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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Last time I drove by there....about a month ago... it said $5 !
  2. LOL Jeff... I'm the other way.. I wouldn't accept the weld ! Do you have a hand riveter and a drill Mike?? If so send me a picture of the hole and PM me your mailing address... I'll make you a patch and send you a drill bit/ required rivets and sealer to help you out.
  3. I hear ya Shayne... and great stuff Simon! I fished with my mother for the very first time 2 summers ago... she was 81 at that time !
  4. 220 down to 211... all them holes in the ice did me good ! That and working steady each day in the shop and skipping the fruit loops for a few weeks ! lol Now if I could just dump that 6 liters of Pepsi a day.....
  5. I've followed this vehicle for awhile... best example in 50 years. I'd have to have a real close look at those wing lock pins though... but no differnet than a corsar with folding/rotating wings. "By law it can only land and take off at an airport"... ya right ! lol Nice straight stretch with three lanes.. right about Marion Lake on hwy 11 ! lol
  6. If it's that warm and sunny I'd be wearing my Colombia UV30 shirt !
  7. Had those "womens" pony tail hats in say Red.. they might sell ! Pink.. lol..
  8. The great thing Fidel is every day we fished an area in the morning and again on the way back in the evening. I bet we drilled 200 holes alone in this one area trying to determine the structure. At one point I'd gone so far off the tip of an island, drilling holes 20 feet apart, that Lloyd was going to drive me back for my sled! We did this partly to find the drop off and fish thru the ice... but secondary finding how it's all laid out in relation to easily visible landmarks so that I can downrig the area without hanging the balls on the 20 foot shelf that stretches over 600 feet out from an island that we thought would get deep quickly (and according to the charts it's supposed to). And Will.. speaking of Joe.. he's AWOL.. but then again it's Spring Break so maybe the wife swept him off to somewhere.
  9. West and East ??... do you need your compass swung? lol Bluff is on the East shoreline of the North Arm.... we were fishing the Northern end of the rock face. Nadda.. nothing and the wind was bruttel .. we moved on.
  10. Yah.. well.. you had your chance! lol. Would never have found that trail if it wasn't for a frozen sled track in the ice!
  11. That's Delmonte in the Pines Resort in Orillia Bernie http://www.del-coin.com/delmonte/index.html Edit: Dang.. Rob beat me to it... lol
  12. I'd already have the key in the ignition Peter !
  13. Hut was off the North West end of Bear... half way to Garden Island John You haven't forgot the way have you Paul.. saw no signs of life around Rick's. No packed path even.. but I think he blew his airboat motor as he had me quote one 2 weeks ago.... We drilled 45 holes in Secret.... 25 of them on the feeding flats at the South end.. the rest along the East shoreline. Tried the same baits we had excellent luck with on Browns but to no avail. Wasn't 'till we got back to the camp that I realized Secret has lakers in it... we should have fished deep instead of shallow! Nothing but work from here on out Brian... 'till May 10th that is... We'll be back to the lake May 10th(God Willing).... 'till late September...maybe well into October. Drop in if you head to town for beer... I mean groceries...
  14. LOL Terry... yes it was ALL Daume's idea !!
  15. Nice stuff Tony... you're a man of little words! lol
  16. Man that's sexy... and what a van tooooooo ! lol Beauty Hun..... great to have something new and warranteed !
  17. Always Ron... and snoring... Lloyd does !
  18. The only real thing you should be looking at is wire gauge. Dishwasher is usually hard wired with #12 yet #14 is sufficient if running nothing else off the feed.
  19. Non issue.. many stranded wires are 600V rated.. your solid feed is 300 v rated and you're only feeding it 120Volts.. have at 'er !
  20. Ummm. nothing better than the "Team Sinker" guy has for us ! lol I could have stole Lloyd's pickeral for a photo shoot... but we'll better that in November anyhow.
