free" - Darren Walsh "Kim Kardashian is saddled with a huge arse ... but enough about Kanye West" - Stewart Francis "Surely every car is a people carrier?" - Adam Hess "What's the difference between a 'hippo' and a 'Zippo'? One is really heavy, the other is a little lighter" - Masai Graham "If I could take just one thing to a desert island I probably wouldn't go" - Dave Green "Jesus fed 5,000 people with two fishes and a loaf of bread. That's not a miracle. That's tapas" - Mark Nelson "Red sky at night. Shepherd's delight. Blue sky at night. Day" - Tom Parry "The first time I met my wife, I knew she was a keeper. She was wearing massive gloves" - Alun Cochrane "Clowns divorce. Custardy battle" - Simon Munnery "They're always telling me to live my dreams. But I don't want to be naked in an exam I haven't revised for..." - Grace The Child
  21. LOL...I have been going there for over 20 years now, believe me, the fishing is painful. Anyway, it was a nice break from my norm, and I love how my wife finds it hard to understand how I manage to not fish for 2 weeks without going insane, just makes me laugh at how bad a fishing addict she thinks (knows) I am!
  22. Hi all, Was in France in the Perigord region for a couple weeks this month. did not fish for the whole time we were there but did get out on the river in a canoe with the family.....GOOD TIMES!
  23. Yup, those pesky bloody limeys are everywhere! Thanks Blizz, was a hoot for sure. Yup, they sure do grow quick.
  24. Hi all, Got back from holiday last week and it was straight back to work, this was particularly hard for Jack as he had gotten used to having his mum and my full attention for 2 weeks straight only for us to pretty much abandon him at the sitters most days last week. So the day before yesterday we got a chance to spend some time together on my day off. We walked a portage into a lake I have been wanting to check out but had never got around to before. Jack was very excited about the "secret lake", and he has been chattering about our adventure for the past 2 days, needless to say fun was had!
  25. I was thinking the same….that is damn fast for a 20hp with all your other calculations considered.
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