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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Even if you, EVER, do catch more John... you'll never be as good looking! lol
  2. Man.. Life's gone full circle bud! Hope the accoms are better this round! LMAO
  3. Good luck with her Dave... and I'll be the third to say get her over to London's (or Toronto's) Sick kids if they're still scratching their heads today where she is right now.
  4. "Miss a couple days"... he was here last night doin his usual stirrin ..... Maybe that all got removed and appears he was absent! LOL
  5. ? is.. does he have an obligation to call police?? Maybe he went back to his motel to call friends and to sort out how to extract the thing. I know if I went thru at my camp in Temagami the last phone call I'd be making is the police. It would go... neighbour on the next island... then my local realestate agent (certified diver that oversaw Matt going after the truck last year on Temagami in 80 FOW) as he knows everyone and could put a recovery crew together. While that was being done... the police would end up in the loop. I see the guys all parked together at this time of year using much more lack of judgment than this poor sap that found the thin spot. Vehicles should be parked a minimum of 80 feet apart on 12 inches of ice!
  6. I'm told it depends on your insurance company.... but there is absolutely nothing in my policy that says I'm not covered if I'm not on an "official" road. If that was the case you wouldn't be covered on some subdivision streets, parking lots, your laneway etc. ..and that video is hillarious (not for the owner). Pull the truck out upside down... and then break it in half using the skidder. Watched all parts of that last week.
  7. Sorry for your loss Steve. How old was Brian?
  8. Hey... at least this guy was smart enough to keep the engine above water... That takes skill to keep the heavy end up. I drive on the ice in Temagami.... so I'm not gonna comment about this guys Ford and his bad luck/adventure. I hope none here that are handing out "awards" ever drive on the ice. It's always a possiblity no matter how thick the ice is thanks to vent holes and people that like to rip across the ice. Under 20KPH is a good speed when ice is at minimums and ANY time when within a 1/4 mile of the shore access point... otherwise the shock wave under the ice will blow out the ramp access area. Window down and seat belts off as well. And 24/7.. do you have first hand knowledge the guy was drunk... or just the verbage you read on fish hawk of them finding the owner at the motel later that day?
  9. Great stuff !! Now you've gotta tell us.. who was the lucky one that got the snuggle bunny?
  10. Some GREAT fish there Larry! Thanks for the porn..
  11. My auger wouldn't cut on Friday. I apparently made the mistake of snugging the blade retainer bolts before we left. Should have left them alone... I backed them off and didnt' tighten as much and it cut fine again. Would suggest as roy pointed out that blade angle is critical. Gonna look at it today to see how you can shim them curved blades.
  12. Corvette.. dropped off my dead Ford and got a loaner from them... then drove to the Chev dealer in it and dropped the lug bolts on the managers desk and he said "I already have your truck booked for 9am tomorrow as we don't have any lug bolts in stock for today". If your wheel is damaged we'll get you a new one of those as well.... So hopefully I'll have my trucks back by Wednesday... and then we can take a serious look at my wife's truck that's doing some "complaining" as well. Hasn't been a good week.
  13. Great stuff Bernie !!!! Now with a mother so Beautiful... what happened with you Bud ?
  14. Won't be travelling anywhere my !! Wasn't fun I'll tell ya... large rain drops freezing instantly on the windshield with FULL heat/fan on and only way to keep it partially clean was to keep pumping the winshield cleaner fluid to it (2 full jugs used today). Outside temp was -8C.... Conditions were this way all the way from just West of Kingston to Bowmanville... then again for most of the ride up the 400 just a few minutes ago. Left Ottawa at 3:30.. just got home at 11:30. Lots of cars went off roading... and the worst are the middle lane... 40KPH with the 4 ways on.
  15. Yes.. see them two seats Steve! LOL... Frabil Trecker.
  16. I didn't get a shot of that one Lloyd... I think Terry got it on his camera. You didn't yell loud enough for deaf ol' me to hear "FISH ON !" !! Good luck today... I'm back on the road as well.. but not for "fun".
  17. Great stuff Simon. Wish they hadn't screwed up Zone 11 for us for Lakers.
  18. Ours was 8" black.. 2" white measured. Lots of sleds on it. Not quite that far east.. but most of the way there.
  19. Feel like you're talking to yourself yet Ramble ! LOL About 10" where we were today.
  20. Just a coincidence... he was fishing with Ron.
  21. Nothing got nailed down that "works" Sinker. Lloyd takes the don't touch the rod at all approach and Keith light/mild jigging. I tried both... had lots of fish follow.. no committers.
  22. Come on Steve... you know better than that... Not my fishin hole... I'm not coughing it up.
  23. I've got three of them Buster... and I'll beat him over the head instead as I don't want my snap on stuff in brown !
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