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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. We had a grand total of 32 kids. Two years in a row, that not even 50 have shown up.
  2. You sure would, Kwan. Wayne is just trying to be helpful and pass on some important info. Last year I made the same mistake, wasn't even thinking about it. Had a dozen or so perch in my livewell, and, drove home with them...still alive. I got home, started unhooking everything, went to get them...looked over at my better half, and, said "oh, crap, you know I just broke the law". It dawned on me as soon as I got home...first and last time I made that mistake. Those are some really nice crappies and walleyes you are catching. Sometimes that "night shift" really pays off!
  3. When's dinner???? Some nice slabs and walters, hopefully a more peaceful spot then your post from earlier in the week.
  4. Agreed, except for a short period in the early 90's when Cliff Fletcher put together one hell of a team, that played well, had each other's backs and were a serious contender. We'll see how Brian Burke does over this season and the next, so far I do like the direction the team is going in...nice mix of speed and toughness.
  5. Some really cool photos, guys. It is pretty darn amazing that those deer can make it across that river.
  6. Nice work, Jacques! Red and black looks killer, but, chartreuse is my go to colour.
  7. LOL...nice post. Cute costume...the boys, are going out as Santa, a ninja, and....a woman (that one scares me a bit, lol!!!!)
  8. Wow, great read, and that must have been a heart-stopping moment.
  9. Lol!!! Funny guy...you know I'm still amazed at how many times I've heard and read that you can't catch fish from shore there. I had no problem whatsoever hooking bass, pike and even musky everytime I waded out.
  10. I think he is referring to something that you can see in Ryan's (Urban Fisherman) post.
  11. Sad story, sorry to hear about it. Disgusting what some people will do to the few beautiful places left.
  12. Have included the link to the Share your Ontario photo contest. Juli's shot is titled, Restoule Provincial Park...my favorite pic from our late August vacation. Me standing waist deep in the water in the early morning mist. She'd appreciate any votes cast her way. Have to get her to sign up on the board, one of these days. Thanks!! http://shareyourontario.com/index.php/photo-gallery?category=2
  13. Sorry, that probably came across as me hating tillers. My next boat will definitely be bigger than my current 14 fter, and, one of my requirements is a double console/windshield with steering wheel. Thus the comment definitely NOT a tiller. On a smaller boat there is nothing wrong with a tiller, can be a PITA when trolling in windy conditions (especially if there are two or three of you in the boat).
  14. I currently have a 15 hp merc pull start tiller. If I had a choice, I would go for key start. Not that it is hard to pull start, but, the convenience of key is nice. Plus my next boat definitely will NOT be a tiller.
  15. I'm not sure if I still have the other pics or not, but, hey...strange things happen in fishing. Guess that is one of the great things about the sport that we all love. As long as we can't see what is happening beneath us, there is always that "unknown" factor. Cheers
  16. Then what is this fish????????????????????????????????????? I know what it is, whether or not anyone else wants to admit that it is possible, well, that is their problem.
  17. Well it is the one and only time in many years I've ever seen one caught there, Mike. However if you google online images of a gizzard shad, the fish matches exactly. Perhaps it was that one in a billion chance happening One other thought, just because wikipedia states it doesn't make it true.
  18. Then how do you explain the hooks inside the mouth, unless...it was a one in a billion snag that just happened to place the hooks inside the fishes mouth??? On another note, they have got to be the smelliest fish ever, make a musky smell good.
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