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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Do a few searches on "fishing show".. you'll find what most hate pretty quick...
  2. Come this time of year Kenny... I think everyone is polishing tackle or washing it in their local stream/lake/river. Heck I might have to go fishing with Terry in my old port-a-bote this weekend.. terrible stuff.
  3. Gee and I thought Bern and Jen had gone out fishing alone! Some big cats there..
  4. Well I'm still 100% un-ripped off on ebay after 7 years. Guy left town for three weeks and had left the box with his company shipper to mail. Was still sitting on the shippers desk when he came back. Got it today.. 24 hours before Paypal would have paid out... 204 brand new spoons (retail $4.50 to $8.75 each) and a brand new maxi-mate box ($80)... all for $300 ! Think I have enough for the charter operation now... LOL
  5. Dang.. I guess we might have to go fishing together..
  6. Yah we can... The Temagami "outback" would be a good one too. ..and I recogize that South Arm tree. Not as appealing as your last Avatar mind you..
  7. While we'z on radios Terry... did you happen to see if you indeed had that adapter for my little radio antenna?
  8. HAHAHA.. Great stuff Carole.. sure beat what Cliff was doin !!!
  9. Great stuff Ranger !! Last month you couldn't net steelhead and had to tail them. This month it's the other way around. Thank god Muskie season starts soon.. ...
  10. You went fishing Joe... how'd that happen? Great day out it sounds... and food to boot. Now lets get into a week stretch of rain and 20 degrees please... sorry to those that bought in a flood plain...
  11. Couple rod holders and you'z good to go ! Congrats !!!!!
  12. You've gotta add 2008 to it Darren according to the new modified rules... Like has been mentioned above... we're getting toooo serious with this thing. OFC apparel was just fine the first round. You write 2008 on it this year... you gonna peel it off the boat next year?
  13. I originally looked at the date of the announcement and thought it was maybe an April fools joke....
  14. Note the two threads on BPS Montreal. One in news.. one in announcements.
  15. Leave an open bucket of water in the room to absorb the smell....
  16. Well you can ignore everything I wrote Peter... looks like the rules have been changed and it now says you have to have on the logo as well. I'm not writting on my hat/shirts/flag/towel... might have to rethink this.
  17. Some great concerns Pete. and like I said delayed release was on my mind a lot last year.. especially when fishing alone and especially that 38" pike shot with me standing on the end of an airplane float and then realizing I'd better get an OFC shot for the team as well. That took some work and the pike swam away just fine since it was cool. But there were many occasions thru out the summer, when it was hot, that I didn't bother looking for the ofncommunity.com paper in the glove box. Fish went back before I bothered... to get it on it's way. Don't think after the fact we/you can mandate everyone buying a hat/OFC wear.. just to be sure everyone is diligent at getting fish back asap.
  18. I didn't miss any point Peter...
  19. Wear an OFC hat Pete... legal marking once again ! ... and I think this is a great thing vs scrambling around to get the piece of paper in the picture. I wasn't gonna bother this year after noting the time delay of release to get a shot with the ofncommunity.com piece of paper.. one without it for the fridge/phot album... etc. Paper is always tucked away somewhere.. where as clothing.. OFC decal, towel, flag, are always handy.
  20. Put the coffee on... Cliff will be there at 7:30...
  21. Dang.. but you bought that boat a 123 years ago... I fish when ever I want as well... have for many years.
  22. Told ya it wasn't raining up here... lol
  23. Man Bob.. I would have never suspected you were quite that old....
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