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Everything posted by trevy727

  1. Thanks everyone. I'll definately be down there soon with all the positive feedback.
  2. I've been wanting to fish the lower Niagara river by boat for some time now but I don't know if my boat is big enough to handle the currents. It's a 14.5' Grumman with a 20 hp Yamaha outboard. It has a fairly deep hull but I just don't know. I took it out in lake Ontario with a 15klm/hr wind and it wasn't fun. Needless to say, I didn't venture too far from shore and the wifey wanted to leave after an hour or so of 4-5' rollers. If anyone fishes the niagara in a small boat, I'd like to hear your experiences or any advice from anyone who has some. I'm not tlaking about running upto the wirlpool or anything like that, just want to fish around the mouth/niagara on the lake? Also where could I launch? Queenston? Thanks in advance for any info.
  4. Great looking fish. Too bad about all the injuries. Maybe steel toes and hard hats next year.
  5. West of hwy 69
  6. too bad for you. i just got back from the french river and caught easily over 80 fish. I thought the fishing was great. Mostly smallmouth and pike but we also got a baby musky and a couple walleyes. check out my report: zone 10 fishing
  7. went camping from Monday to Friday this past week and what a beautiful time it was. Fishing was good, even with the 3 days of 30 degree + weather. We targeted bass and pike mostly but caught a few walleye as well. We couldn't find the walleye during the day. We fished 15 - 40 fow with no luck until the mosquitoes came out around 9:30-10:00pm and then the walleye would start bitting but the bug bite was to much to handle. So we stuck to bass and pike fishing. We caught about 80 fish in the 4 days we fished. Here are a few pics A baby musky: All fish were returned to their homes so I can catch them again in a couple weeks.
  8. 16 inches, 2 lbs
  9. Drain it all and put back the proper amount.
  10. Drain some out the drain plug.
  11. Gowganda
  12. I'd say that $6000.00 for that motor is a very fair price if it's as good as the add says. "bought new in '06" "hardly used". If your 99 70hp is in great shape, you should get $3200.00-$4000.00? That's my guess. I'm no professional but I've been looking around for boats and motors for a while and just got one excactly what I was looking for.
  13. fantastic
  14. trevy727

    New Camera

    nice pics, i see the sleeping giant in the background of one.
  15. walleye and pike don't open until the 3rd saturday in may
  16. Have fun up there. I had a trip planed for May 11-16 up near wawa but we've post-poned it till Sept. due to the weather and the fact that I have knee surgery May 18th. The last time I went up there during the bug hatch, the fishing was real tough. All the fish we caught were nice but not enough for a 10 hour drive. The best fishing I ever had up there was right before the season closed in Sept.
  17. i sent you an e-mail the other day, when are you going to reply? I'm waiting
  18. Our annual spring trip started friday morning at 2:30am. We drove 4 hours to south river and entered Algonquin park at round lake. We brought my 12' boat and Buddy's canoe. We towed the canoe through round lake and portaged into north tea lake via 2 short portages where at the end of tea lake, we stashed the boat and motor in the bush and continued our trip by canoe. We saved about 2-2.5 hours by taking the boat accross the 2 lakes as they are very big lakes (30 minutes to cross tea with the boat, 2-3 hours by canoe). We paddled and walked for approximately 35-40 more klms carrying aprox. 170lbs of gear including the canoe. To make a long story short, it took us 11.5 hours (not including the 4 hour drive) to get to our camp site where we stayed for 2 nights and enjoyed catching some fine brook trout. We packed up camp sunday afternoon and portaged to a couple lakes closer to the truck so that monday wouldn't be as long as a day as friday was. Hope you enjoy the pics
  19. Most rocks are not marked. I know because I hit 4 of them last summer. Didn't do damage though, I definately don't go too fast in unknown water.
  20. I have that exact bag and it's not quite big enough for all my junk. I guess I have to much stuff, but I can't help it. Everytime I go into a tackle shop for some hooks or swivels, I end up spending $200.00 or more.
  21. Where can I get a chart? I haven't been able to find one any where
  22. What does IMO mean? sorry for the stupid question. I'm still drunk from last night.
  23. Both those fights sucked. They were more boring than GSP's last fight. At least GSP threw Hardy down a bunch of times. Edgar and Silva did nothing. Niether of them deserved a win.
  24. sufix braid, don't be affraid to go with braid. You don't have to start with mono, just pull 50-100 feet of line out and put some electrical tape on your spool to prevent big birds nests
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