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Everything posted by just2manylures

  1. I spoke to that guy last year at the fishing show. I never got around to booking a trip. Looks like fun though
  2. That pic has been around the net for a while now. I think it was caught in Finland?? 50lbs plus for sure on the 2many scale
  3. Another awesome report today from tip-up. That was a nice platter of Chowda...eh BBR?
  4. You may want to check with BPS because from a previous thread one guy said BPS was price matching anything including no tax.
  5. Hanging indeed. NKAM (Never Kill A Musky)
  6. Great report. Looks like a fun day
  7. MrEh sorry for the heart attack. I think I mis-clicked the arrows and it took me to the last page rather than the next page. My bad.
  8. Now that is a report!
  9. Whewww. Glad you made it out ok. You really should consider reporting that to the proper authorities. Like you said, we don't need a child being attacked by that dog. Too bad you got attacked by the infamous "skunk" though. I don't know what is worse, the dog thing or the skunk?
  10. muskyjust2manylures. That would take about 10 mins to sign in each day. haha
  11. I think your neighbour is a complete jerk for even bothering you about that. As a proud Canadian I expect to keep MY boat in the drive way of MY house. Hunting and fishing are part of our heritage.
  12. Great report CC. Keep em coming. We love to hear the reports on fishing that have pics.
  13. Thats an OFNCers dream if I ever seen one. The fish would probably hit anything
  14. Great report. But I say bring on the softwater!!! The holland river by my house opened up last night. But there are a few ice burgs floating around it still
  15. Rapala...thats the only one I know...or is that swedish?
  16. Some great suggestions so far. I am sure you will find the help you need with the OFNCers. What a resource we have
  17. Hi all, Yes I know the show isn't open yet, but I was wondering if anyone who may be heading down today could check to see if the lure making guy will be there this year? I still haven't got the blades for my famous 2many spinners. The season is fast approching and I am without a lure!!!
  18. Good on ya for reporting them
  19. Let me be amung the first to welcome you aboard to our board...hehe
  20. Take my post for what it is worth. I am not a salmon fishermen. Rarely does my smokercraft see water outside of Lake Simcoe. However I was an invited guest on a salmon trip to Lake Ontario a few moons ago. There were 3 of us in the boat, 2 rods had 20 lb flea flicker on them. The other had 17lbs mono. The mono would just become a mess with fleas. Do yourself a favor and get the flea flicker.
  21. some small twessers should do the trick
  22. shhhhweettt nice report
  23. Once you start to tighten a screw it holds. If you over tighten it cracks under pressure. I can't wait until the pubic (who has been screwed) crackes on the oil companies.
  24. Let me be amung the first to welcome you aboard to our board...hehe
  25. Well I think I am going to head down this weekend. Maybe even on the way home from work (if the wife doesn't need me home right away) one night this week. Sounds like those motorguides are great deals. I could use a new electric, mine is going to bite the dust this year I think. Last fall she was starting to make very strange noises.
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