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Uncle Buck

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Everything posted by Uncle Buck

  1. I use Tuffline XP, i've only used it up to 30lb test though... I've never had a problem with it, and find it doesn't fade or leak color on you like power pro... plus it's cheaper then power pro also...
  2. Good thing we haven't gotten to the tiller / console debate yet...
  3. spent christmas in Florida... 90% of motors on the big boy toys were either Yammy 4 strokes or Merc Verados.... These guys all play hard... there must be a reason they went with those motors...
  4. It's like that eh Brian?
  5. Tony i've got a net like the one you're looking for... come by and grab it... bring it back when you're done with it... that's a 38"x30" girth carp lying on it...
  6. I'm surprised the Yanks haven't declared war on us yet???
  7. Are you sure minnows aren't allowed? I was at fishing world one day told they guy i was heading to binbrook and he told me to use a microtube and minnow under a slipfoat...
  8. Good on you Iceguy!! After being stuck out on the water last week, it really is an eye opener as to bad things really can happen... Luckily you were near by and were able to offer help!! that's is it's own reward!!
  9. for $10,000, must be one hell of a canoe
  10. I know there are a lot of Camera Buffs on here, so... I'm looking for a new camera, my old one was a Fuji FinePix 4800Zoom I've had this one for a long time, and it finally bit the dust on thursday on our run out of burwell... my dislikes of it were... blurry pics unless using flashmode, even then it was hit and miss memory card was a smart media card, biggest you can buy is 128MB Bulky (although not a huge problem, still something to keep in mind) Battery - Required a special battery, again crap once you run out of batteries... my likes of it were... 4.3MP, at the time it was the holy $#IT of cameras had a webcam setting built into it came with a docking/charging/transfering cradle... What i'd like out of the new camera... Price range $200-$300 Memory Card Preferably SD, but doesn't make a difference, definitely not a Smart Media Card though Mega Pixels 4.3 or higher photo taking ability, to be able to take clear photos without having to keep the camera 100% dead still video ability would be nice, but not a requirement need macro, to be able to take pics of details in close zoom the more optical, the better... Size, not too bulky now lets here the suggestions Thanks
  11. I have Walker Electrics... problem is you can't get the best out of each... Pros: Walker is nice cause they are small and look good Big Jons have awesome rod holders, you can also use the rodholder for a dipsy, tip up Scottys I like the layout, lever for lowering down the ball, tip up Cons: Walker don't like the toggle switch for the down, rod holders, no tip up Big Jons, look like crap, a piece of plastic would have went along way esthetically Scottys, i don't like the rod holdersmind you i've never had any problems with my walkers, This year, i spent time on a lot of boats, each boat had different riggers... i'd probably go with Scottys if i had to do it again...
  12. 12-24 is a real oddball i've been doing tool and die for almost 15 years, and never heard/seen one... i had to check the machinery handbook to see if it exists... 10-24 is a standard screw, readily available... If you're looking for the 12-24... try brafasco, Fabory, Fastenal, Bolt and Nut Supply... Good Luck
  13. I've heard good things about fishing at Sherkston, not sure if access to the pond is included with camp fee though???
  14. Everyone is brave in behind a computer!! Terry hit the nail on the head though!!
  15. you want pictures?? It was a great day out on the water, Emil is a great guy and i'd like to thank him for having me on his boat... accidents happen, and the most important thing is to stay calm... Emil's son Jordan was a tropper out there he went to sleep and slept through the whole ordeal... FYI to all you boaters out there... make sure you have a VHF, although I don't have the licence for it, it's still a very important tool to have on board... the coast gaurd would rather you have it and use it properly then not have it at all... read up on calling protocol and ettiquite. My cell phone ran out of batteries, luckily Emils was still on, but a cellphone can lose signal and run out of batteries... a fixed station VHF will definitely give more/better reception... we were able to communicate with the coast gaurd, but now with our rescue vessel until they were very near by... another safety note, many people over look is anchor line... proper anchor line should have 5-10 feet of chain, and a minimum of 3X the length of rope as to the depth you are anchoring. many of us have anchors/rope, but how many have chain on the rope and enough of it Thanks also goes out to the Sarnia Coast Gaurd Station, and the Rescue Vessel "Maverick" they were top notch and did their best to get us out of harms way and back to shore Thanks also goes out to the owners of the Port Bruce Marina, this couple came out and invited me into their home to warm up and gave me warm coffee and cookies, and gave me access to their telephone, since my cellphone went dead, to call home and let the family know that we were on shore safe and sound and that they need not worry... Emil left out the part where we put my salmon cooler on the bow of the boat to get it up on plane, well Emil and I both sat on one side of the boat, and the cooler went overboard luckily the cooler didn't take water in and managed to stay afloat. Emil pulled the anchor up and we paddled over and recovered the cooler with the fish This incident has not stained my thoughts/views on boating/fishing, but i see it as an eye opener, realizing that accidents can and do happen, but the best thing to do is be prepared and know how to handle the situation... I hope that the rescue vessel "Maverick" made it back to Port safe/unharmed Well done boys!!
  16. Good stuff Jay... Hunting and fishing is like Christmas for Kids... I know i can't sleep the night before a trip... I just picked up a compound bow to tinker around with... nothing like yours though... i picked up a bear whitetail II, 60lb draw weight... like i said, nothing major, but it gives me something to tinker around with good luck on your hunt bud
  17. Great Report... Love the beaver pic!!
  18. First Class looks like a great time...
  19. where was all this power drive hatred propaganda before i traded my kicker for a powerdrive bow mount?
  20. And that's the reason why Doug is a Rocket Scientist!!!
  21. Great Stuff Clive!! Congrats to the both of ya...
  22. That's a sweet mirror carp... I still haven't caught one yet Carping Rocks!!!
  23. for those looking for a trolling motor that'll track a shore line... Motor guide has a unit digital something??... be prepared to spend $$$ though... for those looking for a trolling motor that's not cable steer, but still steers quick, Minn Kota Terrova... again, be prepared to spend $$$
  24. I'd throw 30lb power pro on the reel if i were you... I've never been broken off with it... the odd time the fish will spit/straighten the hook though... but if you're in an area where there are lots of snags it could pose a challenge
  25. making crankbaits is much more involved... you never need to tune a spinner... as for crankbaits, you have to water tune them to perfection.. make sure they land/float/swim belly up, also that they track straight etc... there are some fine looking baits there Jim!!
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