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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Looks like useless input to me.
  2. This post relates to one from a couple of days ago. According to info that EHG had dug up, a gizzard shad would not hit a lure. This picture is from a couple years ago...a fish, that I was pretty darn sure was a gizzard shad, had hit Juli's Little Cleo spoon. The hooks were definitely in the mouth. So tell me guys, is it one or not? I say gizzard shad for sure, by the way, it was caught in the harbour at Kincardine...not too far from Bruce Nuclear.
  3. Excellent photos as usual Aaron. Thanks for sharing!!
  4. I'll post the pic tomorrow, guys...you tell me what it is.
  5. Aaron, my 17.4 lber fought like a devil, checking the pics it took me about 8 minutes to get it in, I can imagine how that thing pulled!! Who said "sheepies" aren't a sportfish?!
  6. The one that Juli caught last year, actually hit a Little Cleo...the hooks were right in it's mouth. I have the photo at work, and, will post it tomorrow. I was totally surprised.
  7. Holy cow....errr sheep!!!! I thought my 17.4 lber was big!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Gizzard Shad, almost 100 % sure...did it smell like hell? Juli caught one in the harbour at Kincardine a year and a half ago...thought it was a whitefish when she first had it on.
  9. Nice Leechman!! Myself (Frank), Juli and the three boys (Carl, Caelan and Ceagan) were proud to participate, and are going to give Ryan a bigger hand with next year's event!
  10. Pretty sure, board member, Steve Rowbotham does ice fishing for perch, as well as lakers/whities. Good guy, who will do all he can to make your day a success.
  11. Congrats on the future new addition, Ryan!! That makes at least two of us that need a bigger boat soon, LOL!!! The boys are going to start getting bigger soon, and, my 14 fter just isn't going to cut it when we all go out.
  12. NFL all the way. I'm a proud Canadian, but, I just can't get interested in a league with such a small amount of teams. Also have never been a big fan of the 3 down system. Bring the NFL to Toronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Speaking of thanks, I'm really glad that so many people have responded to this thread. Some interesting reads, reasons, and comments. It truly is a great community of fishermen/women. Like a few of you have stated, we don't always get along, but, in the end we are all here for pretty much the same reason....WE LOVE FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Empty Timmies cups make a great little pee bucket....just make sure you get an X-large!!
  15. LOL!!!!! Don't forget "pullin them puppies outta da slop!!"
  16. I still work in Kitchener, and, lived most of my life here. Beauty bow, nice nailing them on spinners...I love the hit.
  17. Agreed on Atlantic, and, that is one crazy ass kype on that dude!
  18. Quick, I'll throw my ice hut in the boat!!!!
  19. Some very good points...fishing, like most things in life, comes down to approach. Go with a positive attitude and confidence and more often than not you will succeed.
  20. The shepherd must tend his flock All kidding aside, do you blame him...that is one cosey set-up!!
  21. That was awesome, first time I've watched it!! Nice work, Cliff!
  22. Haven't read all the replies yet, but, right off the bat---I wouldn't bottom bounce timber, you are just asking for a world of frustration. Start with a float presentation, but, don't be afraid to toss a small spinner or two.
  23. My pleasure, I've enjoyed reading all of the answers!
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