  21. Now that there is funny.. I don't care who you are...
  22. Lloyd buried his best friend a week ago last Monday and needed a holiday... me, well I'm game most anytime. The usual suspects and then some were invited... but it ended up being just the two of us. This worked out very well anyhow... as it allowed us to run and gun with ease to learn more of the lake, it's structure and fish movement. Lloyd had just bought a sled from Mistyriver on the way thru Toronto heading for Temagami.... had his insurance slip in hand already and changed the ownership when he hit Barrie. This made travel great for our selves and gear..... but it did take it's toll though thanks to lake conditions. I headed for the lake about 11am on Tuesday. Arrived to find my neighbour had my laneway all prepared for me. Good thing our recently deceased neighbour, Walter Bowen, had the old dozer in the back yard on their island or this slush/snow wouldn't have been moved. I fished off our dock in 25 FOW for a couple hours while waiting for Lloyd to arrive. He made pretty good time... left work at noon in Port Hope.. to Markham to grab his, spankin new to him, 1996 Grand Touring Skidoo. Licence bureau, grocery store for our provisions and still made Temagami by 8pm just as the sun was disappearing. Now anyone that has fished with Lloyd knows sleep is apparently over rated! lol.. up at 5am and out. Thank God the clocks went forward... he let me sleep 'till 5:50 each morning and we fished 'till 7 or 8 PM most days. Wednesday was about 5 degrees and a tad slushy to start out. WIND.. 90 K and gusts. Made hut set up extremely dangerous.. and we both have bruised foreheads and noses to prove it... from when the huts went "auto set up mode" a few times! We moved and moved trying to get out of the wind. Here we are up by Bear Island off the entrance to Kokoko Bay. Found a wind break and fished for about 30 minutes. I snagged something with both lines and lost two hooks.. moved 35 feet and snagged something again. Tree/phone line/hydro line I don't know... just know I'm short three baits. Lloyd on the other hand... well he can pull a rabbit out of a hat it appears. We then headed further up the lake and found someone's hut, hopefully not John the Fishermans, had tumbled for about a 1000 feet. We picked up the wreckage... fishing rods.. axe... heater.. propane bottles and put it all inside the wreckage and moved on. Lloyd wanted me to try out his sled... so here he is driving my train headed for home. We couldn't take the wind anymore and couldn't get out of it no matter how we tried. In at 2:30 on day one. Temps dropped so quick the snow flash froze in less than an hour and man what a ROUGH ride home that was. Next morning up and out early (6:30) and it was -21C but thankfully sunny. Didn't take Lloyd long to get the first..... and second Amazing how fast 7:30 PM comes when you're havin fun ! Friday brought -25/26C.. but again sunshine... and again high winds. Shameless spam.. lol Shortly after... our first whitie of the trip and the only fish of the day if I remember correctly. Just so you know what I caught... You're a funny guy Lloyd ! Next day out, not far from home, we came across this mess. I have no problems with the fish etc on the ice ( the birds had it gone next day)...but why kill the ling for nothing... and ummmm the illegal chub bait is not good. Setting up in the early section of the North Arm We caught nothing there.. marked lots like many places... just not interested. They'll follow but not hit and it started to get frustrating. We talked to many on the lake and the same was the norm most everywhere. Decided we'd go hit a back lake, Secret, and despite drilling 45 holes.. we couldn't buy a fish there either. Beauty spot though ! Smacked my auger on the way out.. bending the throttle lever.. cross bar etc. Just one of many things buggered in 6 days. Abandoned cabin on the way out of the trail Decided to hit the renowned Rabbit Nose Bluffs on the way back out. Doesn't look that big 'till you spot that hut at the bottom of it ! Didn't mark or catch anything there.. Gave it a bit..and note Lloyd is sitting in 70 FOW that close to shore. and then headed in just before dark stopping in Portage bay so Lloyd could pull a Whitie from someone's old hole. Saturday it didn't take us long to get into some fish. Changed our tactics a bit and it worked. Released.. Sunday was so gorgeous... after 4 days of high wind Sunday was dead calm and hit about 10C. Didn't take us long to decide we didn't wanna pack up at noon.. so we didn't and stayed the full day and overnight. Heck we'll fish Monday tooooo. Can't beat hot soup on the ice... And hot sandwich wraps... The end to an absolutely beautiful day on the ice... well almost the end. I talked Lloyd into staying out after the sun had gone down completely... and I don't think he was too upset with my request ! Monday Lloyd got up at 6 and headed out... I just couldn't do it... stayed in bed 'till 7 with 5 hours sleep! Soon after me arriving at our meeting spot.. Lloyd with another. and another We headed in at noon and I had Lloyd on his way by 1pm... well until he stuck his van and sled trailer thru the upper crust of the ice road. Pulled him out with my trusty ford and he was on his way. I packed up.. winterized the plumbing again and headed over to my neighbours to check out their building progress. Just after arriving their kitchen cupboards showed up. YES driving on the ice is a way of life... And as for the busted stuff. Anyone pulling a hut take note. We lost most of the bolts/nuts out of both our huts. NYTROL don't mean ....... ! They loosened and fell off ! Llloyd had carriage bolts break the heads right off on his. Lost UHMW wear strips. Lost hitch pins. Lloyd's 22 year old auger that has been everywhere... power head bolts backed off and we had to dismantle the gear box to tighten them up. My hut is full of holes... from the hoop tubes bouncing and rubbing thru the material. The handle even fell off my coffee pot that I boil the soup water in. Lloyd left his hut way behind one day and I had a good laugh... then 2 hours later... he got the laugh. Lost my snow shoes and found them later.. Lloyd had his rod bag fly out of his COVERED hut and also his seat cushion. All found. Other stuff broke as well... it seemed to be endless... but our sleds ran perfect... all 380KM we put on them !! Minimum ice thickness we found anywhere on the lake was 24 inches. Many places the auger handles were just above the ice at break through. Should do this every week... lost 8 lbs drilling over 200 holes.... Now bring on the soft water... the boats ready to go.....
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