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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Say hello to Lundboy for me HF.. and be sure to pay attention !
  2. Mag III ABU bait caster I bought in 1983... sent it in for the first time 2 summers ago..because I broke the line guide follower. $30 for parts and a full lube job,, good for another 25 years. Not sure what you're doin Kemper.... but we did have a Quantum spinning reel I bought for my daughter corrode in one season, just from getting wet. Corroded the shaft/bearing and made it tight to crank.. but still usable.
  3. Exactly Bernie and what I was getting at. When our son was born... I was a few weeks short of 21 and Leah was just 19..and we were on our third vehicle. I wouldn't have been able to drive them home under this crap proposal. When our daughter was born... Leah wasn't yet 21 and wouldn't have been able to drive her two children to the mall or the Doctors! Absolute crap. Bad enough kids don't seem to mature quick enough these days... do we need the governments help to delay this process even more?
  4. Great stuff TJ... now who's Dani ? LoL
  5. Hell.. I did that + on the Perth and North Gower Highways... Driving like most things in life.... some can do it, some can't. I don't think it has anything to do with age. Many can't build a bird house... some can built a whole house. Some can ride a bike... some can't. Some can catch a sheepie... some just don't wanna! lol
  6. Mike... get them all into a Doctor. Whiplash has a way of popping up a day or two later...and many times severe brusing/issues from the seatbelt when thrown forward.
  7. Great seeing you again Dan!! Some nice fish caught there. I'm getting red x's... but that seems to be the norm lately with pics hosted on myfishingpics... they show one minute and not the next.
  8. Yes... they work pretty good.. at least on a bait caster. Guess on a spinning you could put them above the first eye.
  9. 21 and you can't have more than one passenger. Guess Leah would have had trouble taking the first two kids to the mall with her and I wouldn't have been able to drive her home from the hospital with the first one! Absolute nonsense.... and new drivers have zero tolerance to start with as it is. One drink puts them over the limit they have for them anyhow. Why do we need to legislate more restrictions just because one out of a million got it wrong?
  10. Jesse enjoyed the shelter of her's last year in the middle of Temagami.
  11. Dang... I thought we were going to get scolded for our NF threads! LOL
  12. LOL Mike... there was some funny talk on the radio for sure !
  13. yah,,, that too ! Says it right there... in the rules you was supposed to read when signing up.
  14. NON-FISHING Skips the need to read them and the complaints that this is a fishing forum, not Dear Abby!
  15. Yep a great shot Terry... and yes I took it on your camera. A few fish I missed taking on my camera... and many of mine are on yours and Dan's camera only. No point delaying the release of these fine fish for extra shots....... which brings me to another beef from this weekend. The holes we saw dancing/hooting and hawlering that they caught a big fish... high fives... 20 pictures and then a gill hold triple summersault throw release back to the lake. Appalling..... some of the same lot that can't get the concept of trolling in the same direction as well...
  16. Sorry that I forgot your handle jet (that we met at the Ganny Fish clean station).
  17. Badger.. the only two fish that came from beyond the Ferry are the pics of Terry and Dan's fish in the heavy rain Saturday afternoon. All the other fish were caught in "one line land". We saw Sheldon's boat.. didn't know you were on it.
  18. Picked Terry up on Thursday afternoon and then Dano a little further South. Headed for Lloyd Daume's house, in Port Hope, in time to go out for supper. Now before anyone throws the spam flag...this wasn't a charter... it was 4 good friends (thanks to years on OFC) getting together to fish Quinte from Lloyd's boat. Lloyd comes to my cottage to ice fish... I go to his boat to fish.. twit for tat... not a dime changed hands... but we did throw a good amount of change to the fish gods and it paid off! With basically no sleep, we left Lloyds around 4:30am to head for Picton. Hit the Timmies for breakfast and the A&P for lunches. Got the boat loaded up and headed out onto the BOQ before sunrise. Got this nice shot as the sun broke over the horizon. It pays to be out early, no matter how much my body was complaining, as we had three fish in the boat before 9am. It also doesn't take a rocket scientist (no offense to douG! LOL) to figure out that boat traffic shuts them down. We had the area pretty much to ourselves and once the boats started jockeying for positon and others started jigging... they shut down. Fish push out and down....time to move elsewhere. We flipped a match book for "heads/tails" to get a fishing order. Terry/Dano/Wayne and Lloyd just pretty wanted to drive the boat while we threw the lines out etc. and dragged the fish back in. Speaking of dragging... as most describe the big 'eyes as wet socks we got lucky and had some fairly agressive fish. Peeling