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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. That'll teach you to be a caring individual ! Some nice pike there Waterwolf.
  2. What Tybo said and did you drop any plugs before install?
  3. Guess you're gonna have a rude awakening when winter comes back next Thursday eh....
  4. Well the flyer doesn't say what is for sale.... but I gotta go to CTC anyhow tomorrow...so I'll see what I can spend. If I get a few augers at 1/2 price how many na sayers want to buy them at 75% retail?
  5. I darn near called you... and it appears I should have fella !
  6. Sleep.. what do you know about that Andy...
  7. Well sooner or later... CO's now have the ability to lay liquor charges in Ontario. You cannot consume alcohol anywhere in Ontario but on your own property or rented property/campsite etc. The only time you can have alcohol in your boat in Ontario is when taking it from one residence (or the store) to your campsite/cottage/house etc. Houseboats or boats with a FULL head and sleeping facilities... MUST be anchored before anything gets poured. Nobody on board can, legally, drink while underway. Unfortunately not like the USA where you can sit on the Capital Buildings steps and drink a beer... not that I'd ever do that... ... now back to Lake Kipawa info... I keep thinking of flying over there one day from my place in Temagami.
  8. That won't buff right out ! Too bad alum won't shrink like steel does by heating and throwing wet rags on it. I know how I'd be fixing it.. as I don't like welds on thin aluminum....but that would be the quick way if you have the ability to weld it. Otherwise I'd be cutting out the bad areas and riveting in patches. It's also might amaze you on how much of that may just go back into shape with some hammer/mallet work. I'd start at that mangled keel strip and try to get it close to straight..then try working the hull sheets. Get something heavy and hard up against the hull and work it from the inside with a big rubber or better yet wood mallet. You may get it close enough.. add some reinforce strips above the hull sheet and then alumimum filler and paint. That side panel is gonna be a ----- though... but if you hit the right spot first, you never know!
  9. Yep.. and the detail gets better and better. Anyone that wants to hit the back country of Simcoe County may wanna hit this map, that my son has been doing lots of work on as IT Coordinator for Tay Township. It has detail that is absolutely amazing.. because it's done from aerial photography at low level.. not satelitte. Bad part about it... township uses it to see what you've changed in your yard !!!! http://maps.simcoe.ca/
  10. Bernie... lol Buy it Darrell and we'll go to Taledaga and see how it does against mine.
  11. Crips Joe... by the time your Grandkids come along you'll be telling the story that we went 400 miles each way by dog sled, two days in a row, just to fish for Brookies! lol
  12. So now we've got 3 lawyers around here to make fun of eh.... lol Good stuff 4eyes!
  13. Say what... I hadn't posted on this thread... didn't want to up my post count! lol
  14. I'd lose all respect for you Darrell if I saw you in one of those....
  15. LOL Mike... I've got lots of aluminum if you wanna do it the right way. I built everything in that airplane except the wheels/tires, propellor and panel instruments
  16. Lottery??? Just get a drill out and start building !
  17. Yah... but you already said no to "this" one! lol
  18. Well you can... if you notice in the first picture of the airplane the skis are down. Don't do that on glare polished ice. I weather cocked and was blown straight to shore from the middle of the lake before I could get the engine shut down.. door open and jump out hanging onto the wing strut to get it to stop going like a curling rock before I hit shore! Note all the other shots are wheels down!
  19. So with OFC down for a day + I got so much work done in the shop that the boss gave me a day off. Sunshine, not too cold.. a bit of a breeze and the solution of what to do with the day didn't take long to figure out. Somehow I've been hooked onto this dumb sport called ice fishing and it didn't take me long to get my vehicle loaded up! Moments later I was saying goodbye to Penetang around 10:45 am..... and hello to the gorgeous view of Georgian Bay Port Severn outflow is starting to work it's magic on the ice. Only 14 minutes later I was settled in and fishing Matchedash Lake ! Didn't mark a darn thing for about an hour... so I moved up the lake a bit. Didn't mark anything there either... so I gave it 30 minutes and then packed up and decided where to go next. Outflow from Six Mile Lake into the pool. Heck.. why not fish Six Mile.... Gave it a quick circle looking for structure and open current areas ....and a total of 12 minutes after leaving Matchedash I was marking a school of fish! Trying to get them to cooperate ..and wouldn't you now ! Played with them for about an hour... hoping something big would come along, but nope... so packed up and headed back towards home. You take the long way... I'll take the high way.. Then I decided to make it a triple play. Why not fish Georgian Bay. Gave it some thought... checked out the current areas and then picked a spot out by Governors Island. So 10 minutes after leaving Six Mile Lake I was set up and jigging way out on Georgian Bay! Was marking some stuff on bottom in 68FOW that wasn't cooperating.. wandered around a bit and then came back just in time to see something just going off the screen that was marked about 30 feet down. Brought my spoons up and it came back. Took a bit of coaxing but it hit hard. Peeled dragged.. thinking I had a nice pickeral coming up I was surprised by my first ever Lake Herring.. and a nice one at that. And you wonder how them Muskie's get big! lol The auger makes a great camera holder ! Sun is getting low... time to go.. Headin towards home 7 minutes later I was home in the yard at 4:55pm! Now the only question is... why'd I wait this long to get hooked on ice fishing. Total travel time to do 3 lakes and get home 43 minutes. Total fuel burn.. 4 US gallons = 15 litres !
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