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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Merry Christmas TJ... to you, Monique and the kids! I like you have the only thing we need... everyone happy and the 3 young adults not even arguing today ! lol
  2. Thought some of you may like this.... my youngest (20) daughter built this for her boyfriend for Christmas. It's up to him what he wants to do with it from here... put a heat source in it for dehydrating .. or get a smoker unit to attach to the side...or both. Seeing how nice this came out... kicking my ass I passed when she asked if I wanted one built as well !
  3. Come on Bernie... you should be use to Slow... livin in Powassan and all !
  4. All I can tell you... is you don't wanna venture out on the lake now! These are shots from 3PM today (Christmas Eve) looking out towards Present Island from my F-in-laws. That's not ice... it's SLUSH!
  5. Thanks Mike... another 5 or 6 inches of snow here since around 2 PM. Supposed to snow all night and turn to rain around 10am tomorrow.
  6. Well sorry there Pike Slayer.. but I tried ! Like I said... get on the MNR site and start searching. It's there... my old book marked link doesn't work anymore! They'll be a work tomorrow.. for the morning at least.
  7. Looked like a good day on the ice !
  8. LOL Steve.. Lakers opening the 15th (Sunday) just screws things up. Why we are going up on the 19th at this point. Here's the satelite shot from Saturday. Totally iced over... and so is Nipissing lads!
  9. Funny part about the ice Jacques... Leah calls my neighbour to say we are 10 minutes away and he says.. "just be sure to tell Wayne to turn the radio up". Leah says why... he says.. "Wayne knows why". (can't hear the ice cracking that way ! LOL) Not sure when I can get back up to fish Jacques. Wish I could have stayed and fished for pickeral and whities. Have a full cabin of guys going up in February for 4 days of laughter. Hoping I can get up again in early January.. but don't know if that's gonna happen.
  10. Worse part is the deck Terry... Leah's glass railing worked like a snow fence.. and the drift is on the DECK !
  11. Made a mad dash to Temagami and New Liskeard yesterday. Left at 7:30 am... made Temagami by 11:35 .. picked up our neighbours off of Campfire Island and attended a funeral in New Liskeard for Walter Bowen... another of our good neighbours on the lake. A few OFC'rs have had the pleasure of meeting Walter... he kept the ice road thick and clean right past my dock. He was a strong and determined man, but unfortunately his cancer fight went from being Lukemia to into his bone marrow, the last month or so, and it was more than he could rise above. He will be missed. I took a few shots on our return from New Liskeard... as we dropped our neighbours off as the sun was setting. Yes I'm parked in the middle of the lake! Minimum of 14" of good ice. Docks locked in good and high this year = minimum damage! Got home around 11:30 PM. Unfortunate we couldn't stay up there for a few days and enjoy.. ice fish.. etc.. but too close to Christmas to do so. Dano... you've got a LOT of shovelling to do on the "trail" when we get back up there bud!!! If you look (really) hard you can see a second truck roof ahead of mine in the 2nd picture. Ice is good.. but we're not stupid.. parking = 80 feet apart minimum. I'm not saying you can go at it, in a truck anywhere on the lake... not at all. If you don't know.. don't go. Sled is safe, I'm told, everywhere on the lake. I knew exactly how thick the ice was before I reached Temagami... or I would have never driven on it.
  12. Mercer is always a great show to watch on a crappy day. I think Dave should shoot a fishin Temagami show! I may know a "charter" ! lol
  13. I had the stocking webpage bookmarked... but they revamped their website again.. so it doesn't work. If you search long enough.. you'll find it.
  14. Credit to this "guy"... heck our own famous Terry has a post up from fishing Cooks today !
  15. GREAT Stuff Terry !!! I never even thought... could have taken you with Leah and I yesterday and left you to fish all day on Temagami while we were at the funeral. We might have had trouble loading your frozen body back in the truck though.. as it was -22 to -27C throughout the day. lol
  16. I have one.. used it the last three years as a hand warmer... sock dryer... mitt dryer etc. while sitting out on the sled seat ! Not sure how warm it would get a hut.. but it would sure take the chill off. If not... I'll be firing up my 14,000 BTU on the 20lb tank this year! lol Thanks for pointing out the sale Roy.. it will serve many well and you get a couple days off the throw away tank.
  17. Probably starting to drive to Bear Island... and you can fish out there... but yes there are lakers/ whities in our bay.. it is 32 to 42 feet deep and there is a hole out from TShores dock that is 50/55. Usually that ice hut right out from my airplane dock fishing for whities.. it won't be there this year though as they sold their cottage.
  18. Nice TJ !! Now I need to know.. whom keeps him in supply of empty wiskey bottles?
  19. Exactly Dawg... always a few superheros around here. Hope they never find a vent hole out there in the dead of winter.
  20. I think we'll continue to pull the second guys hut.. behind the first guys hut.. behind the cutter... with rope ! Where we go the only thing the OPP check for.. is your fishing licence! lol. Never have asked for ownerships/insurance. Have asked to see fish pics on camera and all and all are some great guys.
  21. Was just letting you now it's safe... in the bay at least.. further out probably getting close, if you went for one of your "drives" and wanted to fish. You know where to get on the ice road... it goes to my dock and the island across from me. If you go over to the Island and talk to Doug, he can probably tell you what the ice is like further out. They're living there full time now and he's the new "keeper of the road". We had as service for Walter Bowen yesterday.. the old keeper of the road.
  22. It'll be slushy I bet... lots of snowfall last night thru Huntsville/Gravenhurst, that we saw first hand at 7am this morning.
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