drag and lots of head shakes on the majority caught over the weekend (we put 16 out of 18 in the boat in 2.5 days). Pretty cheerfull bunch for 6am with no sleep. Dano waiting for Terry to get first fish on Day 1(friday).. ..and no sooner than Dano hitting the cabin, fish on for Terry. Then we saw Big Bird (Mike the Pike - Darth Vader) go by.. Dano's turn next with fish on and a shameless plug for Lloyd's business. Well Dan had his half way to the boat and another rod went off... so we got a nice double header One well equipped boat. If that wasn't enough Lloyd went out and blew $1000 on tackle last week in anticipation of our season closing (for him) outing. Terry with his second on. Tell us we're not having fun! Captain Lloyd Wasn't long before Dan had the next Friday fish. I caught another one, but nobody took a picture on my camera, and then Terry had one pull strong..even took the line out of the clip! One big ass perch. What a gorgeous day. +13C by early afternoon! Dano with another.. All in all we put 8 fish in the boat on Friday. 7 'eyes and 1 perch. Saturday it was still warm... about 10C at 5 am.. but raining pretty hard. That was fine... we had the reach to ourselves for almost 2 hours before all the hung over folks started coming out. We got 4 fish right away.. and then when other boats started running around that shut it all down. Terry with the second fish of the day (again my fish on their cameras) Dano up next.. I was up next and we were goofing around pretty good... and I lost it! Oh well.. my turn over. Terry up next and we thought we'd try it again.. Dano to the "bubble room" please! LOL And FOUR hours later..Dano well rested and Terry with a fish in the nasty weather. ..and then Dano another nice one Sunday I got my first little eater at 7am.. so it was Terry's turn and that meant Dano had to assume the positon again.. lol It was snowing pretty good throughout the morning and the fishing got tough. Lloyd went to change a lure colour... popped a line.. 5 cranks and bang. Got another nice little eater. We stuck it out awhile longer... pulled in the lines around noon and headed for Picton. Part of our plan was to haul Lloyd's boat home for him as well to conclude the season. We waited almost 20 minutes for some guy to "prep" his boat for launching and then finally got Lloyd's boat on the trailer. Then found a couple roller groups had rolled over. Before we could redunk it to fix another was loading their boat and locked the truck door. At least it was some friends.. and we had a good laugh and Lloyd and I got to refresh our coat hanger skills! Boat repostioned on the trailer and we headed for Port Hope. Got Lloyds boat tucked away and then went down to the Ganny to do some steelheading. Of course we can't post pictures of that one... might be someone's secret spot! Seriously... we used the fish cleaning station for the days eater catch. Met an OFC'r there as well...and I forget his OFC handle. Terry, Dano and I headed for home and into the snow. Dropped Dan... then Terry and then up the 400 I went with it getting worse and worse every mile. When I got on 93 I saw all the trees bent/broke and power off everywhere... right thru to Midland. Very few places lucky enough to have power. Many are still out around here, and so far we've been lucky to stay on the grid other than a few power bumps. Main thing noted again this year while fishing the BOQ. Most don't seem to understand what boat control is... or why they should have some. Just because you are on the right side of the pack and want to turn left.... doesn't mean everyone is going to go with you. Slow down and go behind... don't run the other off the troll pattern. Why when 10 boats are already going N/S... do 2 feel the need to troll E/W? Next year Lloyd's vessel will be outfitted with rocket launchers..or torpedos. Feels that will be much more "fun" than using the air horn all day long. Another thought was getting rid of out of date flares at BOQ each year..... I gotta say we weren't gonna do BOQ this year, and we were gonna go muskie hunting instead... but I had a BLAST with these 3 lads on the BOQ (other than the 4am wake up calls!). Gotta be the cheapest, travelling, fishing trip any of us have ever done as well in a long time. We bought our breakfast at Timmies... then went next door to A&P and bought the $3.21 sandwiches for lunch and went out to Shoeless Joes in Napanee for supper. Stayed at the Twin Peaks Motel for only $65 a night per room = $32.50 each! Gas for the truck to travel, accoms and meals cost us each less than a $90 day. Lloyd would take nothing for gas in exchange for me towing his boat home. Thanks again Lloyd, Terry and Dan for another weekend FULL of laughs, good times and hell even 16/18 fish this time!
  19. The Smoke on Saturday night! 20 minutes was all I could take ! LOL Great seeing you again Gerritt and all the gang. You tooo Joseph !
  20. What Gerritt said.... I used to get that message all the time and found my son had left file share open so he could access my computer from hamilton to "back door" our server.
  21. Saw some driving like that on the 400 extension and hwy 93 last night !
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